Mobius Loop of Life

Preface Reflection
We are our symbols and, without compassion, the ego can easily have us make them be our worst enemy.

The Mobius Loop of Life : a symbol summarizing the physics and psychology of human existence.

Note: Energy (the vast, universal potential, all of which is active) can never be fully manifest in pictures or words. It is only manifest as forms of energy. Each form is finite and and the total number of forms is countless.

Our Mobius Loop of Life


Words cannot portray nor thoughts fully embrace our experience of paradox. The ego in each of us, being divisive and dualistic of nature, would have us dismiss the Mobius Loop as “impossible” and “not real”.
This is because the ego abhors any experience that transcends its dualism and reminds us in the reality of the interconnection of all the universe, of all existence.
Inherently greedy and exclusive, the ego continually acts in ingenious ways to confound, diminish and deny our experience of inclusiveness, inquiry, humility, generosity, stewardship and the other qualities of compassion.
For instance, the ego can have us conflate and even reverse the meaning we give to our words so they deny our mortal nature and our roles as stewards amidst the universal transformation. Its ways of denial are so ingenious that we may remain oblivious to the changed meaning. This is why, to paraphrase Confucius, our prime Civic act is to continually rectify (correct) our use of words, our language.

The Mobius Loop of Life above expresses the continuous, dynamic interplay between the ego and the compassion in each and all of us. It is inspired by attempts to improve the worldview encapsulated in Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics illustration.
While the Mobius Loop of Life fails to express the essential dynamism of existence, it hints at how our human sensibility floats amidst the cosmic flux.
In particular, observe there is no attempt to portray the nature of energy, the universal potential. Rather it hints at that which is manifest: a few of the myriad potential forms of energy.
Also observe how it retains the original meaning of “economy” (oikonomos “manager, steward,” from oikos “house, abode, dwelling” + nomos “managing,” ). Economy is associated with careful, frugal management of he oikoumene – “the inhabited (earth).” Economy is not confused and conflated with dis-economy (a system of planned obsolescence, waste and pollution), as does The Crown dialect of English.

See the legend below for further elucidation.



We all live paradox. All our experience of existence involves paradox yet thoughts~words cannot express paradox. This is because our thought process cannot simultaneously embrace dichotomy i.e. two interrelated, contrary meanings .
The word paradox arises from para- (“beyond” or “outside of”) and the verb dokein (“to think”).

Note: The loop or ring pictured above informs us in paradox in ways that words never can. It is most commonly known as the Moebius Strip or Moebius Loop after August Moebius (Möbius), who first published its detailed mathematical description in 1865. In essence, a single plane forms both the inner and the outer of a loop.

Weavings, drawings and carvings of the Moebius Loop’s paradoxical form have baffled, intrigued and inspired humankind since time immemorial.

Weavings, drawings and carvings of the Moebius Loop’s paradoxical form have baffled, intrigued and inspired humankind since time immemorial.
Central part of a large floor mosaic, from a Roman villa in Sentinum (now known as Sassoferrato, in Marche, Italy), ca. 200–250 C.E.
Aion, the god of eternity, is standing inside a celestial sphere decorated with zodiac signs, in between a green tree and a bare tree (summer and winter). Sitting in front of him is the mother-earth goddess, Tellus (the Roman counterpart of Gaia) with her four children, who possibly represent the four seasons.

Examples of common experiences of paradox
Light and dark are opposites; each arises from the other.
Sound and silence are opposites; each arises from the other.
Our inhaling and exhaling of the breath are contra-actions; each arises from the other. To give is to receive.

This symbol indicates a close, interactive relationship exists between two words. Their meaning is different yet one word cannot be understood without the other.

Physics is the study of the being or the ways of the universe, all of which involve paradox. It arises from “phyein” to bring forth ~ “being ”, to be.
Psychology is the study of the breath, spirit, soul. It arises from Greek “psykhe” +
“logia”. “study of”.
Spirit arises from “spirare”, which is to do with the ability to blow, breathe, exhale while psyche arises from “psykhein” –“to blow or breathe”.
“Logia” means the “study of”.

At its essence, Psychology is the development of the arts (skills) of transcending paradox so we can best enjoy harmony with Physics i.e. the being or the ways of the universe.
Inhaling and exhaling are contra-actions; each arises from the other. Together they form the breath.
Harmony and disharmony are contrary states; each arises from the other. Together they form the human condition.


Energy is the universal potential, all of which is active. It continually transforms and is so bounteous it can usefully be considered a constant.
Its essence is distilled in the Conservation of Energy Principle, which reminds us energy can neither be created nor destroyed and it continually transforms.
Note: The Crown English education system teaches “energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.” This denies the quintessential intimate, active nature of energy.
All is change; change is a constant.

Forms of Energy

Energy is manifest in countless forms. Any form can be known from many points of view e.g. electrical, thermal, chemical, gravitational, information and other perspectives.
All forms are of energy; no form is energy.


Energy, the universal potential, is manifest in countless forms. Any form can be known from many points of view e.g. electrical, thermal, chemical, gravitational, information and other perspectives.
Note: The Crown English education system teaches (1) potential energy is “ position relative” or “the energy of position or state” and (2) kinetic energy is “ motion relative” or “the energy of motion”. Again this denies the quintessential intimate, active nature of energy.
All forms are of energy; no form is energy.
Every perspective of a form is different; all view the same form.


The Conservation of Energy Principle probably speaks the greatest sustaining truth about existence. It has never been disproved despite being subject to millennia of the most ingenious and intense scrutiny that human beings are capable of.
Everyone is vitally intimate with energy; no one knows what energy is.

Any and all information is a form of energy i.e. information is physical and subject to the principles of physics, including the Conservation of Energy Principle.
The universal transformation is continuous even as it is a constant
Any form informs all forms even as all forms inform it.
Our use of a symbol simultaneously generates and reflects our state of being.

The Ego~Compassion

The ego (“I”) arises within any sentient form in any instant that its psyche is fragmented by self-awareness. Born of a sense of division, the ego is inherently exclusive. It existentially fears and denies notions of stewardship with their reminders of the continuous, universal transformation and the finite nature of all forms. We are deceitful, acquisitive and arrogant.
Compassion also arises in all these moments of self-awareness. Born of a sense of universal connection, it is inclusive by~of nature. We are truthful, inquiring, generous and humble.
Inclusion and exclusion are different; each arises from the other.
Connection and division are different; each arises from the other.

Delusive~True Hope.

Any moment of self-awareness involves the incredible, ingenious interplay between the ego and compassion. All hopes are manifestations of the vast universal potential, which is energy. The question arises: which uses of energy sustain us and which do not? Which of our hopes can we trust? The Conservation of Energy Principle advises us in principle:
True hope resides in symbol use that embraces the reality of continuous, universal change and personal stewardship.
Delusive hope (misery) resides in symbol use that denies this reality.

Note. The Crown English Education system denies the Conservation of Energy Principle in that its speaks of Potential Energy and Active (Kinetic) Energy and thus promotes ego-driven uses of energy. The reality of the Principle is all the universal potential is active.

Economy ~ Dis-Economy

An economy is a compassionate action or system of management. It is characterized by Civics i.e. justice, caring stewardship and true hopes founded in harmony with the principles of physics.
A dis-economy is an ego-driven action or system of management. It is characterized by Non-Civics i.e. designed injustice, waste, pollution, addiction and delusive hopes founded in dissonance and denial of the principles of physics.

Civics ~ Non-Civics

The experience of the qualities of compassion enables us all to enjoy the state of science, which in turns enables us to develop all manner of sustaining arts (skills) i.e. Civics. Our lives and institutions generate stewardship and economy, harmony and justice.
Without compassion, the ego tends to prevail in us in the form of a state of non-science. This causes us to develop all manner of destructive arts (skills) i.e. Non-Civics. Our lives and institutions generate dissonance, injustice, addiction, dis-economy (waste and pollution).

End of Legend

Acknowledgements, Tributes and Aspirations

The original meaning of cartoon was “preliminary sketches made by artists on such paper”, such paper being cartone i.e.”strong, heavy paper, pasteboard”. All my drawings are cartoons. I try to express truths in a picture and then await others with greater skills (art) at drawing to express these insights.
I sketched the cartoon of the Mobius Loop of Life while lying on stretchers for hours in the Accident and Emergency ward at my local hospital as I waited to have the blood clots blocking my catheter aspirated.
I would like to acknowledge how the medical arts and diligent caring of the hospital staff enabled me to continue this endeavour.
I also like to offer tribute to Yanko Design, whose pictures of their 3D machined Mobius sculpture provided inspiration of how the dynamic nature of our psychology~physics might be pictured in a more holistic way.
I offer tribute to the profound insights of the peasants of China 2500 years ago who measured the sun’s shadow throughout its annual cycle and used this cosmic wisdom to create the great, sustaining Yin~Yang symbol.
English is my native tongue and I offer tribute to the peoples of Euro-India who bequeathed on us great wisdom in so many of the words I speak. It reassures and sustains me amidst the insanity of the English Combustion Revolution.

Reflections on the Doughnut Economics symbol created by Kate Raworth. (far left symbol)
Reflections on Te Reo Maori Doughnut symbols created by Juhi Shareef, Jennifer McIver, Tineke Tatt and Teina Boasa-Dean (upper most central symbol)

Their symbols inspired the creation of the Mobius Loop of Life and I offered it in a spirit of accord with Juhi’s aspiration that it also sparks dialogue that sustains our children:

“Whatever your worldview, it is powerful to recognise that two perspectives of the New Zealand context – Māori and Pakeha – can sit side by side. It is our hope that these two perspectives, and more, spark dialogue on our journey to build a better future.” Juhi Shareef

First posted Easter Sunday 4 April 2021

7 June 2021
Today I discovered a link to Kate Raworth’s video using puppets.
In her introduction Kate writes:

One of the most dangerous stories at the heart of 20th century economics is the depiction of humanity as rational economic man. In my book Doughnut Economics I decided he needed a portrait so I drew him, standing alone, with money in his hand, ego in his heart, a calculator in his head and nature at his feet. He hates work, he loves luxury and he knows the price of everything.

The ego resides in every human psyche, as does compassion. The Mobius Loop of Life reminds us that the dynamic interplay of these elements inform our every action.

Final Reflection

We are our symbols and this matters because they simultaneously reflect and generate our worldview, for better and for worse. Thus it is wise to explore our most potent symbols to ensure they best align with the principles of physics and sustain humankind.
Revelations from this inquiry challenge beliefs we hold dear. So it is helpful to appreciate how subtle these matters involving the human condition are and how they are best understood in compassion.
This is because they always involve that mercurial, ingenious, acquisitive, deceitful element of our being: the human ego.

The ego or the “I” is born of the division of our consciousness with self-consciousness and it thrives in division and alienation. Thus the nature of the ego is such that it is relentless in its denial of reality – this being the continuous, universal transformation, the cosmic flux we are all part of.
Without compassion, the ego can easily have us be our own worst enemy, no matter how wise our individual psyche, no matter how civil our society, no matter how profound our religion.
It is the compassionate element of our being that allows us to embrace our perceived errors and limitations so we are able to learn from them, enjoy greater truth and be more in harmony with the universal ways.
The Doughnut Economics symbol and the Te Reo Maori Doughnut inspired this exploration, which now includes the Yinyang symbol, the Greenhouse World symbol and my own attempt to create a wise, sustaining symbol: the Mobius Loop of Life.

Reflections on the Doughnut Economics symbol

Reflections on Te Reo Maori Doughnut symbol

Reflections on the Yinyang symbol

Reflections on the Greenhouse World symbol