This Dear GUD cartoon was my attempt to portray our precarious, amazing existence to 12 year-olds.
The Dear GUD script reads: “
“Imagine trying to continuously change and mend all your clothes at once while riding a unicycle on a tight rope stretched between Earth and the Moon. The first 500 miles you are at risk of falling off and crashing back to Earth. Beyond that you are at risk of floating away into the vastness of space. And you have to hold your breath each time you take your space suit off. And the spinning Earth winds up the rope tighter and tighter…
Well, talking and writing about the ego is even more tricky….. However we could walk, swim or ride a bike with ease once we learned to trust our greater consciousness. Perhaps this trust enables us to lead a more balanced life in general?”
Adult Stuff
(Adult Discourse and Debate)
So just what or who is a true conservative? Our public discourse is rife with accusations such as “Me Left, you right. Me right, you wrong.” “Me liberal, you conservative. Me conservative, you wastrel.” “Me democrat, you republican. Me labour, you national. Me right, you wrong” “Me green, you blue, you red. Me conservative, you kill”. “Me new conservative, me neo-con, you old conservative, you liberal.”
So what’s the truth? Is anyone right or wrong in this constant media controversy?
The simple answer to all this frenetic finger-pointing and controversy is that it is all very unhelpful, a fatal distraction from reality. In order to best understand why this name-calling can be very deceitful and destructive, it may be helpful to go back to basics, our use of language in particular.
Perhaps it is helpful to first ask the question, “What is reality?” and then the question, “How can we best know what reality is?”
If we are clear about the nature of reality, then the ultimate meaning of “conserve” becomes quickly apparent.
Simple Reality
(Everything is ultimately simple)
Let’s keep this simple as can be. Sages for millennia have advised us everything is ultimately very simple. It is everything between the ultimates that seems complicated and messy to us.
Some modern theoretical physicists suggest the same. See, for instance,
Neil Turok’s Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything.
Its “a talk about the remarkable simplicity that underlies nature” and Neil discusses how this simplicity exists at the largest and tiniest scales of the universe.
Most of us have neither the inclination nor the technology nor the mathematics to explore the amazing simplicity he speaks of. We are simply too busy and engrossed in our daily acts of survival. However this preoccupation does often mean we are extremely aware of one thing: time.
Most commonly, even though we also know there is time to eternity, we feel time-deprived and time-pressured. Other times we experience the opposite such as when we are experiencing pain or imprisonment or boredom. Then time can seem interminable and we wish it would end.
Hang on A Minute -What’s with Time?
Time means something different to everyone of us and its meaning constantly changes with our every activity.
Time can be as far as the most distant visible star and it can be as near as our burning bread in the toaster.
Time in the form of a cloud or rainbow shining in the sky can appear and vanish in the blink of an eye.
Time in the form of an elephant standing on your foot can be enormous.
Sit on speeding train facing forward and time rushes at you, sit facing backwards and time recedes.
Einstein messed with our Euro-Anglosphere minds by suggesting time is relative. His Theory of Relativity confounds Newton’s simple concept of time ticking away like a universal metronome. This all becomes doubly weird when we know that astrophysicists use Newtonian physics to accurately predict the trajectory of meteors, moons and rockets far beyond the boundaries of our solar system.
Is there a simple truth about time? If there is, it is this: a simple truth seems to be that time is central to our existence and it is a mystery to us. To my knowledge the most inclusive answer to the question, “What is time?” is a statement like this:
Time means something different to everyone of us, it determines how we act, its meaning changes with our every activity and it frames our experience of change.
So we have the phenomenon of astrophysicists calculating stellar change in terms of light-years all day and not having any time to wash their coffee cups or walk a mile home.
This answer involving time and change may seem convoluted at best, circular at worst. What exactly is the relationship between time and change? And how best can it be expressed in words?
Problems with Words
(Paradox rules)
Words, an essential element of our human nature, are very much the domain of the ego. This means words are a very limited form of expression and subject to all manner of self-deceit. Words are also very limited because they cannot communicate paradox. This matters because all our experience of existence involves paradox and paradox is an anathema to the ego.

Those who read my essay “What’s with The Ego~Compassion?” will understand the ego is, by nature, the exclusive force in our being while compassion is our inclusive force. They both arise as one in any moment of self-awareness.
These are subtle matters of the human condition and our attitude to time and change are best understood with healthy balance of compassion, the inclusive force in our being, the complementary force of the ego.
The question arises, “How can we most meaningfully define time and change so we are better able to define what a true conservative is?” This is a vital question involving the Anthropocene and the very survival of the human species. So it is worthy of deep reflection.
Here is my attempt to answer this question in most inclusive way and you may notice it involves radically different notions of “energy”, “power” and “time” to those inculcated in us by our Crown English education system and other institutional media.
“Energy” is the universal potential, all of which is active. We are all vitally intimate with energy with every cell of our being yet no one can truly know what it is. This said, our ancestors gifted us a profound wise guide in the form of the Conservation of Energy Principle, which reminds us energy is continuous universal transformation (change) and it is so bounteous we can usefully considerate energy to be a constant, which means humans can neither create nor destroy nor conserve energy. For all intents and purposes, energy is. Energy simply is.
“Power” is a universal measure. It is our measure of the rate that the universal potential is manifest to us and this can be expressed in this simple equation:
Power = Energy/Time
“Time” is our experience of change and it varies with our every action amidst the universal transformation and this can be expressed in this simple equation:
Time x Power = Energy.
Our individual and communal experience of time determines exactly how the universal potential is manifest to us as in this simple equation:
Time = Energy/Power.
It is interesting to observe what occurs if we divide time by itself in the last equation. We get this simple equation:
Energy/Time x 1/Power = 1 or E/TP = 1

You may have noticed a pattern occurring . These definitions all involve both “1” and “I” in some way or another.
Energy, power and time interact to form a constant i.e. 1
All sentient beings experience time and change, no matter their type or size. It is only possible for me to speak of the “I”, the ego, that exists in human beings and even then I am barely aware of the lives and roles of the trillions of microbes constituting my human body.
The ego, born of the division of our consciousness, thrives in division and it has us live in constant dread and denial of the mortality of human beings. In particular the ego thrives in the domain of Newtonian time, Industrial Time Management and, in general, has us speaking of “taking time”, “keeping time”, “losing time”, “time scarcity”, “making time”, “wasting time”, “time being money”, “passing time”, “costing time” etc. By comparison, compassion has us speak of “treasuring time”, “valuing time”, “giving time”, “ generosity of time” and “the gift of time”.
The ego has us dissect time, divide time, categorize time and deny time. It can even have us obsess about the past and worry about the future so much that we are incapable of living in the present.
By comparison, compassion enables us to transcend the paradox of time ~ change so that past, present and future become a continuous one, the past informing us in the moment and guiding us in the future. As Maori whakatauki (proverbs) advise us:
“Ka mua, ka muri” – “Walking backwards into the future”
“Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua” – “I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past”.
The ego would have us feel frenetic and time-deprived whereas compassion opens us to all the wisdom and wonder that time can bring. Indeed compassion can enable us to transcend the moment and experience sensations of great meaning and timelessness in being alive. We experience a sense of harmony with all and peace at such times.
A Simple Picture of Reality in a Paragraph
Let us give a few moments of time and imagine with all our senses. Let us imagine a few of the countless. myriad forms energy possible – the winds in the trees, the waves on the shore, the sun on our skin, the pulse of our heart, the touch of the breath in our nose. These are all manifestations of the continuous universal transformation in which all forms are involved, each form continuously, evolving, devolving, resolving and dissolving; each form simultaneously being informed by all even as it is informs all; all forms being of energy while no form is energy; each form being a finite balance of the universal forces according to the principles of energy, or if you prefer, according to the ways of the universe.
All forms thrive, survive and perish to the extent their behaviour is in accord~discord with these principles of energy. |
This is the simple reality of our existence.
We experience this simple reality with all the sentient elements of our being. This reality is inexpressible in that neither thoughts can comprehend it nor words can communicate its true nature because it is paradoxical to them. If we are to attempt to describe it with words, then it is probably best articulated in the Conservation of Energy Principle, which can be stated thus:
“Energy, the universal potential, continuously transforms all and is so bounteous it can usefully be described a constant”.
In this reality, all the universal potential is understood to be active and change is continuous. In other words, we live this paradox: change is a simple constant.
This is best understood with compassion. Why? The reason is that we are better able to transcend paradox and enjoy the simplicity of harmony with all when this inclusive force prevails.
Observe how this statement is radically different to the more ego-driven statement that our Anglosphere central media inculcates us in:
“In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.[1] This law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du Châtelet,[2][3] means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.”
Observe how this dialect of the English language speaks of energy as though it is somehow exists as a separate, isolated or alien state from us human beings.
The statement speaks of energy as something we can act upon rather than as energy being action, as energy being the continuous, universal transformation.
Also observe how the statement speaks of “the law” of conservation of energy rather than “the principle” of conservation of energy. Laws are more the construct of the ego, “made to be broken”. Principles are more the construct of compassion, reminding us we are moral, fallible beings.
Such exclusive, delusional notions of energy clearly indicate the dominant influence of the ego in our Anglo perceptions of the nature of energy.
This severe lack of compassion is reflected in our delusional institutions and wasteful behaviour. It is revealed in the common use of the English language.
Observe how all our institutional media talk of humans being able to “conserve energy”, “generate energy”, “construct alternative energy” and “produce renewable energy”.
It claims there is both “potential (inactive) energy” and “kinetic (active) energy”.
It conflates a few “forms of energy” with “energy” i.e. completely denies the principles of energy.
And what are these forms that our main media call “energy”? They are primarily a couple of bulk-generated electrical products and combusted mineral biomass.
And why are these few things called “energy”? Remember there are countless, myriad forms of energy. Our Anglo teachers, journalists, money speculators and other “authoritative Influencers” deem these few, select forms of energy to be “energy” because the combustion of mineral oil~gas and coal primarily funds the activities of the extremely psychopathic merchant bankers of the City of London Corporation aka “The Crown”.
In reality, such delusional behaviour is a recipe for the self-destruction, whether it be of an individual, a society or an entire species. Without compassion, the ego can easily have us become our own worst enemy and commit suicide. The principles of physics prevail.
Towards a More Compassionate Definition of “Conservative”
Maybe you have read the earlier essay in this series, which reflects on the question “What’s with the ego~compassion?” If so, you will be familiar with the suggestion that we can usefully understand the form of energy we know as “the human psyche” is the product of two complementary forces: an inclusive force (compassion) and an exclusive force (the ego).
Both forces arise simultaneously in our psyche in any moment of self-awareness and their relative state of balance determines whether we survive or not as individuals, societies and as a species When in balance, we are better able to transcend the miserable limitations of thoughts (including words) and paradox.
Here again is a draft list of the qualities of each force. The qualities may well seem very familiar and hardly worth reflecting on – or so the ego would have us believe. It is compassion that enables us to admit these are all vital, paradoxical aspects of every human being, worthy of deep reflection:
Inclusive | Exclusive |
Open | Secretive |
Honest | Deceitful |
Humble | Arrogant |
Generous | Selfish |
Sharing | Acquisitive |
Forgiving | Intolerant |
Trustful | Fearful |
Connective | Divisive |
There is always a dynamic interplay between these two complementary forces in our psyche such that it is impossible to ascertain which quality truly prevails in our decision making. However information being physical, they are subject to the principles of physics, as are all forms of energy. Thus we can use truths such as the Conservation of Energy Principle as wise guides and helpful psychoanalytic tools. Put simply, these truths can better enable us to know what we are saying and why.

Ka mua, ka muri
“Walking backwards into the future”
The ego has us say, “ Trust me. Words are just words. I know what I mean. I know what I am saying. No time for this. I got to move on.”
The compassionate element in us has us be more patient, humble and inquiring. It invites us to give a few moments to being aware of the wisdom of our ancestors – it is our ancestral wisdom that conserved and bequeathed on us the clean waters, rich forests, vital soils and minerals, climate balances and all the vital resources that we and our children require to exist on this planet.
How was this wisdom manifest in the language of the sages past ages?
How might it inform our future in true hope of physics?
A glance back to our Proto-Indo-European times reveals a catastrophic change occurred to the meaning of the word “conserve” about 500 years ago. The word “conserve” becomes less about personal activity and responsibility, more about legalese, officialdom and certain exclusive, reactionary belief systems.
“Conserve” ceases to be much less about a personal way of being and much more about abstract systems and institutions.
Why does this matter?
Why might it be a catastrophic change in meaning?
Observe the synonyms of “service”at Websters Thesaurus when it is used with compassion: “kindness, privilege, grace, courtesy, mercy, indulgence, blessing, benefit, benevolence, favor’, advantage, godsend, manna”, – “manna” being the proverbial “gift from God” or gift from the Heavens
Also “maintain, aid, care (for), restore, right, refresh, renew, help, revitalize, cure, improve, correct, better, heal, rectify, fix up, enhance, ameliorate.”
Now observe the synonyms of “service” at Websters Thesaurus when the word is used in more ego-driven ways: “troops, military, soldiers, armed forces, servicemen, militia, soldiery, reserves, GI’s, armor, gendarmerie, men-at-arms, martial, paramilitary, mercenary, militant, enlisted, soldierly, warlike, militaristic, gladiatorial…”
And “agency, department, office, bureau, desk, branch, division, arm, subdivision, subdepartment”

In Non-conservative Crown New Zealand there is a Minister of Conservation, Department of Conservation and even a Director-General of Conservation plus a Ministry for the Environment and a Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.
So, why does this matter? Why might it be a radical, if not catastrophic change in the meaning of “conservative”? After all, we probably agree the meaning of words is constantly changing. What’s this etymological change got to do with a dangerous Anthropocene?
Recall how we all live the following psychology~physics: we all live paradox – the paradox of information in particular.
For instance, reality is continuous, universal transformation i.e. change is a constant.
For instance, all forms are of energy; no form is energy.
For instance, like all forms, our use of a symbol simultaneously reflects and generates our state of being.
For instance, we are simultaneously informed by all even as we inform all.
The simple physics of our lives is that all forms exist as unique, finite balances amidst the universal flux of forces, no matter how large or small a form is. The human form is no exception and we only exist as long as we are able to act in harmony with the universal flows and balances. We live and die according to our degree of harmony with these, whether as an individual or as a society or as a species.
Without compassion, we become paralyzed by obsession, addiction and cycling thoughts.
Without compassion, our words lose true meaning and they thus have us become delusional, living in denial of reality. We simply lack the language that sustains Mankind. This is the ultimate simple truth of our existence though, of course, things get messy and complicated for us when we attempt to disentangle individual, society and species.
Again a Quick Reminder about Words
(And a Simple Remedy)
Words can both sustain us and destroy us. They can easily do the latter if we use of them in ego-driven ways, for then our words have us act in exclusive, selfish, deceitful ways.
The simple truth is the ego arises in any moment of self-awareness and so it is active in shaping every word we use.
Words, and the thought process in general, are very limited in that they do not have the capacity to transcend paradox, the central aspect of our experience of existence. Hence words are very much the domain of the ego. This means our language can easily become our own worst enemy if we lack compassion.
It is our experience of compassion that enables us to use the inclusive language necessary for the universal potential to become manifest in sustaining ways. Without it, we become trapped in a miserable, destructive ego-driven spiral. This is inevitable because information is physical and subject to the principles of energy.
How might we better transcend our human condition, the paradox of information in particular? How can we enable the continuous, universal transformation to inform us is more sustaining ways?
One very simple suggestion is that we keep mindful of the truths of Conservation of Energy Principle, give a pause before we say something and ask these simple, compassionate questions, “What is the most inclusive use of this word? How in accord is it with the Conservation of Energy Principle?”
So how do such open, caring questions enlighten our use of the word “conservative”?
They remind us energy is conserved, it is as bounteous as our universe and it can be manifest in countless myriad, transient forms. We are information beings, momentary balances of information amidst the continuous universal transformation.
Fundamentally we are asking, “Who or what is the most true conservative?” and perhaps the most simple and profound answer is this:
The ultimate meaning of a “conservative” is a person, society or species that embraces the Conservation Principle of Energy and lives in harmony with the universal flows and balances that sustain Mankind.
— Attributions to the countless people over millennia who have rigorously tested the Conservation principle with great ingenuity and never been able to fault it.
Civilization or Extinction?
(It all depends on how you define “conservative“.)
The above simple definition of a “conservative” is conventional, normal belief and practice in many cultures. However it is very radical in terms of our Anglosphere culture, this being founded in the ethos of the English Combustion Revolution.
This ethos is an extremely radical belief system by any measure known to Mankind. No other human belief system is known to have willfully burned the biomass of the planet on such global scale, generated a global mass extinction of species and disrupted the climate balances that sustain Mankind.
Information being physical, this psychopathy of the Combustion Revolution is, of course, manifest in our language. So it is that our English language deems this culture of destruction to be “Civilization” and “Economics”, the antithesis of its reality of planned obsolescence, waste, pollution and mayhem.
Remember this simple definition of a “conservative” arises directly from the principles of physics and is inclusive of the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle. It is best understood with compassion, the inclusive force in our psyche that balances our endemic self-deceits, delusions, fears, hatreds and false division of the ego.
The ego will roil us in anger and indignation against such a simple, inclusive definition of a “conservative“. As mentioned, the definition challenges, even up-ends the common Anglosphere notions of social order and civilized behaviour.
Compassion calms and pacifies us with the healthy, liberating reminder that the principles of physics hold regardless of the inconvenience to the ego. We are liberated in awe, wonder and gratitude in being alive/
This simple definition is also liberating in that it reminds us that most human beings on Earth are actually true conservatives because their personal actions are in relative harmony with the flows and balances that sustain Mankind.
This simple definition is especially liberating for Non-conservatives – the minority of human being who are addicted to wasteful, polluting lifestyles. Many of these people sit, their fingers hovering over and poking at the technological buttons, keys and codes of vast dissonance, warfare and waste as they vainly attempt to satisfy their cravings and addictions. They sense the futility of this behaviour deep in their psyche. It whispers to them of a life wasted and doomed.
This sad fate is not inevitable for such people because they too can experience harmony in being a true Conservative living in accord with the ways of the universe. Indeed they can be disproportionately liberated and rewarded for their acts of true conservation.
There are an overwhelming number of graphs illustrating the insane inequity of Mankind these days. They explore this condition from an overwhelming number of ways and each perspective has its limitations. However they overwhelmingly point to the same reality: the vast bulk of Mankind’s waste, war and pollution is generated by tiny percentage of men (human beings) – disproportionately these being the Non-conservative Anglosphere populations and their colonial oligarchies. Here are two randomly chosen exemplars.


Even extreme Non-conservatives are now alarmed at this spiral to self-extinction.
Unreal Time ==> Bad Change
(A simple true-life exemplar)
Rather than dwelling on the escalating Non-conservation and inequity, it is perhaps more useful to understand the deeper drivers of this behaviour. In particular we will briefly explore how our ego-driven notions of time and change can distort our sense of reality. Here is a true life example in a nutshell.
Scene: winding, zig-zag public footpath on steep hillside in wealthy suburb in Wellington, New Zealand. A noxious weed – Clematis vitalba (“ Old Man’s Beard”) -sets up home in small tree above the path on Wellington Council land.
Time: The year is about 2004. “Council time is money”. Mineral oil is priced about $US40 per 42 gallon barrel. Assume the energy equivalent in a barrel is about 25,000 hours of man-hour labour if used optimally.
A labourer’s wage is about $16 an hour, the labour/hour equivalent of mineral oil is 16 cents.
Action: Council sprays bank with herbicide (more “time efficient”) rather than cut weed and spot-poison small clematis stump.
Time: Council action “saves 15-20 minutes”. However herbicide denudes bank and it predictably slumps onto walkway in next rainy season, my estimate it would take me about 3 hours to clear the walkway using a barrow and a shovel although I am slowed by the faulty aortic valve in my heart.
Action: Council hires contractor with truck and small digger to clear slump as I would have – time taken 3-4 hours. However digger tracks rip up much of the bitumen path when screwing around sharp zig-zag corners while accessing and departing site.
Council hires contractors (several labourers, two trucks, small mechanized bitumen transporters etc to remove damaged bitumen and replace.
Time: Walkway repair takes about 10 days on site.
Total manual labour hours approx 70 hours.
Total mineral oil labour hours approx 50,000 hours (2 barrels)*
*Action: the production of mineral oil involves the simultaneous existence of a unique climate state and continental formation plus vast solar (photosynthesis) activity for eons plus immense tectonic forces for further eons.
*Total time of Earth production process: 100,000,000s years.
The Power of Time
(Brief reflection on true-life exemplar)
True Conservationists are mindful of seasonal climate change and minimize disruption of the steep slope by gives a few extra minutes to personally snipping and spot poisoning the stem of the noxious weed.
If the described slip does occur, they clear it in about 3 manhours hours of labour with wheel barrow and shovel.
Non-conservationists act in a much narrower time frame and spray the hillside without care for future disruption.
Non-conservationists then completely ignore the eons of time it takes Earth to produce mineral oil. They simply turn on the ignition switch of their machines without reflection and expend the energy equivalent of perhaps 50,000 man hours of labour repairing the path.
They have no sense of the potential ways that this amazing, versatile mineral oil might have enhanced the lives of millions of humans for millennia.
They have no sense of time in the form of future generations of children.
In other words, this exemplar illustrates how people on the Conservative end of the behavioural continuum can act in ways that are 10,000s of times more efficient than those on the Non-conservative end.
This exemplar of extreme waste illuminates truths of the graphs of extreme global inequity. It shows how and why it is that the majority of men (human beings) can behave in profoundly more conservative ways compared to the Non-conservative behaviour of rich, most wasteful individuals and societies such as those of the Anglosphere. People in the Anglosphere destroy 10 times as much mineral oil per capita on average to people in China and 20 times as much as people in India.
The underlying reason for this behaviour is that the Conservative enjoys relatively sane notions of time and change whereas the Non-conservative is completely out of touch with reality.
Put simply according to the equation Power = Energy equivalent/Time:
The Conservative values their own time equally with the energy equivalent in the barrels of mineral oil destroyed i.e.
Power = 50,000/ 50,000 = 1
The Non-conservative ignores the eons of solar, photosynthethic, tectonic and other planetary forces involved and puts minuscule if not zero value on the same quantity of mineral oil i.e.
Power = 50,000/ 0 = undefined because Man’s systems of Mathematics breaks down at this point.
This physics is consistent with known psychology, biology and history. The Conservative person or society is unified by being in accord with the ways of the universe whereas the Non-conservative person or society becomes delusional and all their systems break down.
The Naming, Blaming and Shaming
(The Incredible, Ingenious Circus of The Ego)
It is interesting to notice two phenomenon of these Non-conservative peoples: they either call themselves Conservatives or they associate the word “conservative” with malignancy and denigration. Hence all the manic, meaningless name-calling and counter-blaming alluded to in this essay’s opening paragraph. And typically this is a rich middle-upper class phenomenon that occurs regardless of skin colour, religion or political party.
Worse. Since 1874 the architects of the Anglosphere culture have stripped the word “conservative” of any association with compassion and stewardship. This dissociation can be seen in phrases such as “a conservative estimate” where it means “cautious, deliberately low” and “a conservative attitude or approach” where it means “little or no change”. It even came to be a derogatory phrase since 1840 meaning “opposed to progress”. It is used by self-styled “Progressives” or “Liberals” to demean and abuse people who question the delusions and excesses of the Combustion Revolution.
True Conservation or Total Annihilation?
(Final reflections on what and who is a “conservative”)
Here’s hoping this essay achieves its prime objective, which is to communicate the reality that our notions of “energy”, “power”, “time” and “change” are inextricably intertwined and subject to the principles of physics. Their dynamic interplay in our individual psyche and in our society determines whether or not we survive and thrive. Any flaw in our use of any of these words is amplified in this dynamic interaction so our lives tend to unravel in unsustainable ways.
Our Anglosphere main media, including our formal English Education System, proclaims “time is money”. Even young children are subtly inculcated in this belief, with learning activities timed to the minute, readying them for exploitation as labour units in the “Market Place”. They are subject to escalating “time pressure” and “time deprivation”.
Anglosphere behaviour is perhaps most frenetic in the sphere called “The Business (Busyness) World”, the realm of formal market trades where time is measured in nano-seconds, the time it takes for a computerized transaction over optic fibre systems.
There is no compassion, no time for reflection in this frenetic culture where the worst psychopathy of Humankind is baked into the algorithms governing our general behaviour.
There is neither awe and respect for the wisdom and creativity of past eons nor care for the for the future. There is only the instant gratification of the cravings of the ego in this demented world and thus waste, pollution and warfare proliferate.
Our Anglosphere society is very Abrahamic and, though my Anglo teachers taught me much about the life of Jesus Christ several decades ago, I only learned recently he was primarily crucified because he tipped over the tables of the money-lenders in the Temples and banished them.
Fact or not, this legend of the prime reason for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ rings true because it became apparent to me while studying the English Combustion Revolution that the Anglosphere conflation of certain forms of energy with “energy” coincides with behaviour that is unsustainable to the point of insanity.
First the Anglosphere began naming and using mineral biomass as though it is energy, then enforcing currencies that have no true collateral in physics (e.g. currencies based on the belief in eternal mineral oil at $US25 a barrel) and then compounding this insanity by instituting the trade of “energy derivatives” – delusional bets on the future price of actual mineral trades. And now the Anglosphere society is imploding amidst a welter of money-printing, inflation, inequity, military conflict and general misery. Its what happens when men conflate and confuse money speculation with wealth generation.
Suddenly the quotes of ancient scriptures such as the Bible and the Qurán shine with an extra dimension of meaning for me, for they state in simple terms how the principles of physics prevail. Clearly these sages and those of many other cultures are aware of the importance of compassion and potency of the ego’s deceits and cravings, of our vital need to act as conservatives in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle. We are our language whether we like it or not.

El Greco – 1. Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork 2. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., online collection
The Christian Bible advises thus:
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
“Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth.”
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.”
“Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury…”
“So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”
Similarly Islam has long warned of the dangers of usury:
“Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Evil One by his touch hath driven to madness. That is because they say: “Trade is like usury, but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after receiving direction from their Lord, desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to judge); but those who repeat (the offence) are companions of the Fire…”
Epilogue to the reflection on the immense potency of mineral oil
Attribution to Colin Campbell, Richard Heinberg and other educators who first awoke me to the astonishing potential of mineral oil two decades ago.
The principles of physics are very clear about our options: a minority of men (human beings) can continue to fly in jets and own cars in the short term or we can all enjoy universal quality health, education and justice but we cannot enjoy both options.
All this is best understood with compassion and you are free to use it with care.
Other essays in this series:
Medium part 1 Tongue-tied by the English Language
(On untying the bonds of the mother tongue)
Medium part 2 What’s in a Word?
Medium part 3 What is Energy?
Medium part 4 What is Power?
Medium part 5 What is Economy?
Medium part 6 What is Warming- Up?
Medium part 7 What is a Fossil Fuel?
Medium part 8 What is a Resource?
Medium part 9 What’s with The Ego~Compassion?
Medium part 10 What’s The Environment?
First draft 31 May 2023