On 10 May 2024 the nation’s Crown “designated National Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster” (Radio New Zealand -RNZ) conspired with other corporate media to generate a state of National Emergency. This page contains my Formal Complaint to the New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA). It alleges Crown RNZ failed its statutory role on a number of accounts. These included its failure to investigate the true reason for a predicted national shortfall in Bulk-generated electrical product, failing to provide historical context the event, promoting private profit for a few at the expense of our most vulnerable citizens and actively using language designed to destroy the state of science in our communities.
Please note:
The RNZ and BSA complaint procedure allows a very limited time to assemble and lodge a wide-ranging Formal Complaint with RNZ.
Content of Page
The Formal Complaint to RNZ ( sent 27 May 2024)
RNZ request for clarification (11 June 2024
Clarification provided (14 June 2024)
The Formal Response from RNZ (received 25 June 2024)
The Formal Complaint to BSA (draft sent 12 July 2024)
The Formal Determination of the BSA (to come)
Formal Complaint to RNZ re National Emergency broadcasts morning of 10 May 2024
The standards subject to complaint
- Offensive and Disturbing Content
- Children’s Interests
- Promotion of Illegal or Antisocial Behaviour
- Discrimination and Denigration
- Balance
- Accuracy
- Privacy
8. Fairness
Sample quotes from RNZ 10 May 2024
“We are talking about running out of power here…”
8.55am RNZ Morning Report Ingrid Presenter
“Transpower says this morning’s power squeeze is over. The national grid operator asks people to where ever possible to reduce their energy consumption as much as possible between 7 and 9 this morning…”
9am RNZ Nicola Wright news reader.
“As the country comes through a(this) tight energy situation…”
9.05am RNZ Nine to Noon Presenter Kathryn Ryan
Global Context
A finite planet with 8 billion human beings, all of whom are now at grave risk because the unsustainable, psychopathic behaviour of a minority of men (human beings) has caused an unprecedented Anthropocene that now imperils the existence of Mankind.
This eocene is characterized by:
- global mineral and soil depletion;
- severe pollution of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere that is disrupting the climate balances and food sources that sustain us;
- escalating genocide and global warfare to enforce the Anglo petrodollar hegemony with the unprecedented threat of nuclear annihilation as I write with NATO moving nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction so close to Russia’s borders that the automatic trigger-time of nuclear-launch systems is reduced to a few seconds now;
- the dominant global languages such as English manifesting the complete denial of the principles of physics.*
- The Crown dialect of English has been the dominant language of global “business” and transactions in general for the past two centuries.
Note: My informal survey of The Crown’s notion of “energy” indicates it is now employed in the governance structures of national/state governments governing over 7 billion people , including so-called “Hermit Kingdoms” like North Korea. This system of trade and language is currently enforced by about Anglosphere 1000 overseas military bases around the planet, a number that dwarfs those of the nations of about 94% of Mankind.
The expansion of the Anglosphere Empire this past three centuries has been enabled by the belief that all manner of activity is acceptable if it adds wealth to The Crown, namely the merchant bankers constituting the City of London Corporation. In particular, this includes the burning on scale of Earth’s biomass – both living and mineral i.e. the so-called “English Industrial Revolution” is more truthfully described as the “English Combustion Revolution”.
Note: This psychosis is manifest in the common description of mineral biomass as “fossil fuel” and “energy”.
The adoption of this radical belief system and associated behaviour is manifest in equally radical changes in meaning of the English language. It has given rise to what can arguably be called “The Crown dialect of English “, having been propagated by the global media of the City of London Corporation this past two centuries. This is the language of all our corporate media, including our formal education institutions in Crown New Zealand.
The central belief and driving force of the English Combustion Revolution is summarized in the following fatally flawed equation of energy:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
This psychotic equation is manifest at the highest levels of Government, as can be seen in Anglo institutions such as Ministers and Ministries of Energy, Ministries of Energy & Resources, Secretaries of Energy, Energy Sector leaders, Energy journalists, Energy Spokespeople etc.
Crown media, including our schools and universities, have normalized these insane notions to such a degree that few people even think to question the syndrome.
Every element of this equation of “energy” is in complete denial of the principles of physics (the ways of the universe). Each additional conflation of the elements with “energy” amplifies this gross denial in exponential ways so in totality the equation portends the catastrophic collapse and self-destruction for societies founded on it. Other more sustainable societies are put at extreme risk in the process of the implosion.
The Physics Informing this Complaint.
All information being physical, it is subject to the principles of energy and we live paradox, including the paradox of information:
- For instance, all forms exist as dynamic balances of information amidst the continuous universal transformation, each form informing all even as it is informed by all.
- For instance, any symbol use simultaneously reflects and generates the state of the user.
- For instance, the sustainability (or lack of) of a symbol use depends on its relative degree of conformity with and denial of the principles of physics.
Hence we are language and our viability as an individual and as a society depends on our use of language being in relative accord or harmony with the principles of physics – the Conservation of Energy Principle in particular.
This principle advises us that energy (the universal potential, all of which is active) is continuously transforming all and is so bounteous it can usefully be called a constant i.e. we can neither create nor destroy it. We can only transform it and attempt to conserve vital forms~flows of energy.
Any and all forms of energy exist as transient balances of the forces constituting the universal flux.
For instance, any form exists as a dynamic balance of information amidst the universal transformation, informing all even as it is informed by all.
Similarly any form can be understood as a dynamic thermal, electrical, gravitational or other balance amidst the universal flux of change energy.
The psychology informing this complaint.
The form, which we know as the human psyche, exists according to the above physics. It is subject to the principles of physics as are all the other countless, myriad forms of energy constituting the universe. It too is a transient, dynamic balance of information, which can usefully be understood as constituting two complementary forces – an exclusive force (the ego) and an inclusive force (compassion).
Both forces of our psyche simultaneously arise in all our moments of self-awareness in a paradoxical ways that our thought process cannot comprehend.
Paradox is an anathema to the ego because it is characterized by exclusivity, acquisitiveness and divisiveness. It is ever denying our mortality and our roles as moral beings. By comparison, compassion with its qualities of inclusiveness, sharing and connectivity enables us to transcend paradox and better embrace the principles of physics and our mortality.
In brief, our human condition is such that the forces of the ego dominate our beliefs and behaviour when we lack sufficient compassion. Our psyche becomes unbalanced so we tend to become delusional and even psychotic; obsessive and addictive; alienated, abusive and even self-harming to the point of committing homicide and suicide. Without a balance of compassion, our lives are unsustainable.
The psychology~physics of energy.
Note re ~~. The human condition is such that psychology and physics are inextricably entangled.
We live the following paradox: every man (human being) is vitally sentient of energy with every cell of our being yet no man can know what energy is. The human thought process is inadequate and no word can describe it.
We live this conundrum: our existence involves uncertainty and yet it is contingent on our ability to behave in harmony with the principles of physics. We are only able to survive because compassion enables us to embrace the wisdom of the principles of physics. With sufficient compassion, we have the capacity to employ those insights as wise guides and to use them to evaluate the sustainability of our behaviour and language.
It is compassion that enables us to transcend the limitations of the ego and thoughts (including words). Perhaps our most enduring, wise guide is Conservation of Energy Principle, the truths of which this complaint alluded to earlier.
To reiterate in simple terms, energy is the continuous, universal transformation and so bounteous it can usefully be described as a constant. We human beings can only transform it even as we are transformed. We live and die accordingly.
As to our existential uncertainty, perhaps the most transcendent definition of energy is that it is the universal potential, all of which is active. Any form of energy exists as part of a greater potential both within it and externally to it. That greater potential can be appreciated electrically, chemically, thermally, gravitationally, informatically or from whatever viewpoint we choose to explore existence.
Compassion humbles us in our fallibility and enables us to embrace the vast, amazing, incredible nature of this universal potential. It enables us to have the universal potential become manifest in sustaining, enriching ways that the ego would never us imagine or will.
In this context, our capacity to use transcendent words is critical to our. survival. Perhaps the most potent description of our relationship with the vast, unimaginable potential is this simple equation: P= E/T where:
- E stands for “Energy” = the universal potential, all of which is active, everchanging;
- T stands for Time = our experience of the universal change;
- P stands for “Power” = our measure or determination of the rate that the universal potential is manifest.
The big variable in the equation Power = Energy/Time is Time. The equation can be restated as Time = Energy/ Power (T=E/P). Hence how the universal potential is manifest depends very much on our experience of change. We are our language and typically the acquisitive ego has us speaking “taking time”, “taking a breath”, “taking a moment”, “taking time out” etc whereas compassion has us speak of giving time in all its manifestations.
Hence the ego would have us view energy in an increasingly narrow, self-centred, exclusive way and so the universal potential is manifest thus.
Compassion would have view energy in an increasingly generous, inclusive way and so the universal potential is manifest thus.
So our sense of time has potent implications for how the universal potential is manifest – for better and for worse. And we underestimate the role of the ego in establishing our sense of time at our peril because the ego has an incredible genius for generating self-deceits and denials of reality of all kinds in us.
Fictional Exemplar of Time = Energy/ Power (T=E/P)
A team of rocket propulsion experts may sit all day in their offices calculating the trajectory of Voyager in interstellar space 24 billions miles from Earth and then their body clocks inform them it is “time” for deep rest.
All day long they have been thinking in terms of light years and vast interstellar expanses.
They may then sit in their car, switch the motor on and drive home without any realization of the reality they are combusting gallons of minerals they call “fossil fuels” in a matter of minutes.
They remain oblivious to the reality that the creation of these minerals involved a combination of unique solar and climate events, colossal tectonic forces and 100s of millions of years of transformation.
They remain oblivious to the vast potency of these minerals (perhaps 2500 manhours of labour/42 gallon barrel) for sustaining man generations to come and the ego can also have them justify combusting and transforming this vast wealth potential into long lasting pollution. Only a tiny fraction of that great potential actually moves the propulsion experts in their cars from “work” to “home”. The vast bulk of it is dissipated as waste heat and poisonous fumes.
This is an exemplar of the ingenuity of the ego to manipulate and manufacture our sensations of self-importance and distort our sense of time so the universal potential is manifest in ways that destroy Mankind.
In this exemplar, eons of solar, biological, tectonic, atmospheric and other activity are experienced as Energy/Power = “30 minutes of Time” driving a car.
We are our language and this exemplar illustrates many things about our human condition including the facts:
- we have the capacity to memorize, recite and calculate profound mathematical equations while compartmentalizing this particular activity from the multitude of our activities comprising our lives;
- our sentience of time can easily be impacted by the monetary and prestige rewards that our society accords our time – and commonly these rewards take no account of the overall sustainability of the lifestyle of the individual;
- we can remain blind and dumb to the great truths of seeming simple equations such as P = E/T though they staring us in the face and reside on the tip of our tongue;
- we have the capacity to conflate “energy” with “power” with “time” in our daily lives while failing to see these conflations reflect~generate lethal nonsense and insane behaviour;
- we have the intellectual capacity to suppress and deny the wisdom of our cells and microbes that have employed this equation to sustain their form through all manner of climatic, thermal, tectonic, electro-solar and other change for billions of years.
Footnote. This fictional group could equally have been a group of atmospheric physicists or a group of “sustainability” professors .
Biographical context informing this complaint to RNZ
The following personal experiences directly inform this complain to RNZ and Broadcasting Standards Authority. They form three broad, interwoven themes informing my life and our wider society:
-the role of the BBC (RNZ),
-the role of Civil Defense/Community Protection
-the role of “The Electricity Industry”.
Most of the above insights into psychology~physics arose from my experiences as a child” playing for countless hours in Waiorongomai “creek” and during my employ as a freezing worker concurrently with being a university student, as postie (NZ Post Office 1970-78), as a meter reader (Chch MED, Wgton Med > Capital Power > TransAlta > OnEnergy 1978 -2001) and a primary school cleaner~caretaker (2005 -).
I graduated from Canterbury University, Canterbury and Wellington Colleges of Education as a failure at Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, Engineering and Education. However they inculcated me in significant beliefs and information
In retrospect, much of my life this past 50 years has been given to unlearning most of that information, much of it being manufactured ego-derived mis-information and dis-information.
Radio New Zealand – a massive influencer
A far greater and most consistent influence in my life is Crown Radio New Zealand National. Perhaps my earliest memory in the 1940s was the sound of Big Ben in London booming into my sleep nightly marking the 9pm BBC World and Home News. My mother was a War Bride and my upbringing was one of reverence for the BBC as the global bastion of truth and civilization.
In the 1990s I was invited to be a member of the focus group of an RNZ consultancy at a Wellington CBD. I argued strongly that RNZ National is the university of the working person, including labourers like me, child carers, elderly and infirm. Its role is both essential and invaluable.
Few dispute the BBC is the dominant and most influential corporate media institution on the planet. Its impact in our region of the planet has been formidable since “The Asia Pivot” this past decade.
To this day I listen to and remain an avid student of Crown BBC (RNZ) for an average of 5-6 hours a 24 hour day. One reason is that RNZ National is Crown NZ’s official international voice and it is my Civic duty to know what this taxpayer-funded institution is broadcasting to the world in the name of all us citizens.
Civil Defense/Community Protection and RNZ
There is an even more vital reason why I am a student of RNZ.
Community Emergency Protection (Civil Defense) was an important part of my youth living on a relatively isolated Sheep Station and it forms up common thread through out my decades in NZPO, MEDs and schools (Civil Defense come Community Emergency Hubs).
All these institutions, including the BBC (RNZ division) are primarily information systems and critical in determining our response to Civic threats of all sorts. Their failure as information systems must result in social implosion because honesty, trust and cooperation is foundational to any civilization.
My experience is that a generation of Depression and WW11 veterans had learned the terrible lessons of collapsed civilization and put relatively high value on our NZPO, MED, Power Board and schools as Civil Defense systems.
Post WW11 generations however valued them as liabilities (inefficient) and privatized their information.
We are now experiencing a profound lack of trust in these vital institutions – especially Crown corporate media including BBC (RNZ), telecommunication companies, self-styled “energy companies” and our schools. This is loss of trust is documented in RNZ broadcasts.
This is relevant to my complaint against RNZ. Many of us who trusted RNZ for many decades now deeply mistrust it.
We even fear RNZ at times of extreme events of such as pandemic, tectonic upheaval, climate, currency collapse and warfare. We have witnessed how it actively promotes the conditions causing our states of Community Emergency, milks the subsequent misery and then perpetuates those dangerous conditions.
This mistrust is manifest in survey results indicating a significant portion of the populace now rate our Crown broadcasters very poorly – both “state-owned” and private corporate media.
NZ “Electricity Industry” -Language insights informing this complaint
In the 1970-80s we meter readers not only read the meters. We also calculated the bill, delivered it to the household or business and took payments. I might do this 60 times over a decade to households of every strata of society in all seasons. In brief, it was my great privilege to share the lives of thousands of households and gain unique socio-psychological insights into our society and its history, such as can never be learned at university.
I was known to generations 1900-1940s as the “electric-light man” and the “electricity/electrical man”.
I was known to generations 1940s – 1980s as the “power man”.
Generations subsequent to the 1990s would know me as the “energy man” and, if I was offering advice, their “energy consultant”.
In brief:
The early generation were informed by the horrors of WW1, The 1930s “Depression” and the failure of the privately owned reticulation companies. Distributed generation of basic needs was common (dwelling wood or coal burners, small diesel-electrical devices etc)
They date from the period of the “War of the Currents” (AC v DC) – the brutal battle of the merchant bankers (“The Robber Barons”) to control generation and reticulation systems.
The second generation were informed by WW11 as well the 60 democratic, freehold, community-owned urban MEDs and rural Power Boards that formed a network serving all Aotearoa.
They date from the period when communities owned the information of their local reticulation system, efficiency was a community imperative and ripple control systems were used minimize peak load for community benefit.
The third generation is informed by the post WW11 boom based on abundant cheaply extracted mineral oil~gas, the promise of unlimited heating and electrical resources from man-made nuclear reactors, the privatization of all community-owned information* plus many community grids as well, the delusion that a gross dis-economy is “The Economy” (Rogernomics) and this insane equation:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
The Politics and Wars of Information informing this complaint
There were those of us in the 1970-80s who saw through vast deceit that there exists abundant cheaply-extracted mineral oil~gas and that the conversion of its vast potential into waste and pollution using combustion and plastic manufacture must disrupt the ecosystems that sustain human kind. We saw great hope in the confluence of great new technologies (the advent of digitization and digitalization of information, solid state metering (v mechanical metering), optic fibre data retrieval, photovoltaic, new electrical storage systems (batteries) and cellphone systems. We witnessed and embraced the messages of James Hansen’s testimony to the US Congress in 1988 and the horrors of “Shock and Awe” slaughter of the Mesopotamian peoples in order to control and burn the minerals in their lands.
The messages predicated dystopia and we saw in this great confluence of new technology a vision of a sustainable future involving our community’s wise use of our vast solar-electrical potential. And we understood the capacity to democratically digitize and digitalize information electrically as crucial to the sustainable manifestation of this amazing potential.
An oligarchy of global merchant-bankers saw the same great potential and determined otherwise: vast personal profit, not community welfare was their imperative.
In the 1990s our Crown corporate media heralded the new century as “The Energy Conscious Age” and “The Age of the Knowledge Economy”.
These are both derivatives of the insane Merchant Bankers “energy” equation.
Its psychosis became manifest in a plethora of “energy corporations” (Meridian Energy, Contact Energy, Genesis Energy, Trust Power, Transpower,) “energy experts”, “energy media”, “energy ministries” constituting the “energy sector”, all attempting to attest they are the vital, bounteous, universal potential. Soon our broadcasters, journalists, politicians and teachers (especially “Environmental Educators”) were speaking the merchant bankers’ notion of “energy” fluently and children were conflating energy with power with electricity – just as previous generations of children had learned to conflate power with electricity in the 1920-30s.
In many schools merchant banker corporations such as Genesis Energy provide the default science curriculum now.
Crown BBC (RNZ) broadcasts indicate some awareness and concern about how the information of digital devices such as cellphones, personal computers, household appliances, cars and credit cards is now owned and manipulated by a global oligarchy for private profit. Most of this concern seems to be a Nazi-based diversionary tactic, focused mainly on and driven by fears of non-Anglo cultures, China in particular.
However RNZ broadcasts indicate little or no awareness of the potent role the mains electrical meter plays in our lives, this despite people like myself informing it in detail this past 30 years. See one of many examples at
2003 Sanity Check
A hurried antidote to save a national Radio NZ host after her interview with Professor William Hogan of Harvard University. He is one of the architects of New Zealand’s Reformed electricity system. Afterwards Linda Clark complained the “fiendishly difficult” topic always “makes her brain hurt”.
In brief, the primary value of a reticulation grid is its information potential. The reticulated products have minor value even though they be life-enabling. The wires, pipes, poles, meters and general nuts, bolts connectors have relatively minuscule value too though they are essential.
The electrical meter is best understood as a switch – a switch that can turn on or turn of worldviews as surely as they can switch off a person’s life. So, instance, the owner of the mains electrical meter of a household, whether it be the householder or community or private corporation, also controls the essential design of the house, the design of its appliances and how they can be used.
RNZ has been repeatedly informed of this reality including:
-the fact that the meters were priced as liabilities when they were privatized in the 1990s;
-the fact the Crown (Electricity Authority) deems the information in the household meter belongs to the corporation owning it, not the householder;
-the fact the Crown’s Electricity Industry Reforms strip all democratic rights from citizens and deem they and their information to be tradeable commodities.
Note By 2002 it is probable million citizens had been traded between companies without their express permission. For example, the failed Enronian TransAlta -OnEnergy corporation had owned over half a million households.
RNZ journalists and editors proved unable or unwilling to speak about this cynical trading of citizens or actively promoted it. Some dismissed it as “The Market at work”.
They certainly failed us all completely by not investigating and informing people about deep reasons for the massive TransAlta-OnEnergy collapse in 2001.
RNZ’s role in the 2011 Electoral Manipulation
My complaint details aspects of the untold history of the merchant-banker orchestrated destruction of Aotearoa’s solar-electrical potential for their private profit.
In brief, they orchestrated it using all manner of Crown media -both state-owned and privately owned. These media facilitated the destruction by using a ego-derived dialect of English founded in the above fatally flawed equation Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
This frames out holistic discourse about wise use of our solar-electrical potential.
People have asked me in light of US electoral scandals, “How much do you reckon it would cost to buy a New Zealand election? Tens of millions? A hundred million?”
They react with disbelief when I reply, “$6 million. That’s all.”
I explain The Crown (John Key Government) early in 2009 announced its intention to privatize Genesis Energy, Mighty River Power, Meridian Energy and Solid Energy.
Crown law gives private shareholders massive sway in “partially” privatizated corporations, as the partial privatization of Vector (24%) and Capital Power-TransAlta (49%) shows clearly. For instance, Private shareholders are effectively given management and sales rights under the terms of the sale,
I remind people that several months prior to the 2011 Election, the Crown gave $6million to the Electricity Authority (a Crown agent of NZX) and charged it to create a nation-wide blitz called “What’s My Number?” to promote the vast deceit that citizens have greater rights, opportunity and freedom under a privatized “Electricity” system than under community-owned systems.
I explain to people that (1) all our Crown media -including taxpayer-funded RNZ and private media -are complicit in the deceit and thus they required no extra funding and (2) all Parliamentary Parties for the previous decade had approved Consumer NZ (Powerswitch) millions of taxpayer dollars annually to perpetuate the deceit.

The $6million “What’s My Number?” campaign dominated the electoral landscape in the months prior to election day on a scale that dwarfed formal electioneering. It stared everyone in the face which ever way they turned. Wall-to-wall posters stared at us at railway and bus stations and from giant office buildings. It was on high rotate on TV, radio and broadsheets. Even corporations such as Pak&Save hung TV screens above every checkout counter broadcasting “What’s My Number?” advertisement.
This is how an election for the further privatization of our solar-electrical potential was fought and bought. The campaign ensured the nation did not even have the basic scientific language to frame, articulate and debate the central issue of that election: would we use our great solar-electrical potential to build our nation and sustain future generation or would we abuse that great potential to destroy our nation?
Three months before the election I posted the following letter to the editors of our main corporate media and uploaded it to my website. Only the Sunday Star Times editor acknowledged receipt of it, expressing interest and saying he would use it closer to the election. He failed to. After the election I asked what happened and he replied that for some reason he had “forgotten to put it in his diary”.
I repeatedly emailed the letter to different RNZ programmes and even delivered hard copy to its Tce headquarters requesting notification of its receipt. I received not a single RNZ acknowledgement of receipt despite my polite requests.
It is arguable that RNZ completely failed to act as a trustworthy broadcasting service and, by its silence, was complicit in a rigged election process and the privatization of our national solar-electrical potential.
The letter can be read at
“15 September 2011
The 2011 New Zealand Election Campaign
A letter to New Zealand people alerting them to the dangers of the huge hidden yet in-your-face advertising campaign promoting the sale of our national assets.”
Update Note: The Crown has since amalgamated the Consumer NZ and Electricity Authority campaigns. See https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/electricity-authority-and-consumer-nz-merge-price-comparison-websites-whatsmynumber-org-nz-and-powerswitch-org-nz
“Since 2011, the Electricity Authority’s What’s My Number campaign and Consumer NZ’s Powerswitch.org.nz website have helped New Zealanders check for potential savings, compare plans and switch their power deals.
Today, we merged the two websites to make checking and switching even easier for consumers.
“Merging What’s My Number and Powerswitch is part of the Authority’s wider programme of work to make sure New Zealand electricity consumers have easy access to clear information about different electricity deals,” says James Stevenson-Wallace, Chief Executive of the Authority.
The Electricity Industry Reforms – the ultimate delusion?
The complaint has detailed the psychosis of the belief that Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products. Here is a brief history of how this dangerous syndrome is manifest in the laws of Crown NZ, causing social breakdown.
1975 To my knowledge, the first NZ Government reference to the creation of a Ministry of Energy is a record of a 1975 Labour Government cabinet meeting.
Background: major widespread panic and social breakdown in aftermath of 1973 “Energy shock” (OPEC limits mineral oil sales), Labour now unpopular and deputy PM Bob Tizard suggesting construction of Nuclear Power Station i.e. Bulk generated electrical products.
1977 National Government forms a “super ministry” incorporating New Zealand Electricity Department and the Department of Mines with George Gair the first “Energy Minister”.
1979 Background: major widespread panic and social breakdown in aftermath of the “Energy Crisis” (Iranian Revolution).
The global price of mineral oil doubled to $US40/barrel and our national Bulk Electricity tariff jumped 60% overnight.
The reason is the price per kWh of an electrical product was now tagged to the price of mineral oil~gas in the new “Energy Sector” regime because of some international agreement of The Crown. This made no sense at all to many people and I could not explain its rationale to people on my meter rounds. Still the same rains filling the hydro-electrical dams. Still the same coal firing the thermal-electrical plants. Still the same poles and wires to the house. Still the same wages for the meter reader. Yet a 60% price jump overnight.
This national bulk tariff increase translated into an overnight increase of 48% per kWh for Christchurch households and I, as a meter reader, was soon calculating and delivering bills to devastated householders and owners of small businesses.
- I personally witnessed how the private reality unfolded after these combined “energy” costs resulted the inflation, redundancies, bankruptcies and debt unknown for a generation – both rural and urban peoples across the nation.
Increasingly I met members of the household as for the first time they sat at home unemployed.
Owners of small businesses would break-down weeping that the MED bill meant they would have to close down their decades-long business or they would have to layoff long-term employees. I would be accosted by shutters on my next visit.
Families would break into fights over household use of lights and heating on receiving the MED bill and show me how empty their pantries were.
Elderly would be huddled in blankets in their kitchens with frost on the inside of the windows. Many elderly people over the years told me they never feared starving to death in NZ but constantly feared freezing to death. - Election year. First Past the Post prevailed and the electorates were gerrymandered in favour of rural and National voters. National was losing support in their rural stronghold. So The Crown supported a Springbok Rugby Tour of NZ at a time when there was escalating global opposition to the brutal White Apartheid system in South Africa.
Low paid workers and rural communities tend to be fervent rugby supporters.
In brief, the Springbok tour diverted the escalating social distress and unrest during a winter of discontent so low paid Labour Party supporters sat on their hands while disenchanted rural people returned to National at Election time.
The Springbok tour was also a convenient diversion for “Liberal” middle class people because they did not have to face the inconvenient truth that their addictive use of mineral oil (cars, jets in particular)must destroy Mankind.
Thus the Springbok Tour Protests, the re-elected National Government’s Think Big programe, the Labour Government’s massive asset sales and The Crown’s Electricity Industry Reforms of the 1990s were sequentially used to consolidate the fatally-flawed, psychopathic “Energy” equation in our language, legislation, institutions and national ethos so that now it risks our very existence.
This story of our deluded energy equation and associated addictive use of mineral oil~gas completely reframes our history books. The story reveals the truer motives for our polluting, wasteful behaviour so we can better understand ourselves, rectify our language~behaviour and so avoid self-destruction. RNZ’s continuing denial of the principles of physics endangers us all.
The Dangers of RNZ equating Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
Electrical lighting and communication systems now play a central role in the lives of New Zealanders this past century.
Our corporate media (including RNZ) promote the addictive use of Bulk-generated electric products, just as they promote fossil-fuel propelled car and jet travel. They do this by associating the very potent word “power” with “energy”. “Power” is very potent because it is commonly associated with “God”, the divine inspiration, the ultimate life force etc and corporate media strip it of its deep meaning of being a measure (P =E/T).
By this means, they manipulate our senses of self-esteem, fear and pride such that any cessation of the supply to the main reticulation grid effectively isolates a person from society, particularly when it is seemingly caused by the individual’s household management rather than a commonly shared event such as storm, earthquake etc.
Wilful corporate manufacture and manipulation of crisis, such as RNZ engaged in May 20 is especially pernicious.
I witnessed many examples of how this addiction damaged and even destroyed lives:
Receipt of the MED (Utility) bill so shocked and distressed hale and hearty older people in their own homes that they lost all confidence in themselves, sold up and moved into a “rest home” where they often died soon after.
Receipt of the MED (Utility) bill so stressed young people they lost confidence in themselves having a future or became malnourished and anaemic or became ill from cold and damp or gave up their studies etc.
I know of many incidents of self-harm, some fatal. I will outline one such personal experience with brief detail such that it makes very clear that this complaint against RNZ is very serious.
Upper class street, my regular meter beat for ten years. Household of professional with a number of children. Mother is often home. This day I read meters, present her with the bill and she becomes extremely distraught in belief she has failed as a mother. I try to assure her by saying how I visit thousands of homes and her home is testimony to her care.
Our meter books have carbon copies of every bill delivered and I flip the pages so she can see final bill charge to each household. These show her bill is less than half all the other bills. She was grateful for my kindness though I left with a sense of sadness and foreboding (In those days the notion of “suburban neurosis” prevailed.)
A couple of days later the news came she had axed all her children to death. I did not receive the instruction not to read the meters two months later and entered the hallway where the meters were and witnessed the axe holes in the blood-splattered walls. The coroners report spoke of evidence indicating her excessive attempts to be the perfect mother.
What is wrong with a society when its members are inculcated in such addictive use of a mineral or electrical product that it becomes so vital to their existence that they will even go to war with each other and destroy Earth’s vital ecosystems for it?
The Crown Electricity Industry Reforms – a case study in their destruction of Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship, Stewardship)
I980s-90s. People like myself who were passionate about maximizing our sustainable use of our solar-electrical potential so as to minimize waste of minerals and air pollution understood our grids are primarily information systems. We often went far beyond the call of duty creating efficient systems using the new optic-fibre, solid state technology.
Big savings for all could be found in large commercial buildings and we installed and operated 250 data loggers in Wellington City. The 1992-93 Electricity Reforms kicked in, the MED was corporatized to become Capital Power and suddenly this efficiency programme became paralyzed.
When I asked our managers why all this information and the specially train team of efficiency advisers were not being used, they said the new laws left them in a major legal quandary: previously there was no issue because they were community-owned and service-driven but the Crown 1993 legislation deemed they must now operate to maximize profits to the principal shareholder( in this case the Wellington City Council), which of course is nominally all the Wellington City people. However now it was illegal to share information resulting in Wellington people profiting from efficiencies because the reduction in waste might impact profits to the principal shareholders.
The social construct is a classic example of the divisive, obfuscating powers of the ego.
Mayors and Members of the WCC absolved themselves of this terrible conundrum by fully privatizing its local MED grid and giving away all its information systems a few years later. The new owner, TransAlta, dismantled the trained team of “efficiency advisors” and ripped out the data loggers in accord with NZ Crown corporate law.
In 1998 more Crown Electricity Industry Reforms banned all NZ communities from owning both their own electrical grid system and its information.
About 2011 the Crown Electricity Authority deemed that all the information of household mains meters is the property of corporation owning the meter, not the householder .
A requisite of a civilized society is that its citizens can own their own personal information and be informed so they can live sustainably. The question thus arises: is Crown NZ essentially a fascist state? What is wrong with RNZ that it is unwilling or unable to appreciate and broadcast this vital information?
The Crown Electricity Industry Reforms – case study No 1 in their destruction of Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship, Stewardship)
The Crown Electricity Industry Reforms – case study No 2 in their destruction of Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship, Stewardship)
This exemplar is extremely relevant to this complaint against RNZ because it made no attempt the failure of the ripple load-smoothing system which has historically been able balanced the electrical grids a times of extreme weather events far greater than occurred on May 10.
After WW11, the community-owned MEDS and Power Boards developed world-leading uses of ripple control systems i.e. remote control of switches to household appliances such as electrically heated hot-water cylinders and heat storage devices.
We Christchurch MED meter readers were trained to detect faulty or tampered ripple switches and taught how each detected fault saved the people of Christchurch $90 a year thereon i.e. four detections a week covered our weekly wages. The system was very efficient and each year the people of Christchurch saved several million dollars using the ripple system at times of national peak demand.
This saving was returned to the people in the form of lower tariffs, more innovative products and to insulate the most inefficient dwellings in poor neighbourhoods.
The use of the ripple system and any savings was widely debated both within the Council and the greater public. People had the right to vote this policy every three years at city wide elections. The ripple system was valued as an asset to the city.
The Electricity Industry Reforms made such community activity illegal – see the enforced profit motive and the Crown Treasury bans on “cross subsidization” such as MED and Power Boards investing in home insulation and solar system research. The Reform’s are fundamentally hostile to such efficiency measures and community kaitiakitanga.
Note: the Reforms are enforced by Crown institutions such as RNZ and its other corporate media, Consumer NZ and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) using a wide range of means.
RNZ people are familiar with this situation. Here is a sample of the information given to RNZ this past 30 years:
2003 Sanity Check
A hurried antidote to save a national Radio NZ host after her interview with Professor William Hogan of Harvard University. He is one of the architects of New Zealand’s Reformed electricity system. Afterwards Linda Clark complained the “fiendishly difficult” topic always “makes her brain hurt”.
Consultants to WCC such as Arthur Andersen and Co “advised” that the ripple system was a liability to the city when they corporatized the Wellington MED-Capital Power -TransAlta structure. The ripple control system was deliberately run-down and for sale purposes it was valued at zero dollars i.e. given away to TransAlta with the meters “because ripple control switches sit on the household switchboard beside the meter”.
I and others have explained this to a wide range of RNZ programme presenters and editors.
If I heard correctly, RNZ broadcast a statement that the ripple system was not activated on the 10th of May 2024 because, according to its broadcast, the people of New Zealand voluntarily responded so magnificently.
From Transpower’s Facebook page
“We also want to shout out to those organisations who shared our messages to make sure as many people as possible were aware of our challenge and how they could help. Working together, we made a difference!”
The inconvenient truth is NZ is a very unequal society. At one extreme we have a wide range of poor people with few means who are very caring, compassionate and patriotic to their fellow men. At the other extreme we have a cynical, greedy, conniving class who fundamentally do not care who dies or gets damaged in their striving for wealth and prestige. This minority generates a disproportionate amount of our national waste, pollution and poverty.
I have on many occasions witnessed as a meter reader how at peak load times the compassionate person goes to extraordinary lengths to turn of their already minimal heating, eat cold food, turn off their lights so they can help ensure the peak load does not stress our national electrical grids.
I have on many occasions also witnessed as a meter reader how the ego-driven minority will gleefully turn on all their electrical appliances so as to stress and even break the grids so they can force their privatization (oh in the name of efficiency of course) and to profit from their private shares. I have heard their description of their huge MED bill in the aftermath of a supply crisis as the best investment they made.
I have read articles detailing how the ‘big three’ Australian corporations -Origin Energy, AGL and EnergyAustralia all “inexplicably” experience plant breakdown, plant down for “routine maintenance”, fuel and water shortage etc simultaneously such that nearly all their massive profits occur in these peakload period totaling about 3 hours a year.
I have lived our NZ equivalent of the US 2001 debacle when Enron nearly bankrupted the State of California by ruthlessly gamed the state’s negawatt system. See the scenes in the movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron:_The_Smartest_Guys_in_the_Room
Unlike the USA, the OnEnergy unprecedented corporate collapse in NZ has no films, books nor even any substantial articles about this $multibillions catastrophe. Internet searches only offer links to my own website and to Meridian Energy’s history mentioning its acquisition of the Christchurch remnant.
I still believed RNZ existed to care for the people of Aotearoa then and still trusted it in 2001. I was shocked and astounded at its failure to do its duty to us at the time, particularly as it is our national Civic Emergency radio.
Since then it has become very clear to many people like myself that RNZ exists to serve the interests of the merchant bankers of The Crown and is currently a threat to our existence as a people and should not be trusted.
The proof of this resides in the dialect of English language it propagates and its invisible domination by the BBC.
Radio New Zealand is also our international voice and the majority of nations now know us as an amoral and/or semi- demented country heading down the wrong side of history.
This is an unfolding tragedy, made worse every day RNZ ( and our other corporate media) persists with these psychopathic, unscientific broadcasts. The managers, editors, journalists and presenters at RNZ do so with the full endorsement of the Broadcasting Standards Authority since 2007:
Authority Members Joanne Morris (Chair), Diane Musgrave, Paul France, Tapu Misa in 2007 decreed:
“Looking at Principle 6 (accuracy), the Authority considers that it was not inaccurate to use the terms electricity, power and energy interchangeably, and it finds that listeners would not have been misled by the use of the words in the broadcast. Accordingly, the Authority declines to uphold the Principle 6 complaint.”
RNZ Claims of Extreme Weather
Growing up on a sheep station in the Wairarapa it was very common to experience a cold southerly blasts with frost around the first week of the Autumn (17 May) school holidays.
20 years on a bike as a student and then as a postie and then walking the streets as a meter reader in Christchurch it was very common to experience a cold southerly blast with the first hard frost in the first week of May – 3 years in a row I experienced the first cold snap and hard frost of the winter May 4 and 5 while reading meters in Normans Road, Merivale.
38 years in Wellington as a meter reader and school caretaker I learned my first May here to switch to heavier clothing and bedding despite the ocean moderating temperature extremes. Often when the Norwesters kick back in June through to the shortest day, the weather can be relatively mild – especially in areas like Canterbury.
September can be as mild as or milder than in May, as can be seen by these frost charts of Canterbury and Wairarapa.

5 year old children understand the simple thermodynamics that a liquid becomes more turbulent as it heats up.
Adults have been told for 35 years that the atmosphere becomes more turbulent if human activity warms it up and that storms will increasingly bring cold air masses from the poles closer to the equator.
Quality journalists should understand this though most don’t believe as evidenced by the fact they conflate “warming” with “warming-up”, thus denying “warming-up” involves a change of state while “warming” involves no change of state.
Certainly the manipulators of the “Electricity Market” know this simple thermodynamics and exploit it for their private profit. The “spot prices” are the “heartbeat” of their trading system and their severe spikes at this time speak volumes about the greed of the merchant traders and the ignorance or vanity of our journalists.

There was no extraordinary weather event May 10 that required a state of Civil Emergency, such as RNZ triggered.
Crown RNZ made a mockery of its vital role as our state Civil Emergency broadcaster. It failed to explain why ripple control and home solar-battery storage systems were no in place and used across the nation.
Instead it promoted the world view of psychopathic global merchant bankers and broadcast interviews with those that most profit from the insane “energy” equation i.e. profiteers of (a) the extraction and combustion of mineral biomass and (b) of high-risk, debt-generating, unsustainable, bulk-generating devices such as the Onslow scheme.
Fundamentally RNZ used an array of programmes and half-hourly news broadcasts to exploit the goodwill of the often poor people who disproportionately hold our communities together. RNZ exploited them in order to promote the agenda of our worst wastrels and polluters. In so doing RNZ elected to perpetuate the ongoing destruction of our communities, especially our children’s future.
Breaches of Broadcasting Standards Authority Standards
BSA rules state the following.
A formal complaint must:
Nominate the item or programme name, along with its time and date. The more information we receive the easier it is for us to find the item so please do include a link if the item is online.nominate which of the standards or principles you think were breached.
set out why you think the standards or principles were breached.
Standards breached
Standard 1 : Offensive and Disturbing Content
material that is likely to cause offense or distress
Crown RNZ’s wilful conflation of energy, fossil fuel, power, electricity and Bulk-generated electrical products is arguably an indicator its culture is insane. The conflation of these prime words is designed to destroy the state of science in society, the Conservation of Energy Principle in particular, which is Mankind’s most scientific description of reality.
RNZ’s broadcasts of this language are particular egregious because they are designed to generate severe distress by destroying the capacity of citizens to live in harmony with the universal reality.
Each word or phrase plays an extremely potent role in our psyche. RNZ employs them in ways designed to evoke sensations of fear, self-doubt, deprivation and panic in the listener and to generate psychopathic behaviour such as addictions, violence, greed and even self-destruction.
Please see NZ statistics of escalating “Energy Poverty”, suicides, social inequity, our very high rates of pollution and waste per capita and our current national role as a minority supporter of Nazis and the genocide of Slav and Palestinian peoples in order to enforce the global hegemony of the Anglo Petrodollar.
BSA Standard 2 : Children’s Interests
Relates to children as viewers, not participants. It is mainly concerned with steps taken to protect children, such as through the use of warnings, classifications and scheduling (eg during or outside children’s normal viewing or listening times).
I am a trained teacher (1970 and 1998-9) and my experience as a meter reader visiting tens of thousands of households is that teachers play a relatively minor role in the informing of a child’s world-view and use of language. Corporate media play a far greater role, if not the dominant role in these vital matters.
My experience is that children are born with sustaining qualities of science and soon develop the understanding of the principles of thermodynamic required to care for Earth’s atmosphere. They arrive at our English schools with this basic fundamentals, by age 10 our corporate media has destroyed that understanding so that by age 20 their behaviour is such that they rate, on average, in the least sustaining 5% of mankind.
For example, ask a 10-12 year old if “global warming” or “climate change” is good or bad and many have been taught these processes are malevolent. Our children are taught to hate and/or fear the vital universal processes that enable life.
The words “energy” and “power” have enormous potency in our English language, on a par with words like “God”. If we get either wrong, then all our discourse becomes unsustainable.
For instance, our flawed notion of energy generates such non-science that we do not even know what Global Warming-Up and Human-induced Climate Change is and so we lose our bearings in the solar system.
There are about one 100 similar examples of Crown English non-science at
All the unsustainable terms in the Wise English Guide are used in the BBC (RNZ) propaganda, many on a daily basis. The guide also suggests how we can employ them in more sustainable ways.
My experience is many households have radio or TV as background to a wide range of family activities and RNZ National is the dominant milieu in a high proportion of families who provide our primary influencers – teachers, journalists, meteorologists, Crown policy makers, politicians etc.
Hence Crown BBC (RNZ) broadcasts in English language have an inordinate role informing our culture and have the capacity to destroy our society – see our current national statistics of escalating school absenteeism, violence, self-harm and suicide, inequity, and poverty, pollution and waste, lack of quality educators and the failure at Maths and Science of both teachers and students.
This Formal Complaint suggests Crown RNZ’s use of English and broadcasts are an existential threat to our children.
BSA Complaint Standard 2 does not clearly define its parameters. However RNZ’s wilful destruction of the state of science in our communities breaches any and all standards of decency. Accordingly RNZ must schedule most of its News and Current Affairs programmes outside children’s listening times and/or its News and Current Affairs broadcasts must be accompanied by severe health warnings.
Standard 3 : Promotion of Illegal or Antisocial Behaviour
Concerned with broadcasts which are likely to encourage audiences to break the law or are otherwise likely to promote illegal or serious antisocial behaviour (eg sexual violence, suicide or substance abuse). Includes requirements that alcohol promotion be socially responsible.
Again the parameters offered are exclusive in that they do not specify the promoting and inciting of:
- unscientific language;
- wasteful practice and pollution;
- antisocial corporate behaviour
- hatred of other cultures and races e.g. Muslim people, Chinese people;
- usury;
- the addictive use of vital potent minerals
- the profiteering from warfare.
The promotion of any of these can cause behaviour that results in catastrophic warfare. Combined they provide a recipe for almost inevitable societal collapse.
I have detailed examples earlier in the complaint illustrating that on May 10 2024 RNZ promoted unsustainable language that generates all of the above anti-social activity and fractures communities, causing some people to commit terrible acts.
Standard 4 : Discrimination and Denigration
Only applies to discrimination/denigration directed at specified sections of the community, not individuals. A high level of condemnation is generally required to find a breach. Broadcast content which has the effect of reinforcing or embedding negative stereotypes may also be considered.
All citizens have the right to affordable, quality shelter, warmth, lighting, cooking, justice, health and education plus clean, safe air. Crown RNZ promotes a national system that suppresses the capacity of citizens to make scientific use of our national solar-electrical potential, exploits all citizens as tradeable commodities and puts private profit before the human rights of the citizens of Aotearoa. In particular it discriminates against future generations who will bear the cost of the systems destruction of climate balances and flows that sustain us.
On 10 May 2024 Crown RNZ wilfully withheld vital information such as the fact the Crown in 2011 decreed the citizen’s personal information belongs to the corporation owning the dwelling meter. It also used its statuary role as National Emergency lifeline to promote behaviour that needlessly discriminates our most vulnerable citizens – our children, our elderly and our poorest people for the private profit of a minority.
Standard 5 : Balance
Broadcasters must make reasonable efforts to present competing viewpoints about important issues
Crown RNZ failed to provide vital historical context.
For instance, it failed on 10 May 2024 to inform citizens that communities for many decades owned both their reticulation grid freehold and its information and had the democratic right to vote each three years how it was used. This community-owned system enabled each community to could manage peakload demand in ways that were democratic, equitable and cared for the most vulnerable. Crown RNZ provided only the viewpoints of the major shareholders of private corporations who benefit from unfairly from the NZ Electricity Industry Reforms.
Crown RNZ consistently failed to present a scientific view point. Instead it employed the Crown dialect of the English language throughout, which is designed to enforce and maximize short-term profits for the merchant bankers of the City of London Corporation regardless of the negative impact on the majority of Mankind. This imperative enforces a profoundly unsustainable, anti-scientific worldview summarized in the fatally flawed equation of energy:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
Standard 6 : Accuracy
Programmes should be accurate in relation to ‘material points of fact’ and should not mislead.
The material point of fact was this was not abnormal weather within the context of human-induced global warming, which causes increased atmospheric turbulence and temperature extremes. It is misleading to blame technology and weather for the supposed National Emergency when it was a planned event by some men (human beings) for their private profit.
Standard 7 : Privacy
Only applies to identifiable individuals featured in the broadcast or directly affected by it.
Again these BSA parameters are very exclusive and deny the reality that we are all individuals with human rights. Surely the BSA is concerned about the gross infringement of the rights to privacy of all citizens in this age of electronic surveillance?
The NZ Electricity Industry Reform legislation strips citizens of the rights to own the information of their household meter. The legislation instead confers major rights to the principal shareholders of the private corporations that own the household meter. This includes their right to design the meter and thus determine the design and use of both the dwelling and its appliances. It also gives them the right to own and trade very intimate information of the household.
Crown RNZ consistently fails to acknowledge this truth and so enabled the householder’s information to be used against them on 10 May 2024.
Standard 8 : Fairness
Concerned with fairness to individuals or organisations taking part or referred to in a programme
The Crown RNZ National Emergency broadcasts on 10 May 2024 were designed and executed to include all the citizens of Aotearoa regardless of their vulnerability.
RNZ failed to provide fair context such as the NZ Electricity Industry Reforms, the annual seasonal weather changes and the capacity of modern technology to balance the national grid load.
Instead Crown RNZ shifted responsibilities for the alleged “short-fall in supply” from profiteering private corporations to our communities, many of whom struggle find sufficient food, shelter and heating.
Worse, Crown RNZ used the contrived National Emergency to create platform giving voice to those who profit most from combusting mineral biomass on scale, selling Bulk-generated electrical products and stressing the national electrical grid system to its maximum.
Fundamentally Crown RNZ was complicit in promoting a system and language that unfairly places most of the costs from waste and pollution onto future generations of our children. This is grossly unfair.
(See example. Morning Report 8 May 7:30 Genesis Energy to resume importing coal)
List of Crown RNZ Broadcasts subject to Formal Complaint
Here are the array of RNZ broadcasts this complaint is about. In particular I have transcribed and deconstructed the 9 am news bulletin 10 May 2024 as an exemplar of the analysis.
Please see below the programme list.
Morning Report. 10 May 2024
6:17 Temperatures plummet across the country
6:25 Early business news for 10 May 2024
6:28 Morning Rural News for 10 May 2024
6:44 NZers need to ‘manage power’ as temps plummet say Transpower 6:54 Morning business news for 10 May 2024
7:10 Energy Minister Simeon Brown on power usage warning
7:18 Chair of Major Electricity Users’ Group on power demand
7:24 Vector chief executive calls for EV charging rules
8:10 Labour energy spokesperson Megan Woods on power cuts threat 8:31 Market Update for 10 May 2024
8:41 NZ faces energy shortfall as temps plummet
10:00 Morning Report Essentials for Friday 10 May
“ today’s episode, Energy Minister Simeon Brown has laid the blame for this morning’s nationwide warning about power usage squarely with the former Labour Government, Brown joins us, we also hear from Labour’s energy spokesperson Megan Woods,…”
Source RNZ website
Nine to Noon 10 May 2024
9:05 Cross party climate adapation inquiry announced
9:15 Country comes through tight electricity supply
11:45 The week that was with Te Radar and Pinky Agnew
Checkpoint 10 May 2024
5:32 Brrrr how did you manage the big chill?
The Panel 10 May 2024
4.08 Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panellists Ed Amon and Cindy Mitchener discuss warnings of power outages from Transpower,
Sample RNZ broadcast on failure of Crown English education system.
Morning Report 13 May 2024
“In a report published on Monday, the review office said 60 percent of the principals it interviewed said their new teachers were not ready.
ERO’s Education Evaluation Centre head Ruth Shinoda said some new teachers were unprepared in key areas.
“Concerningly, we have found that new teachers are not prepared in key areas that really matter.
“For example, over a third of teachers said they were not able to manage classroom behaviour when they started in the role and a third of new primary school teachers said they were unprepared to teach science…”
Source RNZ website
Sample deconstruction of Crown RNZ language during National Emergency
Note: this news bulletin is selected because it is distillation of language used during the wide range of RNZ National broadcasts overnight and throughout the morning of the May 10 Civil Emergency.
Transcript of RNZ 9AM News bulletin May 1024
Nicola Wright news reader
“Transpower says this morning’s power squeeze is over. The national grid operator asks people to where ever possible to reduce their energy consumption as much as possible between 7 and 9 this morning.
Transpowers general manager of operations, Chantelle Bramley, told Morning Report it is ready to control power use but that wasn’t needed.
She said that power plants often schedule their maintenance in May before winter hits
“That can be a challenging time of the year. Lots of generators are trying to take their plants out on necessary scheduled outages to do the maintenance they need to do before the really cold winter months… because these are complex pieces of equipment they do need to take them out”
Chantelle Bramley says there will be about 700 megaWatt of power is not available this morningThe Energy Minister Simion Brown says the Government is encouraging investment in the sector to avoid power use on mornings like this morning. Mr Brown said the former Labour Government disincentivised investment in energy leaving the country leaving the country reliant on old thermal generation that cant be turned on quickly when supply is tight. He said new generation is required to keep the lights on.
“Thats why we got rid of Lake Onslow which was having a chilling on investment in electricity generation. Thats why we removed the 2030 100% renewables target that was again sending the wrong messages and picking winners. That’s why we are going to remove the oil and gas an exploration permit ban.”
The former Energy Minister, Labour’s Megan Woods, says the country can’t rely on telling big power users to cut back. She says the now ditched Lake Onslow Power Battery Scheme would have offered energy storage.MPs from all parties have agreed to investigate how NZ can prepare for the effects of climate change. The cross party inquiry will examine how the costs and responsibilities of adapting to climate change can be shared. The Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says adaption needs an enduring and long-term approach and he is grateful to other parties for agreeing to an inquiry…
Deconstruction of the physics of RNZ’s prime message revealing its severe, dangerous misinformation:
Transpower…. power squeeze…national grid operator …reduce … energy consumption…Transpowers … control power use … power plants …generators…. take their plants out… complex pieces of equipment …700 megaWatt of power… Energy Minister… avoid power use …. investment in energy … old thermal generation ….new generation … keep the lights on… investment in electricity generation… oil and gas….. Energy Minister, … big power users …. Power Battery Scheme … energy storage…. climate change… climate change … Climate Change …
Observe the dangerous RNZ deceit and disinformation with its continuous conflation of “energy” with “power” with “electricity” with bulk-generated electrical products with (mineral) “oil and gas” i.e. mineral biomass. See the complaint’s general discussion of the psychology~physics.
This disinformation is designed to cause adults to behave in destructive, dangerous ways and to destroy the ability of our children to understand and embrace the principles of physics.
Here are brief statements of reality in terms of physics. This translation of meaning is not intended to overwhelm or diminish the reader, as may seem. It however may challenge the reader to the core, especially if the Crown dialect is their major tongue. The analysis suggests this dialect is a fatally flawed artifact of the ego that requires radical rectification in compassion.
Transpower…. REALITY: a meaningless phrase, power being the measure of the rate the universal potential (energy) is manifest.
Power =Energy/Time
power squeeze… REALITY: men (human beings) can not “squeeze” power, just as we cannot “squeeze” energy or time.
The national grid operator …REALITY: NZ has a range of national grids each one having its own defining characteristics e.g. roading, rail, optic fibre, water, mineral gas, electrical products etc. Each grid has its unique type of operator.
reduce … energy consumption…REALITY: Energy is effectively so bounteous it can usefully be called a constant. Man cannot consume energy – we can only transform and conserve forms of energy i.e. manifestations of the universal potential, all of which is active
Transpowers … See above
control power use … REALITY: this phrase only makes good sense if we understand “power” is the measure of the universal potential, in which case our use of a measure determines how this potential is manifest.
power plants … REALITY: a plant is type of life form. We may measure the qualities of any plant but no plant is the measure.
generators…. REALITY: any form of energy is a generator, simultaneously generating all forms even as they generate it. This is the way of the continuous universal transformation.
take their plants out… complex pieces of equipment … REALITY: a plant is type of life form i.e. organic of nature whereas a piece of equipment is an artifact, a man-made device or machine.
700 megaWatt of power… REALITY: A megaWatts is the power or a measure of the rate the universal electrical potential is manifest. RNZ conflates our universal measure with the measured in nonsensical way.
Energy Minister…REALITY: the notion is the ultimate self-deceit – no man (human being) can administer or control the vast ever-changing universal potential. Any person who adopts this mantle is a dangerous fool or demented. See wider discussion in this complaint of the dangers of this psychopathy, especially if it involves the conflation of energy with a few forms it may take.
avoid power use …. REALITY: This is a stupid request becaue we are all continuously interacting with the universal transformation and this involves every element of our being continuously measuring and evaluating the universal flows and balances that sustain us
investment in energy …REALITY: This is an extremely dangerous delusion because it comes with the belief human beings can print money that has no collateral in physics, such as is happening in the Anglosphere now the Anglo-petro dollar is imploding. At most, a man can only invest in ways that actually conserve vital forms of energy that conserve mankind.
old thermal generation ….new generation … REALITY: See “generator” The Conservation of Energy Principle is very clear: energy is continuous generation. Men can only transform types and forms of energy.
keep the lights on… REALITY: this is severe disinformation designed to cause excessive, dangerous use of a few electrical products to provide private profit for a rich oligarchy. It is designed to desensitize people to the reality that we can make many uses of the solar-electrical potential of the Sun (our local star), which is by far the greatest source of light on our planet.
investment in electricity generation… REALITY: there is no such thing as “electricity”, only a wide range of electrical phenomena, each having unique, often contrary characteristics.
oil and gas….. REALITY: there are a multitude of forms of oil and gas, particularly on Earth surface and its atmosphere.
The permits referred to are concerned with the extraction and combustion of a very narrow and increasingly rare type of oil and gas forms, namely mineral oil~gas.
Energy Minister, … REALITY: See above.
big power users …. REALITY: This is nonsensical in terms of Power being a measure of Energy and Time ( P=E/T)
Power Battery Scheme … REALITY: This is nonsensical in terms of Power being a measure of Energy and Time ( P=E/T). The use of the word battery in terms of things electrical arose in 1748 (Ben Franklin?) With its meaning extended to “electrical cell”- perhaps from the artillery sense via notion of “discharges” of electricity. (Online Etymology) The term makes no sense in the context of all forms (atoms, molecules, cells, plants etc) being transitory balances and flows of electrical charges.
energy storage…. REALITY: The Conservation of Energy Principle holds. Men can neither conserve nor store energy. We may only conserve and store forms and sources of energy
climate change… REALITY: The Conservation of Energy Principle holds – all is continuous change i.e. continuous transformation. This continuous transformation is manifest in constant changes of our climate, without which humankind and all other life forms could not exist. This is why physics advises that we each must give care to conserving the flows and balances of Earth that sustain us because human beings cause climate change (human- induced climate change) even as the climate induces change in us.
climate change … Reality: we conflate climate change with human-induced climate change at our peril because the conflation denies the reality that our actions impact the flows and balances that sustain us.
Climate Change …Reality: see above. The Human-induced Climate Change of a minority of human beings is an existential threat to Mankind.
RNZ Letter requesting clarification of Formal Complaint 11 June 2024
Good afternoon Dave, to respond to your recent email, RNZ is not clear on what the essence of the Formal Complaint is. If you wish to pursue this regarding the 9am bulletin please outline in detail what your complaint relates to.
Kind regards
Maggie Hedge | Assistant Complaints Coordinator RADIO NEW ZEALAND | LEVEL 2 | 155 THE TERRACE PO BOX 123 | WELLINGTON | NEW ZEALAND 6140 |
Clarification letter to RNZ posted 14 June 2024
BSA Complaint- Clarification requested by RNZ
Good morning Maggie and who else this may concern,
Yes, the Formal Complaint will challenge honest employees of Crown RNZ to their core and they may well struggle to perceive the essence of the Formal Complaint. It is taken me 30 years of intense endeavour and excruciating experience to face the reality that far from sustaining the people of Aotearoa and human kind in general, RNZ actively perpetuates a brutal, destructive world-view that imperils all Mankind.
The Formal Complaint involves profound existential matters of the human condition that are best understood with compassion. Without compassion, the following clarification is at risk of being interpreted at best as cryptic and incoherent, at worst as arrogant, pedantic and insulting.
The Formal Complaint states clearly:
“List of Programmes Subject to Complaint
Here are the array of RNZ broadcasts this complaint is about. In particular, I have transcribed and deconstructed the 9 am news bulletin 10 May 2024 as an exemplar of the analysis.
Please see below the programme list…”
Fact from Crown RNZ website re Defence Emergency:
“In the event of a civil defence emergency listen to your radio
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) advises that in times of crisis or civil defence emergency a battery powered radio, or a car radio remain essential lifelines if power is out and other forms of communication are unavailable. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) is New Zealand’s statutory civil defence lifeline radio broadcaster, providing vital information and updates as they come to hand.”
In other words, RNZ employers are funded by the NZ taxpayer specifically to research and provide comprehensive, high-quality (scientific), sustaining information to all the people of Aotearoa. This Formal Complaint alleges RNZ employees consistently fail to execute these duties in a competent way and failed to so on scale on May 10 2024.
The list of programmes provided were all part of Crown RNZ broadcasts on May 10 2024 acting in its statutory role as the Aotearoa lifeline. Together they constitute an orchestrated broadcast designed to generate a fake “National Emergency” and to needlessly alarm and exploit the good will of the people of Aotearoa for the benefit of the private shareholders of Crown corporations.
Crown RNZ is fundamentally split by its role as the Crown state broadcaster and its role as the Aotearoa National Emergency lifeline. These conflicting roles necessarily causes it to breach all the BSA standards of broadcasting and engender distrust in its ability to protect us during states of true National Emergency.
The Formal Complaint provides extensive evidence Crown RNZ has been complicit for decades in creating the conditions leading to the supposed National Emergency event on May 10 2024. These conditions include the disenfranchisement of communities (The Crown ban on MEDs and “Power Boards”), the privatization of the information of their local grids, the orchestrated destruction of their solar-electrical potential (see low quality NZ house design and solar-electrical use) and the wilful destruction of the national state of science.
The common factor is RNZ’s amoral use of language, in particular RNZ’s corrupt conflation of vital words central to the formation of our world views such as “energy”, “power”, “fossil fuel” and “electricity”.
To briefly reiterate the context of this Formal Complaint: the human condition is such that no man (human being) can truly know what energy is though every cell of our being is vitally intimate with energy. However we do have a profound, wise guide to the nature of energy in the form of the Conservation of Energy Principle.
The Conservation of Energy Principle is the most truthful description of reality known to Mankind. This notion of existence has been subject over millennia to the most intense, ingenious scrutiny men are capable of and it has never been faulted in any practical way.
The Conservation of Energy Principle is the foundation on which all thermodynamic theory is based.
The Conservation of Energy Principle is the most scientific exposition of the nature existence we have.
Richard Feynman, the great 20th Century quantum physicist described the characteristics of energy thus:
“There is a fact, or if you wish a law, governing all natural phenomena that are known to date. There is no exceptions to this law – it is exact so far as is known. The law is called the conservation of energy. It says that there is a certain quantity, which we call energy, that does not change in the manifold changes which nature undergoes. That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity, which does not change when something happens.”
Richard Feynman,
Information being physical, it is subject to the principles of physics and we are our language. Accordingly the design of our lifestyle is manifest in our language – the sustainability of one being reflected~generated in the sustainability of the other. Quality journalists comprehend and live this paradox of information.
Put simply, the Conservation of Energy Principle is as near as we have to a universal law of the universe and, as such, it forms an unparalleled source of wisdom enabling us to transcend the human condition and be sustained in harmony with reality.
RNZ’s broadcasts 10 May 2024 constantly propagated variations on the insane (psychotic) energy equation:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products.
This equation is delusional because it expresses total denial of our most scientific description of reality, namely the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Every permutation of the above “energy” equation reflects~generates complete denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle (reality) in a different way and these denials aggregate in a compounding way to form increasingly dangerous delusions. This psychosis generates self-harming behaviour and language.
Note: The Formal Complaint provides a number of exemplars of this destructive behaviour ranging from individual (suicide, homicide) to cultural (addictive use of cars, jets etc with associated inflation, inequity and societal conflict). Quality journalists with compassion can connect the dots.
Note: The fatally flawed “energy” equation is central to Crown NZ ethos and its psychopathic world-view frames our national legislation and discourse. A characteristic of this severe psychopathy is that it causes our general corporate use of English to express denigration, dismissal and denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle.
This syndrome is experienced as needless deprivation, greed, addiction, distrust, divisiveness and alienation.
The Formal Complaint details how we can use the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle to evaluate the sustainability of a word use, deconstructs the 9am bulletin as an exemplar of this analysis and
links to https://truehope.info/wordpress/wise-english-guide/, a catalogue of Crown English language illustrating how its psychosis is an endemic syndrome in our Crown culture.
Quality RNZ journalists with compassion who enjoy a spirit of humble, open inquiry may find it helpful to refer to a series of essays discussing our use of prime English words so they perhaps better understand the psychopathic Crown English syndrome alluded to.
See https://truehope.info/wordpress/articles/
The physics of information advises us that those journalists whose lifestyle is consistent with Crown RNZ’s ethos of promoting addiction of all kind (cars, jet travel, waste, usury, drugs, monetized “sport”, pollution etc) will struggle with and tend to dismiss the fundamental physics underpinning this Formal Complaint. We are our language.
The ego has us all live in denial of reality to some degree. This psychology of denial is particularly true of those RNZ journalists who pride themselves on being very erudite and consummate wordsmiths. Research indicates their intellectual skills simply better enable them to create more ingenious and sophisticated rationales justifying the unsustainable aspects of their lifestyles. No amount of detail illustrating how RNZ’s broadcasts on 10 May 2024 are unsustainable and breach all of BSA standards will convince them this so.
The essence of this Formal Complaint is that Crown RNZ employs language designed to misinform, distort and deny reality, generate needless fear and, in general, promote ignorance, alienation and hatred – all this being manifest in its use of the Crown dialect of English.
The core of the design of Crown RNZ language is the ego-derived belief Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products. This is definitive proof that RNZ wilfully and systematically denies the Conservation of Energy Principle, the scientific foundation of civilization.
This Formal Complaint places 9am RNZ News broadcast within the context of all RNZ broadcasts 10 May 2024, which in turn is placed within the context of Crown NZ Electricity Reforms, which in turn is placed within the context the Anglosphere Empire and the current high risk of the annihilation of Mankind, which is turn is placed within the psychology~physics of the human condition.
This Formal Complaint spells out this total context because the current design of Crown RNZ culture causes it to obfuscate historical context: divide and compartmentalize all issues in exclusive, deceitful ways; and to destroy the state of science in its audience.
My hope is this enables Crown RNZ to appreciate the depth and scale of this Formal Complaint involving its use of the English language on matters that place our very existence as a people at grave risk. I will post this letter of clarification at the bottom of my webpage detailing my Formal Complaint- see
Fundamentally the Formal Complaint challenges the employees of Crown RNZ to state clearly whether they believe the Conservation of Energy Principle holds true or whether they believe the Conservation of Energy Principle does not hold true. The substance of their response determines whether Crown RNZ has failed to meet the BSA prescribed standards.
To reiterate, these are subtle matters of the human condition best understood with compassion.
Not grammar checked and I am diplopic i.e. I struggle to read what I write.
Dave McArthur
Radio New Response
Radio New Zealand House Level 2 155 The Terrace PO BOX 123 Wellington 6140 New Zealand +64 4 474 1999 www.rnz.co.nz
June 25, 2024
Dave McArthur
(No address supplied)
Email: davemcarthur@truehope.info
Tēnā koe Dave,
I write in response to your complaint about the 9am news bulletin broadcast on RNZ National on May 10, 2024.
Your complaint seeks to use this news bulletin to illustrate the proposition that ‘RNZ actively perpetuates a brutal, destructive world view’. We must immediately point out that your complaint does not demonstrate any breach of the broadcasting standards.
However, to answer the substantive criticism contained in your complaint, RNZ is an independent public service broadcaster and its purpose is to serve the public interest, foster a sense of national identity and provide reliable news and information.
You can see the Charter and Principles of RNZ here: https://www.rnz.co.nz/about/charter .
As best we can understand the substance of your complaint, you raise and issue as follows:, “in particular RNZ’s corrupt conflation of vital words central to the formation of our world views such as “energy”, “power”, “fossil fuel” and “electricity”. If was the suggestion of your complaint these words being used was an inaccuracy, that is something that RNZ rejects.
RNZ notes that the following terms were used in the first item complained of, those terms being “power squeeze”, “control power use”, “reduce energy consumption”, “700 MW of power”, “energy minister”, “power usage warnings”, “investment in energy”, “old thermal generation”, “new generation”, “keep the lights on”, “electricity generation”, “power users” and “energy storage”. RNZ notes that the terms fossil fuels” and “electricity” were not used as your complaint alleges.
RNZ’s position is that the contemporaneous use of terms such as power and energy would not have affected the listeners understanding of the item which was that Transpower did not need to undertake any steps to control consumption through the peak period that morning and that both the energy minister and former energy minister provided comment on the current situation. This does not amount to a breach of the broadcasting standards.
For the above reasons your complaint could be taken no further and was not upheld. In line with the requirements of the Broadcasting Act, this letter advises you of the reasons why your formal complaint was not upheld and of your right to refer this decision for review to the Broadcasting Standards Authority, by email to info@bsa.govt.nz A referral must occur within 20 working days.
We acknowledge your concerns about this matter, and we thank you for the opportunity to respond to them.
Nāku, nā
Chris Reid
Complaints Coordinator
Formal Complaint to Broadcasting Standards Authority
Broadcasting Standards Authority
Level 2
119 Ghuznee Street
Wellington 6011
July 12, 2024
Dear Susie Staley, Pulotu Tupe Solomon-Tanoa’i, John Gillespie and Aroha Beck
May you enjoy great compassion and wisdom in adjudicating this formal complaint about the Crown RNZ broadcasts on the day 10 May 2024 about the “National Emergency” caused by alleged un-seasonal cold weather and an alleged shortage of Bulk-generated electrical products.
Fundamentally this day-long Crown exercise was designed* to exploit the goodwill of compassionate people for the benefit of those who most profit from exploiting our national electrical potential for their short-term gain. In particular, it was designed especially for those individuals who profit from:
- burning mineral biomass on scale;
- maintaining an inefficient, fragmented national generation and reticulation structure for providing Bulk-generated electrical products;
- funding Bulk-generating devices such as Labour’s planned Lake Onslow pumped hydro-electric scheme.
Note re “design”. This word is used in a compassionate way.
We are our language i.e. our lifestyle is manifest in our use of language and legislation. The human condition is such that we are not self-aware of most of our design, it mainly being generated at a subliminal level in the dynamic interplay of the ego and compassion in our psyche.
Thus Crown RNZ employees, and for that matter, Crown BBC employees, may not have wilfully designed their broadcast programmes with ill-intent on 10 May. The design simply reflected what their lifestyles are and who they are employed by.
In brief, the RNZ broadcasts, including all its re-broadcasts of BBC programmes on 10 May, acted in accord with the physics of information. The language and content of the programmes thus reflected the unsustainable nature of the Crown BBC~RNZ culture and its employees.
These are subtle matters best understood with compassion, which is the inclusive force of the human psyche. It enables us to connect and integrate with all.
The Unique, Potent Role of Crown BBC (RNZ)
The primary statuary role of Crown RNZ is as a spoken language medium. It is the official voice of our nation for its many overseas listeners. Internally, at times of National Emergency when most other forms of our corporate media fail, Crown RNZ is our State “designated Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster”.
My Formal Complaint is very much motivated by my keen awareness of the both vital role RNZ plays at times of a National Emergency and the profound importance of RNZ people giving great care to know what they say and why. Their failure to do so can and does have devastating impacts of the people of Aotearoa NZ.
Without the compassionate care of its employees, RNZ can easily become a tool for both propagating catastrophes and enabling severe psychopaths to exploit catastrophic events at terrible cost to citizens.
My Formal Complaint to Crown RNZ clearly outlines my lifelong involvement in Civil Protection organisations. For instance, it included this statement:
Fact from Crown RNZ website re Defence Emergency:
RNZ Website
“In the event of a civil defence emergency listen to your radio.
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) advises that in times of crisis or civil defence emergency a battery powered radio, or a car radio remain essential lifelines if power is out and other forms of communication are unavailable. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) is New Zealand’s statutory civil defence lifeline radio broadcaster, providing vital information and updates as they come to hand.”
My Formal Complaint is very clear about the vital role of Crown RNZ. More than once during regional emergencies I have also had reason to send RNZ employees the following statement on their website to remind them of their statuary role:
RNZ has a specific role under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act as the designated Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster in the event of a Civil Defence emergency.
Source: RNZ Website
A common thread connecting nearly all aspects of my Formal Complaint to RNZ is my awareness of the unique, vital role RNZ as our national Civil protection agency as well as a Crown education agency. The Crown RNZ Formal Response fails to perceive and acknowledge this awareness. Indeed it states:
However, to answer the substantive criticism contained in your complaint, RNZ is an independent public service broadcaster and its purpose is to serve the public interest, foster a sense of national identity and provide reliable news and information.
Source RNZ Formal Response
You can see the Charter and Principles of RNZ here: https://www.rnz.co.nz/about/charter .
There are a number of possible reasons for this inability of RNZ to perceive the importance I and many other citizens place on its role as “New Zealand’s statutory civil defence lifeline radio broadcaster”. All these reasons indicate that the BSA and all citizens of Aotearoa NZ should have grave concerns at the poor quality of our corporate media journalism, especially RNZ in its unique role.
Also I struggle to understand what the phrase “substantive criticism” means in the context of my Formal Complaint and how RNZ’s reference to its Charter forms an answer to it.
Without compassion, the ego in all human beings can easily say one thing, do quite the opposite and remain unaware of the dissonance. Are RNZ employees totally oblivious to the dissonance between their legislated role and their actual performance?
At no point does the Formal Complaint dispute the existence of the Charter’s statement.
I am a school cleaner. I struggle to write and struggle to read what I write. I am neither a wordsmith nor a lawyer. The word “substantive” seems to have many meanings in the dictionary and none of them make sense to me in the context of my Formal Complaint.
The Formal Complaint does contain a substantial range of perspectives (physics, psychology, history, etymology, Civics, Reforms of Government institutions, national education, health, weather, international relations etc) in my attempts to provide a meaningful context and examples informing my Formal Complaint.
See illustration at top of page
RNZ’s referral to the RNZ Charter does not address any of this context with its wide range of interconnected perspectives. Its failure to do so suggests RNZ people either did not read my Formal Complaint or they not have the competency to comprehend the scale of the complaint or they are dismissing it in the same way other RNZ people have often dismissed my informal complaints and suggestions over the decades.
My Formal Complaint states clearly that on 10 May 2024 RNZ failed on scale to meet its stated purpose in the Charter. Indeed I stated:
“Crown RNZ is fundamentally split by its role as the Crown state broadcaster and its role as the Aotearoa National Emergency lifeline. These conflicting roles necessarily causes it to breach all the BSA standards of broadcasting and engender distrust in its ability to protect us during states of true National Emergency. “
This is a compassionate statement in that it acknowledges that all RNZ employees must primarily act to serve the mercenary interests of the principals of The Crown (The City of London Corporation) even as the compassionate in their psyche would have them care for the interests of their fellow citizens of Aotearoa NZ.
This forms a profound conflict for those employees who might be self-aware of the dissonant nature of their roles as public service broadcasters. My Formal Complaint expresses what may be very inconvenient truths for many.
Please note: RNZ can not be understood to be “independent” in that it is subservient to the commercial interests of The Crown and the very name “Radio New Zealand (RNZ)” reflects this reality.
The Framing of RNZ’s Formal Response
RNZ could not open my initial Formal Response documents. So I converted them from Word Perfect X8 to Microsoft Word Doc. I have no idea how the reformat altered text.
I also explained to RNZ that my diplopia means it is easier to read what I write by uploading it to my website where the format makes it much easier for me to read and anyone can copy it into their preferred format. I repeatedly referred RNZ to the webpage i.e.
For example: 27 May 2024
“Please find attached most details of my draft complaint. I do not know yet how to attach graphs of spot market prices and peak demand in May relevant to my complaint
I am diplopic and struggle to read what I write on the screen. Hence I often also store the material on one of my websites so I can read it more easily on my tablet and use a much more readable layout. I can add graphs etc do it. However the attachment and current website page contains all my text though I may find typos,repeated words etc and fix them. My diplopia makes transcribing difficult but now you have this document I can concentrate on trying to transcribe the news bulletin.
This document has been delayed by my illness (now recovered) and a tragic bereavement in the family.
You can read the document at
In the response to RNZ’s request for clarification:
“This Formal Complaint places 9am RNZ News broadcast within the context of all RNZ broadcasts 10 May 2024, which in turn is placed within the context of Crown NZ Electricity Reforms, which in turn is placed within the context the Anglosphere Empire and the current high risk of the annihilation of Mankind, which is turn is placed within the psychology~physics of the human condition.
This Formal Complaint spells out this total context because the current design of Crown RNZ culture causes it to obfuscate historical context; to divide and compartmentalize all issues in exclusive, deceitful ways; and to destroy the state of science in its audience.
My hope is this enables Crown RNZ to appreciate the depth and scale of this Formal Complaint involving its use of the English language on matters that place our very existence as a people at grave risk. I will post this letter of clarification at the bottom of my webpage detailing my Formal Complaint- see https://truehope.info/wordpress/rnz-v-mcarthur-complaint/ “
For example 7 June 2024
“I have attached the supplementary material as a Docx. It contains the transcript, language analysis and also additional evidence supporting my contention that May 10 weather was normal for this time of the year.
As with my previous document, I am unable to open and read Microsoft format to see how it is configured. For instance,I have no idea if it retains the colour coding of words to facilitate your understanding.
I have added the material to the webpage where it retains colour coding and associated charts.
The RNZ Formal Response is framed thus:
“I write in response to your complaint about the 9am news bulletin broadcast on RNZ National on May 10, 2024.
Your complaint seeks to use this news bulletin to illustrate the proposition that ‘RNZ actively perpetuates a brutal, destructive world view’. We must immediately point out that your complaint does not demonstrate any breach of the broadcasting standards.”
Brief, perhaps cryptic comment on this RNZ response.
For over half a century I have been a keen, active student of the mindset of our Crown corporate media journalists, Radio New Zealand in particular. You can see how my correspondence repeatedly refers RNZ people to my website page for the most accessible and informative communication of my Formal Complaint.
I am aware how the corporate media culture is designed to preclude holistic thinking, this being a characteristic of the Crown dialect of English, the official language of Crown NZ. So my correspondence also attempts to makes it clear as is possible that the Formal Complaint is about totality of RNZ broadcasts on 10 May 2024 and these should be understood within the broader context of our Anglosphere history and the current dangerous Anthropocene.
In particular, the Formal Complaint suggests our Crown dialect of English is a recent, radical invention with the English Combustion Revolution that now involves an existential threat to Mankind.
This analysis is profound and challenges some of our most cherished beliefs, especially our belief and trust in Crown RNZ’s corporate culture and its statutory Charter. It was difficult to select, condense and humanize the perspectives offered in support of my Formal Complaint in the brief time permitted for making and responding to Formal Complaints.
Previous BSA Determinations
I would like to draw your attention to previous two BSA dismissals of my Formal Complaints against RNZ broadcasts
The BSA stated in its decision:
[16] Looking at Principle 6 (accuracy), the Authority considers that it was not inaccurate to use the terms electricity, power and energy interchangeably, and it finds that listeners would not have been misled by the use of the words in the broadcast.”
The BSA made no attempt to state how and why this conflation of these prime words are consistent with the Conservation of Energy Principle. Indeed it paraphrased my Formal Complaint so it makes nonsense of my complaint against the mis-use of language by Radio New Zealand.
Please give more care this time to discuss the physics involved because your predecessors’ failure to enforce scientific, sustainable standards has had very grave consequences. The 2007 predictions of the linguistic analysis have since proven to be very accurate:
- the level of science in our Crown NZ schools has deteriorated significantly ever since;
- Anglosphere societies have been imploding in a quagmire of money printing (“Quantitative Easing”); delusional debt derivatives and bankruptcy ever since – see 2008 “energy crisis” (misnamed “GFC”) and 2019 “energy crisis” (the US Fracking Bust);
- the spread of our Anglosphere “energy wars” in Afghanistan and Iraq to the rest of Mesopotamia and North Africa causing record floods of refugees , the “energy wars” escalating into a World War in 2014 in Eurasia in our now desperate attempts to maintain the Anglo Petrodollar as global reserve trading currency and ensure our Anglosphere hegemony over global mineral oil~gas trades.
To elaborate on above “energy wars”, the 2014 Russia-China half-trillion dollar trade pact and the construction of the Russia-Germany gas pipelines was the context of my May 2023 Formal Complaint against RNZ.
The currencies of BRICS nations have true collateral in the form of minerals and labour whereas our Anglo currencies are founded in delusional derivatives and military might, making the Anglosphere’s use of nuclear warfare almost inevitable as its global hegemony implodes. This is the context in which RNZ defaulted to one very unreliable information source (AP) and broadcast its disinformation that Russia had fired a missile into a NATO country (Poland).
The BSA decreed this poor standard of journalism is acceptable.
Please recall the obstacles RNZ placed in the way of my access to its half-hourly, taxpayer funded News bulletins. The BSA could only place the bulletins on Vimeo for two days for me to access. This makes it very difficult for a citizen to research and construct a Formal Complaint.
RNZ’s Exclusive Response to My Formal Complaint to RNZ Concerning its 10 May 2024 broadcasts.
RNZ states:
“Your complaint seeks to use this news bulletin to illustrate the proposition that ‘RNZ actively perpetuates a brutal, destructive world view’. We must immediately point out that your complaint does not demonstrate any breach of the broadcasting standards.
Source RNZ Formal Response
The Formal Complaint states clearly the Crown RNZ News bulletin is supplementary, not central material.
The provision of the list of associated broadcasts on 10 May 2024 makes this clear, as does the way the webpage frames the complaint with a quote from Morning Report immediately prior to and a quote from Nine to Noon immediately after the 9 am News bulletin.
The Formal Complaint also states in bold letters:
“Sample deconstruction of Crown RNZ language during National Emergency”
The transcript of the News bulletin is provided to illustrate to RNZ and BSA people the method of psychoanalysis used to evaluate of Crown RNZ language and how it informs the Formal Complaint. All the RNZ programmes listed could be used to illustrate the system of psychoanalysis.
In brief, the system of psychoanalysis employs the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle to evaluate the sustainability of Crown BBC (RNZ) broadcasts on 10 May 2024. This analysis indicates its broadcasts on 10 May pertaining to a National Emergency are in complete denial of the principle and thus must be are profoundly unsustainable.
Crown RNZ provides no evidence that this profound principle is flawed. Indeed the Crown RNZ Formal Response makes no mention or use of this fundamental principle of physics at all.
This indicates Crown RNZ people either do not know of the principle or do not understand its wisdom or they deny it altogether.
The RNZ Formal Response claims my Formal Complaint does not breach any of the broadcasting standards. However Crown RNZ people fail to advise the level of science underpinning the BSA standards.
So in part this Formal Complaint to Crown RNZ is an attempt to have the BSA:
- provide its interpretation of the Conservation of Energy Principle;
- rate the degree of importance the Conservation of Energy Principle has in sustaining Mankind;
- rate the degree of importance that the use of the words “energy”, “power” and “electricity” be in accord with the principle i.e. be used in “scientific” way in accord with the ways of the universe;
- provide a standard for ensuring such words are used in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Summary of Psychology~Physics
Here is a summary of the rationale underpinning the Formal Complaint. Crown RNZ neither questioned nor challenged the more extensive rationale provided in the Formal Complaint.
The psychoanalysis is founded on the belief that information is physical and so is subject to the principles of physics – the Conservation of Energy Principle in particular. Hence we are our language and it sustains us to the extent it is in accord with the principles of physics. The truth of our lifestyle is always manifest in our language in one way or another despite the ingenious deceits of the ego and it is our experience of compassion that enables us to transcend this human condition.
My interpretation of the Conservation of Energy Principle is that the principle reminds us that energy is so bounteous it can usefully be understood to be a constant and it continuously transforms all. “Energy” is understood to be the universal potential, all of which is active with “power” being the rate the universal potential is manifest (P = E/T). While we can experience a great array of electrical phenomena (each having unique properties and names) there is no thing as “electricity”.
No form of energy is energy – men(human beings) can only conserve and destroy forms and sources of energy. Our conflation of energy with any of the myriad possible forms of energy is dangerous act because it necessarily causes us to behave in delusional, unsustainable ways.
Observe how Crown RNZ conflates energy (the universal potential) with power (the measure or rate the universal potential is manifest) with one form of energy (a type of Bulk-generated electrical products) and how this conflation denies the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle i.e. the conflation of these prime words generates immense non-science.
Contemporaneous v Conflationary Use of Words
Crown RNZ’s Formal Response states:
RNZ’s position is that the contemporaneous use of terms such as power and energy would not have affected the listeners understanding of the item…”
Source RNZ Formal Response
The item referred to is the 9am News Bulletin on 10 May 2024, which is merely supplementary evidence supporting this Formal Complaint.
Crown RNZ’s Formal Response also states:
“RNZ notes that the terms fossil fuels” and “electricity” were not used as your complaint alleges.”
Source RNZ Formal Response
The latter statement indicates the standard of journalism at Crown RNZ is such that its employees could not even comprehend the Formal Complaint is about all the broadcasts pertaining to a “National Emergency” on 10 May 2024 despite the list of a wide range of programmes provided.
The Formal Complaint is informed by thousands of hours of Crown BBC (RNZ) broadcasts over many decades and many hundreds of hours given to attempting to communicate my concerns to Crown RNZ employees.
There much evidence indicating that the are unable or unwilling or do not care to reflect on and comprehend what they are saying.
The Formal Complaint anticipates this grave lack of compassion and science. This is why it goes to extraordinary lengths to attempt to connect the dots to enable competent, sustaining journalism and enable a scientific Formal Response from Crown RNZ.
For instance, note how the Formal Complaint to Crown RNZ gives care to explaining The Psychology~Physics of Energy and offers A Fictional Exemplar of Time = Energy/ Power (T=E/P) so as illustrate the profound complementary role of the words “energy” and “power” in enabling us to make the universal potential to be manifest in sustaining ways
For instance, note how the Formal Complaint provides experiential evidence of The Dangers of RNZ equating Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products i.e. it drives addictive behaviour such that people come to self-harm and destroy their families.
In particular, the Formal Complaint provides a truncated history of the legislative changes and explains how and why energy, power, “fossil fuels” (mineral biomass) and Bulk-generated electrical products were conflated in Crown legislation and institutions plus how and why Crown New Zealand came to create the institutions of first a “Minister of Energy” and then a “Minister of Energy and Resources”.
Ancient sages have long warned us that it is the height of arrogance and vanity for any man (human being) to believe they are above the principles of physics and can control the ways of the universe.
Any man that declares energy is not the ultimate resource and proclaims themself to be the “Minister of Energy and Resources” is even more foolish and delusional. Such a man knows no principle, loses all moral bearing and inevitably believes any activity is “a resource” as long as it adds wealth to merchant bankers of The Crown.
Note: in the early 1800s these merchant bankers of the City of London defined the mineral biomass as a “resource” and a “fossil fuel”. This means mineral biomass is designated as a “re-source” (something that re-surges i.e. rises again and again) that exists for them to burn at will.
I have never heard any journalist, teacher or politician question these insane Ministerial roles in the 50 years since they were first mooted in Crown NZ at Cabinet level.
The Formal complaint also includes a link to an index of 100 unsustainable (non-scientific) Crown English words and phrases commonly used by Crown RNZ this century. They are all drawn from RNZ’s broadcasts of BBC comment, News bulletins, Business bulletins, “Science” programmes and general Current Affairs broadcasts.
Please note: the index also provides an example of how each word or phrase can be used in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Please see https://truehope.info/wordpress/wise-english-guide/
A simple Internet search of any of these words with “rnz” reveals thousands of texts, tags and images involving variations of the equation in Crown RNZ broadcasts. I provide two examples illustrating how endemic the Crown notions of “power” and “energy” are in corporate media and why it is of grave concern that RNZ journalists and editors remain unable to appreciated the dangers of conflating these prime words.

These Internet search results do not include the Crown RNZ broadcasts of many thousands of Crown BBC programmes.
The inherent denial of this reality in the Crown RNZ Formal Response indicates very poor standards of journalism prevail at our “designated Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster in the event of a Civil Defence emergency.”
The link is provided in the Formal Complaint to ensure that Crown RNZ people can understand clearly that its conflation of “energy”, “power” and “electricity” is part of a much wider syndrome in which “energy” is also conflated with the phrases “fossil fuel” and “Bulk-generated electrical products”. The Formal Complaint makes no claim these two phrases are used in the 9am News bulletin. It does claim the conflation of these five words and phrases, as in the equation
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products,
is endemic at Crown RNZ, as it is in all our corporate media culture.
It is for sad reasons such as these that the Formal Complaint to Crown RNZ anticipates that neither Crown RNZ nor BSA people have ever thought to question the afore mentioned Crown “energy” institutions and this is why it asks the question: The Electricity Industry Reforms – the ultimate delusion?
Crown RNZ clearly does not understand and probably did not even read the detailed history of these “NZ Electricity Industry Reforms” and how they gives rise to the above question and inform the Formal Complaint the question.
This is to be expected because Crown RNZ journalists have supported the Reforms in unquestioning way since they were instituted in 1992, as have nearly all our corporate media journalists. Observe this unsustainable (unscientific) behaviour in the Formal Response:
“ …Transpower did not need to undertake any steps to control consumption through the peak period that morning and that both the energy minister and former energy minister provided comment on the current situation. This does not amount to a breach of the broadcasting standards.”
Source RNZ Formal Reponse
Regarding the inability of Transpower and local reticulation corporations to control peak loads:
Prior to the 1992 Reforms, discussion and debate about the use of Ripple Control systems featured regularly in our corporate media. The Formal Complaint to RNZ details how and why information systems such as the Ripple Control system were dismantled, which are the more truthful reason why Transpower et al could not control the national grid load on 10 May 2024.
Crown RNZ journalists failed to investigate this most obvious cause for the ” National Emergency” and arguably is complicit in undermining both democracy and kaitiakitanga (the spirit of stewardship, guardianship).
Far worse, Crown RNZ actively exploited the good will of the most disadvantaged people in Aotearoa while providing private profit for a few.
Crown RNZ has been repeated informed in detail of the how and why many of our most vulnerable citizens disproportionately sacrifice their own wellbeing for the sake of their fellow citizens.
To its credit, RNZ National has in the past broadcast interviews with warnings and alerts to such generous, vulnerable people not to endanger themselves at times of National Emergency. It should retain the institutional knowledge many of these people will disproportionately suffer in their endeavour to help their fellow men.
However the 10 May 2024 National Emergency exercise lacked compassion and was sole designed to preserve private profit of principal shareholders in the industry.
This breaches Civil standards of safety and Fairness and, hopefully, BSA standards of safety and Fairness too.
Regarding the following RNZ statement:
“RNZ notes that the following terms were used in the first item complained of, those terms being “power squeeze”, “control power use”, “reduce energy consumption”, “700 MW of power”, “energy minister”, “power usage warnings”, “investment in energy”, “old thermal generation”, “new generation”, “keep the lights on”, “electricity generation”, “power users” and “energy storage”. RNZ notes that the terms fossil fuels” and “electricity” were not used as your complaint””RNZ notes that the following terms were used in the first item complained of, those terms being “power squeeze”, “control power use”, “reduce energy consumption”, “700 MW of power”, “energy minister”, “power usage warnings”, “investment in energy”, “old thermal generation”, “new generation”, “keep the lights on”, “electricity generation”, “power users” and “energy storage”. RNZ notes that the terms fossil fuels” and “electricity” were not used as your complaint”
Source RNZ Formal Response
Crown RNZ admits the use of prime words is “contemporaneous” while denying the broadcasts are designed to conflate them in ways that fundamentally destroys the state of science in Aotearoa. Observe how RNZ’s Formal Response simply “notes” the list of phrases provided to illustrate Crown RNZ’s endemic misuse of words expressing our world views e.g. “energy”, “power” etc. This is a meaningless response.
Note: RNZ was unable to provide a transcript of the 9am News bulletin on 10 May 2024. My transcript may be incorrect.
Note: Crown RNZ is very corrupt in that its taxpayer-funded website provides no record of the many BBC programmes and “News” items it broadcasts throughout the day to the people of Aotearoa and throughout the Aotearoa night to the world in the name the citizens of Aotearoa.
These propagate The Crown dialect of English with The Crown’s world-view of science, energy, climate processes, history etc.
During the past two days I have heard RNZ broadcast via its All Night programme the following list of BBC programmes. The list does not include the many BBC News bulletins and interviews also broadcast in this period.
Crowd Science
The Climate Question,
Science in Action
BBC Sporting Witness
Tech Life
BBC Witness History
The Conversation
Crown RNZ’s failure to preserve public records of its broadcasts is compounded by the fact that searches of the BBC website are very difficult, partly because of the sheer volume of its broadcasts.
Hence I could not include any of them in the list of 10 May programmes. I draw the BSA’s attention to this dereliction of RNZ’s duty as a tax-payer funded public service.
Please see:
8 Charter (o) preserve and archive broadcasting material of historical interest.
Source Crown RNZ Charter
This dereliction of RNZ’s duty has major implications on its standards of broadcasting because the citizen is unable to research and make informed Formal Complaints.
Note: Any device or medium is its infrastructure. So it is with Crown RNZ, our “designated Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster in the event of a Civil Defence emergency.”
It is not the BSA’s designated role to ensure Crown RNZ’s broadcasts are fit for this purpose though its failure to do so indicates an untrustworthy and unreliable culture prevails at Crown RNZ.
The quality of radio technology has deteriorated significantly this past decade. In particular, the quality of small battery transistors has deteriorated, especially since retailers ceased importing the black pocket Sony about 2020. Available pocket transistors such as Philips, Digitech and Panasonic are flimsier, have weaker reception and less stable tuners. In many areas Crown RNZ signal is relative weak and radio bands are now very crowded. Hence local stations easily over ride its signal.
Final Plea to Broadcasting Standards Authority
The RNZ response to my Formal Complaint arrived 25 June, 3 days before our national day of Matariki, an occasion for remembering from where we came from (ka mua) so we could better care for future generations (ka muri).
The contrast between the world of the Crown BBC~RNZ as encapsulated in the RNZ response and te ao Maori as manifest in Matariki tore me apart even as it healed me in great hope of physics.
The Crown RNZ Formal Response was so uncaring and hopeless that it made me despondent about the prospect of laying a Formal Complaint about it to the Broadcasting Standards Authority again.
However my experience of Maori TV’s Matariki broadcasts on 28 June 2024 enabled me to transcend the hopelessness of the RNZ response to my Formal Complaint and gave me voice to address you all, the authority and arbiters of the broadcasting standards of Aotearoa NZ.
Maori TV’s broadcasts inspired in me the realization that you all too may have sensed in the depths of your souls the profound contrast between the miserable, exclusive, divisive extractive, barren, deprived nature of the world of Crown RNZ and the vast, inclusive, sharing, vibrant, bounteous nature of te ao Maori.
We are still in the annual period of Matariki, a time for self-searching, deep reflection and connecting with all.
As mentioned, my Formal Complaint to RNZ offered a deeper context – the psychology~physics of the human condition. It outlined how our psyche can be understood as a dynamic, complementary balance of an exclusive, divisive force (the ego) and an inclusive, connective force (compassion).
This context reveals the world of Crown RNZ as lacking the complementary balancing force of compassion and thus being extremely ego-derived.
By contrast, this context reveals te ao Maori as arising from a relatively harmonious balance of compassion with the ego.
Prior to and throughout 10 May the language of NZ corporate media evoked stories of the universe being in an existential state of collapse because of an “energy crisis” such that it could cause a national “power” failure and loss of “electricity”. Crown RNZ people were central to this dystopian conspiracy with all its language of addiction, deprivation and disempowerment.
The stories are inhabited by “ministers of energy”, “energy spokesmen” and “energy experts” whose language expresses their believe that they are even greater than demigods and are not subject to the principles of energy, Their delusions of grandeur is such that they have the divine right and ability to define forms of energy as “energy” and use it as their will as though it is an infinite resource.
These stories evoke a sad, miserable world in which men (human beings) live in abject addiction to electrical products generated by massive hydro-electrical and thermal-electrical devices that destroy rivers and pollute Earth’s atmosphere. The stories are designed to suppress our innate awareness of our wonderful local solar-electrical potential in Aotearoa and make us beholden to polluting, wasteful, debt-generating electrical systems designed to profit a few psychopathic merchant bankers who detest kaitiakitanga.
The Crown NZ stories are designed to disempower us because they actively destroy our connection with our ancestors and it is as though they never created and bequeathed on us democratic, freehold systems for reticulating electrical products so our children could make sustaining uses of their solar-electrical potential. In this dystopian world, men are legislated to be disposable, tradeable objects with all their information owned and exploited by a few, all powerful “energy traders” and “energy investors”. In this desolate world, our children are destined to experience ever more homelessness, malnourishment and poverty while being at ever greater risk of perishing in “energy wars”, as are the Slav and Palestinian peoples.
The people at Maori TV conspired to propagate stories evoking sensations of awe, wonder, gratitude and generosity in an entirely different universe – a vast universe containing countless billions of stars with each of us being of their essence.
The stories are inhabited by demi-gods who are flawed beings who are subject to the principles of physics, reminding us we ignore and dismiss those principles of energy at our peril. We humbled in the compassionate awareness that all forms of energy are finite and thus we are mortal, moral beings whether we wish it or not.
At the same time the stories of te ao Maori empowered us by showing us how we can enjoy harmony with the ways of the universe so that the wisdom of its principles enables us to navigate the far reaches of our planet by the stars, the ocean currents, the dance of the clouds, the flight of the birds and other phenomena.
The stories detail how we can enjoy the wisdom of the passage of our moon so we can better enjoy our mortal body and nourish it with food.
The story of Matariki is a time for reflection -remembering and calling on the wisdom of our ancestors so we can enjoy a greater state of compassion, which enables us live in scientific ways that better care for our future generations.
The stories remind us in song and dance with the quivering hands (wiri) expressing the universal life spirit in us – our every atom is active potential.
My use of the word “conspiracy” may have troubled you such that you dismiss this Formal Complaint. This is well possible if you use the word as the people at Crown RNZ do . They use it as a pejorative word to dismiss anyone who they disagree with. They even associate “conspiracy” with evil and maliciousness. This use reveals a profound self hatred in Crown RNZ culture.
My use of the word gives it the meaning of ancestors so that it speaks of the common sharing of the breath or the spirit (com “with, together” (see con-) + spirare “to breathe” (see spirit (n.)).
For me, it is a wonderful word and it must be excruciating for Maori who understand this because the Crown dialect of English is actively expressing hatred for the hongi – the greeting and sharing of the universal life force.
Several years ago I created a cartoon series attempting to explain the wierd ways of to 12 year olds. The series finished with a banner illustrating the paths our use of English can take us, at which point I realized the series was really a plea for us adults not to destroy the state of science our children are born into. Basically we forsake our capacity for compassion and follow the path of the ego at our peril.
Maybe it will elucidate the gravity of my Formal Complaint against BBC (RNZ) broadcasts and enable you all to appreciate our situation with greater compassion.
We are our language and please give pause to reflect on my Formal Complaint during this period of Matariki.
Written in compassion and may you all enjoy aroha nui i.e. enjoy all the love there is and know it is bounteous.
Nga mihi nui
Dave McArthur

BSA Acknowledgement of Formal Complaint (23 July 2024)
Tēnā koe Dave
Complaint 2024-057: News bulletin
Thank you for submitting a complaint referral about a news bulletin, broadcast on 10 May 2024 on RNZ National. This letter sets out the complaints process and the steps that will be taken.
Broadcaster’s response
We have provided your complaint referral and relevant supporting information to the broadcaster and invited its submissions on your complaint. We have also requested a copy of the broadcast from the broadcaster for the Authority to review. You may be given a right of reply if the broadcaster raises new points or information that has not already been considered as part of its decision on your original complaint.
Authority’s determination
Once the above steps are complete, all relevant information relating to your complaint, including relevant submissions received from you and from the broadcaster, will be provided to the Authority for consideration. We will write to confirm when your complaint will be determined and when you can expect to receive a decision from the Authority. The Authority meets monthly and, usually, the Authority aims to release a decision within 15-20 working days of making its determination (unless further information, or additional time to finalise the decision, is required).
Once the decision has been finalised, a copy will be sent to you, and it will also be released to the public through the BSA website and newsletter. Your name will appear in the Authority’s written decision (all other personal and contact details will be kept confidential). Your correspondence will also be summarised in the decision. You can look on our website (www.bsa.govt.nz) if you would like to know more about how the final decisions appear.
Name suppression
Requests for name suppression will be considered in limited circumstances. The BSA is an inherently public forum and as a general rule, complainants are named in decisions. Name suppression is only granted in exceptional circumstances, such as privacy cases or other matters of particular sensitivity, where there are likely to be specific adverse consequences for the complainant.
If you would like to make an application for name suppression, please write to us as soon as possible, and no later than 30 July 2024. In your application, please explain why you consider your name should be kept confidential and the specific adverse consequence you may suffer if it is not. If the Authority declines your request for name suppression, you will be notified and you may be given an opportunity to withdraw your complaint.
Keeping you up to date
I am your case manager and will keep you updated on the progress of your complaint, throughout the process. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to email me or freephone 0800 366 996 if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss your complaint
Ngā mihi mahana l Kind regards
John Edwards (he/him)
Legal Advisor
Clarification to BSA re Focus of the Formal Complaint
Tena koutou katoa John and all the people of the Broadcasting Standards Authority.
My apologies for failing to reply promptly to your email letter with:
- the subject line: 23/07/2024, 12:55 pm BSA Complaint #2024-057
- the title: Complaint 2024-057: News bulletin
I spotted your email Thursday morning 25/07/2024 and the title further shocked me to the core. Already two shocking events had occurred early that morning.
Crown RNZ broadcast details of The Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry.
In general, the details were not news to me, neither from a victims level nor from an institutional level.
What shocked me was the way that Crown RNZ broadcasters pretended to commiserate with the victims while blaming “the State” for these profound injustices and brutality. They assiduously avoided stating the truth that this brutal apartheid system has been and remains Crown policy since Aotearoa became a Crown colony – just as it does in Australia, Canada, Palestine and other Crown colonies.
By such diversion of responsibility, Crown RNZ broadcasters denied their continuing role in this Crown abuse of our most vulnerable people and made it clear they have no intention of reforming our national radio broadcaster.
Crown RNZ juxtaposed the results of the Royal Commission Inquiry with a broadcast of elements of Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress along with samples of the reported 50 standing ovations from Congress members.
Again Crown RNZ assiduously avoided broadcasting the broader context of the continuous genocide in Palestine, which is that Israel is a terrible Crown apartheid construct that the Crown installed and maintains in Palestine with the express purpose of ensuring the Anglosphere retains effective ownership of the mineral oil~gas in the region and all trades remain under the hegemony of the Anglo petrodollar.
The psychopathy manifest in Crown RNZ’s response to my complaint and its broadcasts on the Thursday morning of 25th July is actually far worse, far more dangerous than outlined above.
This is the shocking context in which I read the BSA’s introductory sentence, “Thank you for submitting a complaint referral about a news bulletin”.
Words cannot express my dismay on a day when The Crown’s extreme greed and violence had been revealed in such graphic ways.
Reasons for my delayed response include the fact I have experienced incapacitating migraineous episodes for about 50 years, my congenital bicuspid aortic valve has been replaced with an artificial valve, the treatment for inoperable cancer affects my performance, my diplopia makes writing a slow, tiring process and I have other ailments. The news on Thursday caused me to forget until midday to take the pills managing my atrial fibrillation. Friday was spent comatose in pain and unable for 36 hours to even hold water. Fortunately my atrial fibrillation throughout Friday night did self-correct but it has left me very weak since.
The question arises: how do we communicate with each other about this profound Formal Complaint about Crown RNZ’s unsustainable use of the English language and its destruction of the state of science in our communities?
Perhaps the BSA could not open my documents?
I submitted these documents to the BSA online too where they are perfectly legible. Perhaps no one cared to read my full, illustrated complaint at
Worse, Crown RNZ’s cruel and demeaning Formal Response to my Formal Complaint completely redefined and minimized it. Perhaps the BSA has simply adopted Crown RNZ’s narrow, exclusive framework?
There appears to be a major failure in our communication. Perhaps we can rectify this by reflecting briefly on the BSA statement:
“Requests for name suppression will be considered in limited circumstances. The BSA is an inherently public forum and as a general rule, complainants are named in decisions…”
I am not seeking name suppression though I am very aware it not safe for a citizen to express their opinion in New Zealand.
I will briefly elaborate on my experiences as a citizen attempting to promote compassion, science and justice in our society via the services of the BSA.
It is very daunting for many citizens, including myself, to know that both Crown RNZ and the BSA are staffed by teams of lawyers.
Lawyers tend to be a wealthier class of people and a defining characteristic is their superior skills as wordsmiths.
My experience of the legal profession is that types of lawyers exist across the range of “The Ego~Compassion” continuum.
Some lawyers are very wise, compassionate word-smiths in that they use their skills to sustain humanity.
Some lawyers are very clever, ego-driven word-smiths and they use their skills in amoral way, if not greed-driven immoral way. Such folk tend to thrive in our modern psychopathic corporations and my experience is they will indulge in the character assassination of good, honest citizens and they have little or no compunction about “legally annihilating” whole families and communities.
Hence it is with considerable trepidation that people like me dare to lay official complaints against Crown corporations.
Rereading the public record of previous BSA determinations of my Formal Complaints has made me aware of how risky the process is.
People ask me about laying a Formal Complaint to the BSA and my advice is that citizens should only do it they are prepared to be recorded on the official records for posterity as being idiots or pedants.
This is because the BSA records in detail its own determinations but provides no record of the Formal Complaint, only the BSA lawyers’ summary of what they believe the complainant is attempting to say.
Example No 1:
McArthur and Radio New Zealand Ltd – 2023-004 (16 May 2023)
To selectively quote from the BSA record:
“ [3] Morning Report contained a discussion between the host and a Deutsche Welle correspondent for Central and Eastern Europe, including:
…Host: Has there been any word from Russia itself yet or from its Defence Ministry?
Correspondent: Yes, there has been an official communique and obviously there’s always this veil of deceit and lies that nobody in Central and Eastern Europe is deceived by. And they have denied that this has anything to do with Russia, that the missile was indeed Russian. And that will be very, very easy to check on the spot and all the other details, including the actual track of this missile, wherever it was fired from…”“[4] The 9am bulletin stated:
Host: Two people have been killed in an explosion in Przewodow, a village in eastern Poland near the border with Ukraine. The Associated Press cited a senior US intelligence official as saying the blast was due to Russian missiles crossing into Poland… The Russian Government says none of its missiles have hit targets near the Ukraine-Poland border and the statements by the Polish Government are provocative.”
COMMENT re missile attack on Poland:
The context is my radio is always tuned to RNZ National and at 9 am on the day concerned I turned it on to hear the News Bulletin reader (name expunged from bulletin) announce in a very authoritative way the above statement that Russia had attacked a NATO country. I instantly registered this event as being a probable trigger for nuclear warfare.
The “Host” seemed to read the Russian Government statements in a dismissive manner. See the same partiality in the Morning Report discussion with the Deutsche Welle correspondent who spoke of any Russian statement as being a “veil of deceit and lies”.
True or not, this shocking Crown RNZ broadcast of a Russian missile attack on NAT0 could trigger our involvement in an horrific continental war, almost certainly involving the use of nuclear weapons as the hegemony of the Anglo petrodollar implodes.
Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, a principal signatory of the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty in 2010, who understands very clearly the high risk of an all-out nuclear missile exchange, said of the AP report, “The West moves closer to the World War”
To quote again from the BSA record of my Formal Complaint about this dangerous, terrifying, deceitful Crown RNZ broadcast:
[26] The complainant has alleged the broadcasts breached the standard in the following ways:
a) The broadcasts were inaccurate regarding the missile type, launch and owner. The broadcaster should not have accepted reports from other journalists as accurate by default.
b) The broadcast inferred there are no NATO “boots on the ground” in Ukraine when English and American troops are present. It also stated Russian forces were being expelled from Ukraine, which was not accurate as Russia is actually adding troops to the region.
[30] The next issue to consider is whether the broadcaster made reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy.14 In assessing this, we have taken into account the following factors:
The report that the missiles were Russian came from a reputable source, the Associated Press, who in turn had apparently spoken to a senior US intelligence official. That this was later reported as inaccurate is information that the broadcaster cannot be expected to know in advance. The broadcaster consistently stated the source for this claim across the broadcasts.
[31] For the above reasons we consider it was reasonable for RNZ to rely on the Associated Press report
COMMENT re missile attack on Poland:
Judging from analyses of UN voting “communities” on issues as diverse as motions condemning Nazism (see Asov in Ukraine and Likud in Palestine) and promoting Palestinian entry to the UN, well over 80% of the people on the planet would judge AP to be partisan source of information. Even in the USA there are those that seriously question the integrity and authority of AP reporting
For instance:
“The AP was a symbol of independent news gathering for Americans by Americans,” says John Maxwell Hamilton, author of Journalism’s Roving Eye: A History of American Foreign Reporting.”….….“For decades, the AP has been criticized for a colonialist reporting model, with well-paid, often Ivy League-educated reporters parachuting in to filter local events, and especially America’s many wars, through a uniquely Western lens.”
Source: https://www.cjr.org/business_of_news/the-associated-press-foreign-reporting.php
Quality journalists everywhere understand it is extremely unwise to trust AP as a sole source in the way Crown RNZ journalists and editors did, especially regarding a potentially life-threatening event as a nuclear holocaust.
Such scepticism of AP was further justified after it was revealed that its senior editors and managers responsible for broadcasting the misinformation scape-goated, silenced and sacked James LaPorta for passing on the “US Intelligence” information to them.
Contrary to the BSA determination, Crown RNZ had ample opportunity to anticipate the probable inaccuracy of AP as a source of News. Since then history has proven Crown RNZ has been complicit in the Anglosphere-backed genocide of the Slav peoples since 2014, now almost certainly involving over half a million casualties.
These subsequent confirmations form some consolation to the NZ citizen who dares lay a Formal Complaint to the BSA though the BSA public record may well work to the remaining life of the citizen significantly more difficult.
Perhaps BSA members are caught in a circular information system in which they place too much trust in Crown BBC (RNZ) as a source of News and this informs their decisions?
COMMENT re “name suppression” and RNZ use of “Host”
Observe how the The BSA permits RNZ to expunge the name of the News readers and Current Affairs reporters from their radio broadcasts.
This Formal Complaint elsewhere points out that Crown RNZ makes formulating complaints very difficult for the citizen because:
(a) RNZ fails to record on its website many broadcasts funded by and broadcast in the name of the citizenry of Aotearoa .
(b) RNZ actively restricts the citizen’s right and capacity to scrutinize its broadcast material.
As mentioned, the violent Crown NZ culture described in The Abuse in Care Royal Commission Report is not news to me. It has been my life-long policy to put my name to my opinion despite being accosted in side alleys and being threatened with having my head smashed through the brick wall.
My reputation for honesty has meant that for several years our family lived with the threat of rape, firebombing, legal annihilation and actual character assassination making me unemployable. There was no relief even after the corporation involved collapsed in biggest corporate failure in NZ history. Quite the contrary.
I mention this because when our national broadsheets stopped citizens printing letters under pseudonyms I challenged editors to begin to sign their editorials if they believed in what they are broadcasting. The most common reason given for editors refusing to do so was their belief it was too dangerous for them.
Unlike the employees of Crown RNZ and other corporate media, most citizens do not have unions and legal teams protecting them. Often their families may be fearful orhostile to such expression of view and their friends many desert them.
The BSA practice of editing the complainant’s case is intrinsically difficult and unfair for the complainant.
Example No 2:
To quote from the BSA records of its determination:
“Checkpoint – report stated that Queenstown may face an energy crisis in the future – the words electricity, energy and power were used interchangeably – allegedly in breach of balance, fairness, accuracy and social responsibility standards…
…Findings… Not Upheld.
…the Authority considers that it was not inaccurate to use the terms electricity, power and energy interchangeably, and it finds that listeners would not have been misled by the use of the words in the broadcast…”
RNZ acknowledged in its Formal Response that “ there were strict scientific definitions and meanings for the words”, these words being energy, power, electricity. However, like the BSA, it then completely dismissed the importance of those meanings, this despite The Formal Complaint summarizing and linking to profound discussion of the vital truths of the Conservation of Energy Principle – see reference at https://www.bonusjoules.co.nz/
Indeed both the RNZ and BSA meticulously avoided reference to this fundamental principle of existence on which the 2007 Formal Complaint is entirely predicated.
This reveals the people of both institutions either live in denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle or my Formal Complaint presented such inconvenient truths they could not discuss them.
The RNZ Formal Response manifests no awareness that science is a profound state of being arising from our experience of compassion that enables each of us to develop the arts(skills) of living truly sustainable lives. Indeed it frames “science” as a construct existing separate to our daily lives.
Thus the NZ Broadcasting Standards Authority’s public record of my Formal Complaint in 2007 presents me as an incoherent idiot or a pedant or a common nutcase.
History will reveal how true that is. The principles of physics i.e. the ways of the universe prevail regardless of the deceits and vanities of the ego in all men (human beings). It is our children who most suffer if our lives lack compassion.
So here is my plea to all you BSA people, employees of the Crown agency charged with maintaining principles of information and caring for the standards of public broadcasting in New Zealand. May you all enjoy compassion and be able to adjudicate in wisdom for the citizen who cares and dares to improve the culture of our fundamental institutions and the state of science in our communities.
It is a vast deceit and a brutal abuse of our children to say, as RNZ does, that this Formal complaint is about a single paragraph in a short News Bulletin.
RNZ people failed for whatever reason to read the full complaint and study the illustration making it clear the Formal Complaint is about Crown RNZ useing language designed to obfuscate and destroy the meaning of the Conservation of Energy Principle, our greatest guide to survival and a sustaining life.
The Formal Complaint specifically calls on the BSA to provide a clear statement of this vital principle of physics and to establish a standard ensuring the words “energy”. “power” and “electricity” are used in accord with Conservation of Energy Principle.
The BSA’s failure to do so will generate great misery and result in endemic corruption at every level Crown NZ society, ultimately ensuring it self-destructs.
I will cut and paste below two excerpts from my Formal Complaint that make it clear my Formal Complaint is not about a News Bulletin and to portray it so is an act of moral bankruptcy and a betrayal of the BSA’s guiding principles.
A final thought from one flawed human being to another:
As mentioned, lawyers tend to be very skilled word-smiths. They often use the word “materia” as a weapon in legal discussion and debate.
For instance in its 2023 determination the BSA stated:
“[25] The standard is concerned only with material inaccuracies. Technical or other points unlikely to significantly affect listeners’ understanding of the programme as a whole are not considered material.12
Lawyers have redefined and even inverted the sustaining meaning of many of our most vital English words so their use serves to maximally generate profit to the merchant-bankers of The Crown. “Material” is one such word.
Why does this matter? Why is it important? Why is the use and abuse of this word central to this Formal Complaint and the BSA determination?
“Material” and “matter” both arise from the Proto-Indo-European word PIE “matar” -“mother, origin, source”, thence to the Latin “materia” “substance from which something is made”.
What is the most transcendent, sustaining use of the words “material” and “matter”? The most transcendent use resides in their origins in the word “mater”. It is this original, most universal meaning that best enables us to more truly understand the nature of energy and power.
This Formal Complaint is founded in the belief that energy is the universal potential, all of which is active while power is the rate the potential is manifest, as in E =P/T.
And how does energy materialize? What is the relationship between energy and matter? It is summed in the equation E = mc2. This equation means the relationship is so potent that, for instance, a Kg of uranium can release the amount of energy equivalent to the combustion of 20,000 tons of coal.
Hence it is vital the BSA ensures we have the correct language to ensure the universal potential is manifest in sustaining ways for future generations.
RNZ’s exclusive, abusive use of these wonderful words destroys our most sustainable story of existence.
When the words lose their most transcendent meaning and fail to be in accord with the principles of physics, we lose our way in the universe. The universal potential materializes as misery, delusion, disease, pollution and war. Thus it can be said this Formal Complaint is material to our very existence because the fundamental principles of physics matter above all other principles and we are our language.
Wednesday 31 July 2024.
My first breath of Cook Strait air in 1947 contained CO2 310 parts per million.
In 1987 I moved to my present home overlooking Baring Head where CO2 levels are measured. CO2 was then 344ppm.
Today Crown RNZ announces the CO2 measure at Baring Head is now on an average 416ppm.
CO2 levels changed by 22.70ppm during the 77 years before I was born.
This morning Crown RNZ has dutifully filed on its website an article about this news, complete with the standard list of “climate scientists” bemoaning their difficulty in getting their message across. Actually they get their message across perfectly well but it is a contrary message to what they think it is. We are the science (or lack of) of our lifestyle.
I have listened to Crown RNZ from 5 am to 9pm today. Its radio waves are bursting alive with overwhelming elation and ecstatic celebration about some wasteful, polluting corporate “sports” event in France.
The details and excitement of some “sporting” triumph crowds all else off RNZ’s airwaves.
RNZ people are dancing on the graves of our children today.
This is an exemplar of Crown NZ’s hopeless standard of broadcasting. This is why they dismiss my Formal Complaint in a most nonscientific way.
May all you people at the BSA enjoy great compassion in your roles as the Crown’s arbiter of New Zealand’s broadcasting standards.
It is compassion that enables you to exercise your roles as stewards of our society with wisdom.
It is compassion that enables true hope of physics and civilization to thrive.
Kia kaha – enjoy strength
Kia ora – in all its wonderful, transcendent meaning (He iti te kupu, He nui te korero)
Dave McArthur
(preferred singular personal pronoun: transcendent word “ia”)
Please note: All the correspondence relating to this Formal Complaint against RNZ is recorded in much more legible form at
Below are two extracts from the correspondence that make it very clear that the Formal Complaint is primarily about Crown RNZ’s nonscientific use of language. The exemplars offered are peripheral to this central complaint and are only provided to illustrate how RNZ’s non-science is dangerous and has a destructive impact on every level of our society. And to be doubly clear, the deconstruction of the 9am News Bulletin is only provided as a peripheral exemplar to illustrate the psychoanalytic method underpinning the relationale of the Formal Complaint.
Excerpt No 1
“The essence of this Formal Complaint is that Crown RNZ employs language designed to misinform, distort and deny reality, generate needless fear and, in general, promote ignorance, alienation and hatred – all this being manifest in its use of the Crown dialect of English.
The core of the design of Crown RNZ language is the ego-derived belief Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = select Bulk-generated electrical products. This is definitive proof that RNZ wilfully and systematically denies the Conservation of Energy Principle, the scientific foundation of civilization.
This Formal Complaint places 9am RNZ News broadcast within the context of all RNZ broadcasts 10 May 2024, which in turn is placed within the context of Crown NZ Electricity Reforms, which in turn is placed within the context the Anglosphere Empire and the current high risk of the annihilation of Mankind, which is turn is placed within the psychology~physics of the human condition.”
Excerpt No2
RNZ states:
“Your complaint seeks to use this news bulletin to illustrate the proposition that ‘RNZ actively perpetuates a brutal, destructive world view’. We must immediately point out that your complaint does not demonstrate any breach of the broadcasting standards.
Source RNZ Formal Response
The Formal Complaint states clearly the Crown RNZ News bulletin is supplementary, not central material.
The provision of the list of associated broadcasts on 10 May 2024 makes this clear, as does the way the webpage frames the complaint with a quote from Morning Report immediately prior to and a quote from Nine to Noon immediately after the 9 am News bulletin.
The Formal Complaint also states in bold letters: “Sample deconstruction of Crown RNZ language during National Emergency”.
The transcript of the News bulletin is provided to illustrate to RNZ and BSA people the method of psychoanalysis used to evaluate of Crown RNZ language and how it informs the Formal Complaint. All the RNZ programmes listed could be used to illustrate the system of psychoanalysis.
In brief, the system of psychoanalysis employs the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle to evaluate the sustainability of Crown BBC (RNZ) broadcasts on 10 May 2024. This analysis indicates its broadcasts on 10 May pertaining to a National Emergency are in complete denial of the principle and thus must be are profoundly unsustainable.
Crown RNZ provides no evidence that this profound principle is flawed. Indeed the Crown RNZ Formal Response makes no mention or use of this fundamental principle of physics at all.
This indicates Crown RNZ people either do not know of the principle or do not understand its wisdom or they deny it altogether.
The RNZ Formal Response claims my Formal Complaint does not breach any of the broadcasting standards. However Crown RNZ people fail to advise the level of science underpinning the BSA standards.So in part this Formal Complaint to Crown RNZ is an attempt to have the BSA:
- provide its interpretation of the Conservation of Energy Principle;
- rate the degree of importance the Conservation of Energy Principle has in sustaining Mankind;
- rate the degree of importance that the use of the words “energy”, “power” and “electricity” be in accord with the principle i.e. be used in “scientific” way in accord with the ways of the universe;
- provide a standard for ensuring such words are used in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Finish Excerpt No 2