Welcome all fellow physicists and that includes you, regardless of your age, education, gender or religion. It even includes those of you who call yourself a “Physicist” or a “Physics Teacher/Professor”. This essay is a brief journey back through delusional quagmire of the English language that has mired our minds this past three or four centuries. We are going back to our ancestral beginnings to be reminded in the more compassionate state we were all born into and to periods when the word “physics” had profound, sustaining meaning in nature.
Through and Beyond the Quagmire
This is no ordinary quagmire in Earth’s crust that we are about to venture into.
This quagmire consists of the quick sand of our most shifty emotions.
It forms a maze of self-reflecting, self-deceits.
Its clammy mists trap us in paradox and ever inward-spiraling thoughts.
It would have us speak one way, have us do the opposite and be oblivious to the dissonance.
It is perhaps the most lethal quagmire humans have created in known history with the capacity to have us destroy ourselves in nuclear warfare, global pollution, mineral depletion and genetic destruction.
It is the quagmire of the human ego gone berserk for want of compassion.
So first let us enjoy a few moments of compassion so we are better able to travel safely through this terrible quagmire of the ego to rediscover the original meaning, the true nature of “physics”.
It is helpful to understand the ego in our psyche is divisive, delusional and exclusive of nature.
By comparison, compassion, the ego’s complementary force, is connective and inclusive of nature. Compassion reminds us in the ways of the universe, the cosmic principles enabling all existence. These vital principles can enable us to transcend the dictates of the ego, the limitations of thought and our paradoxical human condition.
Perhaps the greatest principle of physics is the Conservation of Energy Principle. Its message is simple: energy is continuous, universal transformation and is so bounteous it can usefully be called a constant i.e. it is conserved and is the ultimate resource.
And what is the most inclusive definition of energy? Fundamentally, energy is the universal potential, all of which is active. Energy is change of any and all kind with any change informing all other change. All forms are of energy; no form is energy.
As with any and all other forms of energy, a human being exists as a unique, finite balance of the universal forces. And, like all sentient beings, our existence in this form involves a degree of awareness of the state of balance of our human form – both within and without.
In any such moment of self-awareness we experience will*. We become wilful.
The force of the ego (the “I”) arises simultaneously with its complementary force of compassion in these moments of schism or division of our consciousness. We become subject to both the delusions (wishes) of the ego and the true hopes (wishes) of compassion to some degree.
The gift of life is being able to enjoy a balance of these forces in our psyche so we can transcend our human condition and optimally enjoy harmony with the principles or ways of the universal transformation. We are moral, mortal beings, whether we like it or not.
- Note: the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) root of the word “will” is the word “wel” meaning “to wish” while the PIE root of the word “wish” is the word “wen” meaning “to desire, strive for.” These meanings remind us we have volition, the capacity to choose. They also remind us we are creatures of hope, existing as a flux of the delusional hopes of the ego and the true hopes of compassion. Without compassion, our desires become insatiable cravings and psychosis prevails.
Sifting Compassion’s Kernels of Truth from the Chaff of The Ego
Information being physical, it is subject to the principles of energy. Hence we are our language, informing all even as we are informed by all.
This means our use of a symbol (including words) simultaneously reflects and generates our state of being. As a rule, our state of well-being depends on how relatively harmonious and dissonant our lifestyle~language is with the ways of the universe, especially the Conservation of Energy Principle.
This great principle of the universe will be our touchstone of reality and sustainability during our journey.
Here is the analytic framework and a draft map of our journey. The sign posts showing word-meaning in any era is provided by https://www.etymonline.com/

Here is a more inclusive definition of physics:
Physics is understood to be our compassionate awareness of existence, all of which involves the ego and paradox.

The beauty of employing The Conservation of Energy Principle as our guide is that it enables us to transcend several thousand years of meaning at a glance. The ego is less able to bog us down in endless, divisive debate about minutiae and we are better able to see the fundamental patterns of language and behaviour.
One pattern is clear: the words “matter”, “physics”, “nature”, “bringing forth” (creation, procreation) “being”, “existence” and “gene” seem inextricably interwoven by a common thread: the word “action” with its PIE root *ag- “to drive, draw out or forth, move”.
Observe how these meanings are all beautifully in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle with its advice that existence involves continuous change, the continuous universal transformation, continuous rebirth, continuous resource and the drawing forth (manifesting) the finest universal potential.
Also observe how relatively inclusive these meanings are.
“Material” is that which is of “matter” and matter arises from “mater”, from which arises the word “mother”, the one who gives birth. Birthing and being are paradoxically the same*.
Note: nowadays a mother in the Anglosphere does not so much give birth to a baby as have her baby “delivered ” or set free and “liberated” by doctors.
Similarly the PIE word “ag” meant both to “drive” (push) and “to draw forth” (pull)
Our modern dualistic English is unable to transcend these paradox of force and movement. Thus we have the phenomenon of “car drivers” being said to “drive” a car while existing in a bubble of ignorance of the enormous forces involved. Most so-called “drivers” could barely move the car, whether by pushing or pulling with all their might. Hence they have little idea and are even delusional of the impact of their actions amidst the universal flux. They are oblivious to the terrible geopolitical forces driving wars for minerals and the trashing of Earth’s atmosphere.
Recall how this essay defines energy as the universal potential, all of which is active. Observe how the original meanings of “physics”, “matter” and “nature” were all active – “being, birthing, giving birth, existing, growing, making grow, bringing forth, nurturing etc”.
It is clear this reference to personal activity implicitly involves us human beings in the universal transformation i.e. we are integral to the universal potential and its manifestation.
This brings us to very subtle questions best asked with compassion. For instance, assuming energy is the universal potential, how can we experience it in the most sustaining, liberating ways? How can our words~deeds “drive” (elicit or draw forth) its finest manifestation? In other words, how can we better transcend our human condition, our inherent uncertainty, our finite, paradoxical nature?
Perhaps this quote may help express the subtlety of these questions:
Physics, in Aristotle, is the science of what the Greeks called ‘phusis’ (or ‘physis’), a word which is translated “nature”, but has not exactly the meaning which we attach to that word. … ‘Phusis’ has to do with growth; one might say it is the ‘nature’ of an acorn to grow into an oak, and in that case one would be using the word in the Aristotelian sense. The ‘nature’ of a thing, Aristotle says, is its end, that for the sake of which it exists. [Bertrand Russell, “History of Western Philosophy”]
Let us reflect a moment on the metaphor of an acorn. On first glimpse it would seem that the “nature” of the acorn is to grow into a giant, 800 year old oak. But no oak tree stands alone long. It requires the company of a plentitude of flora and fauna to thrive. For instance, it requires a vast microbial network under the ground and animals, such as squirrels to moderate its seeding. Is it the nature of some acorn to be stored and eaten?
In many ways we can never know the ultimate reason for our existence and why we exist. However nature exists and so we do. So how do we best transcend this state of uncertainty. How do we draw forth the finest manifestations of the universal potential?
Eight Simple Steps to Enjoying Greater True Hope in Physics
- 1 Understand and embrace The Conservation of Energy Principle.
Put simply: change is a constant and all is continuous universal transformation. - 2 Know that every moment of self-awareness involves the ego (the “I”), compassion and paradox.
Put simply: we all experience self-deceit and delusions to some degree. - 3 Cultivate compassion, for without its inclusive force, the exclusivity of the ego prevails and traps us within the limitations of thought and paradox.
Put simply: enjoy humility and kindness for your self because this enables us to better enjoy science and learn from our errors. - 4 Know that all information being physical, it is subject to the principles of energy and we are information beings.
Put simply: understand how and why we are our language. - 5 Use words with compassion for they simultaneously reflect and generate our state of being according their degree of harmony with the wisdom of the Conservation Principle of Energy.
Put simply: the more we know what we are saying, the better we are able to transcend the incredible trickery and deceits of the ego. - 6 Seek out, treasure and endeavour to use words that have the most open, inclusive meaning possible for they better enable the universal potential to be manifest in the most wonderful, sustaining ways.
Put simply: without compassion, our language becomes exclusive, mean and delusional, thus diminishing our lives to a world of deprivation and misery. - 7 Know that our human form, in common with all the other countless possible forms of energy, is a fleeting, unique balance of the flux of universal forces, informing all even as we are informed by all.
Put simply: we are all mortal, moral beings regardless of what the ego would have us believe. - 8 Be mindful we are all part of the vast information system, which is the cosmos, including all the sentient living cells of our bodies whose wisdom has sustained their form through billions of years of solar, tectonic, climatic and other change.
Put simply: enjoy humility and ask existence, “What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say and to whom?” When asked with compassion, the answer tends to be far more insightful and rewarding than could ever be willed or imagined.
The Weird and Wonderful Ways that Truth is Sustained.
History is always written by the victors yet the Truth is always out somehow.

What are we seeing when we read the cartoon catalogue of the etymology of the English language in the context of changing behaviour and the Conservation Principle of Energy?
For a start we are reminded that empires arise and pass away while providing their unique overlay of meaning on the common language of the colonized indigenous peoples.
Is spoken language more potent and enduring than written language?
If the former is more potent, then it could be we are seeing the meaning inherent in the lives of true Conservatives – those people who lives were most in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle. In which case, we Non-conservatives of the Anglosphere with our Crown dialect of English have much to learn from their ways with words.
There is also some evidence suggesting that verbal and danced transmission is more accurate than written transmission.
If written language is more potent , are we reading the only views of an elite – the rich, literate scholars of etymology and history in general who thrived under each regime? We cannot be certain.
There is research indicating that higher levels of education enables people to develop more sophisticated rationales justifying their unsustainable behaviour. The deceitful ego thrives in more ingenious ways in the most erudite, intellectual people so, for instance, they are more vulnerable to compartmentalizing their existence, such as dividing and dissociating their academic work from their own personal lifestyle. In this way truths can be manifest to us through their rigorous research without them being aware of it.
Who can truly know who are the winners and who are the vanquished?
The Jesuits converted the Chinese emperor and his court to Roman Catholicism and in the process introduced revolutionary concepts of universal education, health and justice to Europe.
The Normans conquered all of England except The Crown (City of London) and in the process enriched the English language, now the dominant language of Commerce on the planet.
With these caveats in mind, let us briefly explore our heritage in a compassionate (humble, open, honest, inquiring) way.
A Journey from Being to Self-denial?
From sustaining potential to hopeless dystopia?

Images of planet Earth giving birth and nurturing us as women do still persist in The Age of Reason and the Combustion Revolution. The scene is idyllic compared to the painting of the hellish scenes of Coalbrookdale By Night in 1800
Earlier I suggested one pattern is clear in Proto-Indo-European times: the words “matter”, “physics”, “nature”, “bringing forth” (creation, procreation) “being”, “existence” and “gene” seem inextricably interwoven by a common thread: the word “action”. This clearly includes human action amidst the universal interaction.
This indicates Indo-European cultures were relatively in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle
The PIE era was 20-50 centuries ago. These days the Crown dialect of English prevails, particularly as the global language of Business. This dialect gives a radically different meaning to these words, indicating a radical change in the beliefs and norms of our English culture this past 3-4 centuries.
“Physics” is now defined as:
“the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force”
“the natural science of matter, involving the study of matter,[a] its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force.”
“Matter” is now defined as
“any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume”
“Nature” is defined by 1715 as
“the material world beyond human civilization or society; an original, wild, undomesticated condition”
and today’s Wiki
“Nature… is the physical world or universe. The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science. Although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena.”
Observe how the role of human activity and morality is now almost entirely excluded from these definitions.
“The science” referred to is just a narrow way of thinking, an amoral way of deduction.
“Science” is also now defined as a body of specialized knowledge, the domain of an exclusive elite who call themselves “scientists”. ** Science is almost entirely divorced from our daily lives and considerations. Indeed 99% of people are officially deemed to be non-scientists.
The next essay in this series asks the question: “What is Science?” It will include discussion of how and why it is much more meaningful and sustaining to understand science is a state of being we are all born into and a profound moral way of being.
Many of us grow-up believing our language has conveyed the same meaning since antiquity. We rarely think to question what we are saying. So it can be a surprise, if not a shock, even unbelievable to learn the meaning we give a word or phrase may be a very recent invention. It may now even have quite the opposite meaning to what its language engineers intended. They may have been speaking or writing sarcastically and/or ridiculing contemporary ideas and practices in the heat of a debate. They may even have been a little drunk at the time.
An exemplar is the definitions of “Physicist” and “Scientist” in common use now.
“As we cannot use physician for a cultivator of physics, I have called him a physicist. We need very much a name to describe a cultivator of science in general. I should incline to call him a Scientist. Thus we might say, that as an Artist is a Musician, Painter, or Poet, a Scientist is a Mathematician, Physicist, or Naturalist.
[William Whewell, “The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences,” London, 1840]”
Sometimes there may have been a debate between two renowned word-smiths such as the one between Johnson, who argued for “ick” while Webster successfully argued for “ic”.
Did “ick” means something quite different ïn Old English to the Latin “icus” and French “ique”? Why might “ist” have been preferred to “er” as in philosopher?
Often such seeming trite change in preferred use reflects profound changes in the beliefs and behaviour of a people.
We do know that perhaps the most radical belief system in known history was emerging in England during this period. Some call it “The English Industrial Revolution”. Its advent coincided with what these same people call “The Enlightenment” and “The Age of Reason”. It also coincided with the vast expansion of the English Empire, enabled in part by the extensive use of slavery, narcotics trades (sugar, opium etc) and steam-powered military force.
A more truthful name for this radical system is “The English Combustion Revolution”. Fundamentally it is founded in the notion of the merchant bankers constituting The City of London Corporation or “The Crown” that it is their divine right to burn the biomass (both living and mineral) of Earth at their will to maximize their personal profits. Their rampant combustion of mineral biomass is the critical prime driver of the global military, agriculture, transport, extraction, smelting, communication and other systems enabling the Anglosphere Empire.
Nature (the universe) is what it is and we are our language. The truth of our activity is manifest in our language.
Fundamentally The Crown culture is founded in the delusions of these merchant bankers that they uniquely exist separate from and above the principles of energy.
This radical dissociation from reality is reflected and amplified to this day with The Crown dialect of English now dominating global commercial transactions and with the City of London Corporation remaining the dominant “financial centre” on Earth, backed by an unparalleled array of Anglosphere military bases and operations around the planet.
In terms of the psyche, this radical dissociation from reality is manifest in our contemporary use of the English language. We see it amplified in our Anglosphere monetary, education, legal and other institutions, these being concentrated distillations of the qualities of the ego . Fundamentally it is the natural (inevitable) consequence of the ego gone berserk in a culture because its institutions lack compassion.
The cartoon table illustrates how the words “physics”, “matter” and “nature” have been the radically dissociated from reality. This denial of the principles of energy is not an exception. Rather it is symptomatic of a deeper syndrome, a wider malaise. The radical transformation of the meaning of these word is far from being an isolated phenomenon. Those who have not yet read the other essays in this series may find this summary selection helpful:
“What and Who is a True Conservative?” illustrates how the word “conservative” originally had compassionate meanings of caring for, protecting and keeping intact ones environment or surroundings. The word became dissociated from these compassionate meanings with the advent of the English Combustion Revolution. Now a “conservative” is typically used to describe the least conservative (most wasteful and polluting) people on the planet.
“What is The Environment?” illustrates how the word “environ” was originally associated with the act of surrounding and the state of being surrounded. It was only given its current extremely exclusive meaning of “ecology” in 1956, a word now often conflated with the current exclusive meaning of “nature”.
“What is Warming-up?” illustrates The Crown’s profound, ego-derived dissociation from the Principles of Thermodynamics. These remind us that all things exist as exquisite balances of simultaneously warming and cooling. The Crown’s conflation of Warming and Warming-up is complete denial of these principles, which advise us that a major change stage of state or transformation occurs when an imbalance of warming~cooling occurs, the temperature rises or falls and any thing effected ceases to be.
“What is a Resource?” illustrates how the word “resource” was originally associated with something that arises again and again. In the early 1800s the merchant-bankers of The City of London redefined it to mean any activity that adds wealth to The Crown, thereby perversely describing the combustion of mineral biomass as a resource. Hence the advent of Crown institutions such as Ministries of Energy and Resources, which express complete and utter denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle. Energy continually renews. Energy is the ultimate resource.
“What is a Fossil Fuel?” illustrates the extraordinary hubris of these merchant bankers. About 1832 they defined mineral biomass to be “fossil fuel” i.e. it exists for them to burn for their private profit i.e. it is for them a “Resource” though once burned it is not replaced for eons, if ever in the life of the planet.What is Energy
“What is Energy?” illustrates how the extraordinary potent word, “energy”, was for millennia associated with action, being active, which is in great accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle. However since about 1850, “energy” is defined as “the capacity to do work”, with “work” being exclusively defined as activity that adds wealth to The Crown. The extreme psychopathy of The Crown merchant bankers is now manifest in the totally delusional, radical equation now governing global commerce:
“Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = Bulk-generated Electrical Products”.
“What is Economy?” illustrates the danger and absurdity of the hubris of the human condition in general, The Crown and its legions of teachers, journalists and policy makers in particular.
For millennia “an economy” was associated with any act of frugality, care and stewardship, that is with compassion, inclusiveness.
This past century The Crown dialect of English, the dominant global language of commerce, denigrate and excludes such notions and actions of personal stewardship. It now associates the word “economy ” with a global system of planned obsolescence and deliberate, ever-escalating war and waste. Worse, Crown language describes this insane system as “The Economy”.
George Orwell based, his dystopian social science fiction novel “1984″ on his experiences working in The Crown’s BBC Eastern Service where he found himself profoundly compromised by the dissonance in what he believed and what he broadcast.
“1984″ was a warning to us of the dangers of what George called “News Speak” and “Double Think”. He could never have imagined the extreme psychopathy that would prevail after he died in 1950. The self-deceit and arrogance of the merchant bankers of “The City” became such that they believed were above and beyond the principles of energy, the ways of the universe. We see this sublime hubris in the commercial language of “Energy Consciousness” with its psychotic beliefs in “Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy, Alternative Energy, Energy Derivatives, Energy Futures, Energy Stocks, Saving Energy, Conserving Energy, Energy Production, Energy Consultants, Energy Corporations Energy Sectors, Energy (being combustion) Energy Trades, Energy Independence, Energy Crises, Energy Failures, Energy Wars,” etc.
The psychosis (denial of reality, disease of the spirit) of this Crown dialect of English is manifest in both the above fatally-flawed equation of energy and its consequent Anglopocene.
The Reactionary Response of The Romantic Movement.
Forces always come in pairs – Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

Contrast this image with the image of Mother Nature above
As mentioned, what some ego-driven English people called the Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment was for others the Age of Pollution, Slavery and Holocaust. There were those English people who opposed what they saw as the wanton destruction of nature, the scenes of bedlam, of mad confusion. William Blake wrote, for instance,
“Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence.
From these contraries spring what the religious call Good & Evil. Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy.
But the following Contraries to these are True …
Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy.
Energy is Eternal Delight.”
In common with many of his peers, William Blake searches for words to describe the vitality and nature of energy in his passionate response to the excesses of the English Combustion Revolution and in the process adopts the Descartian Mind-Body world view and other false dichotomies. Hence he, William Whewell, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the most influential people in the Romantic Movement propagated exactly what they opposed, as do it modern descendants, the global Green (Environmental) Movement. By adopting the language of the ego, they become an unsustainable force unto themselves and the rest of humanity
Towards a Compassionate World View
These are subtle matters best understood with compassion because they involve the incredible, ingenious self-deceits of the ego. Orwell’s terms of “News Speak” and “Double Think” have since been combined to form the term “Double Speak”. However they all allude to language that is deliberately designed to deceive people and obscure inconvenient truths.
The question arises: what is deliberate?
The answer is complicated because it involves the ego. Without sufficient compassion, the ingenious ego in each of us can have us remain oblivious to radical changes in the meaning we associate with words as our behaviour changes.
A classic example is the word “economy”. Even people who live conservative (economical) lives may often speak of our Anglosphere’s profoundly non-conservative system as “The Economy”. They may know in their guts this is nonsense but do so because everyone around them does. “The Economy” may not make good sense to them but they go along with the crowd, even blaming their own ignorance of the academic discipline of “Economics”.
To reiterate our conundrum: the ego is well capable of having any of us remain oblivious to
(a) the dissonance between what we do and say
(b) the radically changed meanings we give to words
(c) the fact our message may be quite the opposite we think it is.
Our history books may record that a person uttered something insane or very wise on a certain date in a certain place. So it is we have Whewell’s radical quote pertaining to Physicists, Scientists, Mathematicians, Artists, Naturalists, etc. These definitions became the foundation of the Anglosphere Empire’s world view, the framework of the English Education systems around the planet to this day.
Certainly Whewell was a polymath, Master of Trinity College and a member of The Royal Society (an institution primarily designed to ensure The Crown merchant-bankers controlled and profited from all knowledge). He was highly esteemed and influential in his time. However it is unhelpful to heap the blame him for our current dystopian, perilous state.
A person may utter a carefully chosen word or phrase and it soon vanishes in their cultural milieu. For the utterance to endure in the public consciousness it must resonate with the dominant ethos of a culture, which in Whewell’s case was the ruling oligarchy of merchant bankers of the City of London. His definitions were then propagated and implemented around the planet by The Crown’s global legions of clerics, professors, teachers, journalists, Government officials and other media who shared The Crown’s extreme form of psychopathy to some degree and profited from it in some way.

Nowadays many hundreds of millions of people , both teachers and students of “Physics”, cannot imagine any other definition of Physics. They assume it is their own failing if they cannot stomach the dehumanized, mechanistic character of its worldview, . They say they just don’t get/do physics. The paradox is they may well live physics far more than the people who call themselves “Physicists”.
“Chaos Theory” is the confusing English name given to the understanding of the underlying patterns, interconnection, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization of the seeming randomness of chaotic complex systems. The “Butterfly Effect” is a metaphor of this deterministic theory: a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas can cause a tornado in Brazil.
2,500 years ago Confucius detailed how our language is such a deterministic system and why we should speak with great compassion i.e it is wise to utter words with great care and to continuously rectify (correct) our language.
“When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.”
Confucius, Chinese Teacher 551-479 BC
The word “meaning” is from “sense” – “that which is intended to be expressed,” also “act of remembering”. It arises from the verbal noun “mean”
As with most words and phrases in The Crown dialect of English, the words “mean” has lost nearly all its essential, sustaining meaning since the 1600s and it is now used in confused ways. It is now used often as not as a pejorative to “demean” something or someone.
It may also have roots in *men- “to think” and is closely associated with the word “common”.
Some of its original meaning survives in mathematics where “mean” describes the state of “occupying a middle or intermediate place“.
This confusion about “meaning” bears all the hallmarks of the ego and at times when such confusion prevails it can be helpful to remember the ancient origins of a word.
The original PIE meaning of “mean” was *ko-moin-i- “held in common,” a compound adjective formed from collective prefix *ko- “together” (Proto-Germanic *ga-) + *moi-n-, suffixed form of PIE root *mei- (1) “to change; exchange.“
The noun “mean” has its origins in PIE *medhyo- “middle.“
This meaning of “mean” is compassionate and in wonderful accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle compared to the meaning given it in our modern English language. It makes beautiful sense of Confucius’s quotation. Its speaks of moderation in our actions, our common exchange with the continuous universal change.
In other words true meaning occurs in our lives when our lifestyle~language are in harmony with the principles of physics. See essay “What and Who is A True Conservative”
And what is the most meaningful meaning of the word “physics” in this more balanced compassionate, less ego-driven context?
Physics is far, far more than the study (“the science”) that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Physics is not just something one comprehends in a book or lecture and then forgets as soon as the Physics book is closed or the Physics lecture is ended.
Physics involves the active embracing of our Psychology~Physics, the true nature of our human condition.
It is the continuous cultivation of our intimate connection with the universal potential , all of which involves paradox.
It is the inclusive experience of humility and awe in our daily deeds, including our use of words.
It is the skill and experience of being in relative harmony with reality, the continuous universal flux, the universe according to the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Vision Statement For Compassionate Education Framework
Vision Statement For Compassionate Education Framework
Physics is understood to be our compassionate awareness of existence, all of which involves the ego and paradox;
Psychology is understood to be the learning of the skills required to balance the ego with compassion and transcend paradox.
Philosophy is understood to be the loving of the learning of this wisdom.
We experience physics and psychology as integral to each other – the learned and the learning are the same living process.

I graduated our NZ Crown Education system firm in the belief I was a failure at Physics, Psychology, Mathematics and Art plus secure in the delusion it was my divine right to burn the planet at will. Then about age 30 I attended a drawing class where I was instructed to draw the negative space of a chair. The ten minute activity taught me more physics and psychology than all my English “Science” teachers and professors had in ten years.
It was an “Aha” moment of unspeakable empowerment.
Watch Neil deGrasse Tyson on drawing pumpkins to get a small inkling of my enlightenment into the vital paradoxical nature of our existence.
These less ego-driven definitions inspire a radically different education framework to our current Crown education framework. Compassion is central to its vision and the prime objective is that all people will experience the qualities of compassion enabling them to enjoy the inclusive state of science, which enables them to develop all manner of sustaining arts (skills) including languages and civics.
In this context “science” is understood to be a profound moral state~way of being rather than merely an academic inductive way of thinking, the domain of an elite of people called “scientists”.
This more compassionate language enables us to embrace the reality of energy – the universal potential, all of which is active i.e. this more inclusive English is very clear that all potential is active, continuously changing.
Contrast this to current ego-driven delusions of The Crown that there exists “Alternative Energy”, “Non-renewable Energy”, “Energy Deprivation”, “Energy Derivatives”, “Energy Failure”and that some energy does not have potential i.e. there exists Potential (inactive) Energy and Kinetic (active) Energy.
All these delusions of the ego are fatal nonsense begetting and reflecting non-scientific, wasteful lives. They are meaningless terms and dis-empower human beings in miserable, even lethal ways.
Summary Statement
The truth is every human being is born a scientist, an artist, a philosopher, a physicist, a citizen, a compassionate person to some degree. The proof of this exists in the language that sustained us for millennia. Our liberation and sustained future resides in remembering the ancient wisdom of our mother tongue.
Inclusive | Exclusive |
Open | Secretive |
Honest | Deceitful |
Humble | Arrogant |
Generous | Selfish |
Sharing | Acquisitive |
Forgiving | Intolerant |
Trustful | Fearful |
List of the characteristics of the forces of the ego~compassion in the human psyche.