11 March 2022
Hello Lisa and other Checkpoint people
Letter has one attachment:

Article is at
Author is Gathara – Communications consultant, writer, and award-winning political cartoonist based in Nairobi.
Trust you do not mind being addressed in a less formal, more intimate way. I take the liberty because The Crown in NZ permits you to play a very privileged, intimate role in my life.
I have been a school cleaner in the evenings for 17 years now and Checkpoint occurs at a time when I am cleaning rows of toilets and vacuuming a ten class school. I have listened to most Checkpoint broadcasts in that 17 years, mainly through headphones so I can hear your voice over the whine of the industrial vacuums and flushing of toilets. Thus your voice lives right in the centre of my skull in most intimate, stereophonic way. This intimate and relatively distraction-free mode enables me to study, reflect on, analyze and argue with what you say in considerable depth.
Every so often I break out for a couple of moments to send Checkpoint a text on some issue that riles me in particular or to provide feedback in response to one of your many requests.
The last few days you have been asking for feedback on the rising price of petrol and groceries as part of your new campaign to milk the misery these inflationary rises are causing those on medium incomes or less.
I have worked as a labourer for over 50 years, partly because I have experienced regular migraines for over 4 decades and also partly because of my propensity to speak inconvenient truths about systems that usually come to pass. So I know what it is like to work for long hours on low pay, go for decades on end without holidays, have my skull rotting because basic dentistry is too expensive, have my family home threatened with firebombing and worse if you dare to blow the whistle on your employer, be abused by the rich people of our professional classes, etc.
Also one of my jobs for a couple of decades involved visiting tens of thousand of households and businesses, which gave me very privileged insights into the lives of rich and poor alike.
So I have some insight to offer in response to your request, Lisa.
Doubtless the ego in me is striving with all its incredible ingenuity to confound these words I write just as the ego in you will endeavour to have you dismiss this letter as the work of just another misinformed and bitter person. Let us hope that compassion prevails in this attempt to discuss the inconvenient truth about mineral oil/gas.
I have just searched to check my recall is correct that you came to Checkpoint from TV3. I recall that this news was a cause for alarm bells in me at the time because I have bad memories of TV3 after watching its psychopathic CNN 24 hour a day coverage of our ghastly “Shock and Awe” assault on the Iraqi people in 1991. Soon after TV1 succumbed and began broadcasting the BBC coverage 24/7 too in order to “compete” with TV3.
All this was very traumatic for me because my delusions about the trustworthiness of the BBC and CNN were blasted out of existence and, for me, the craven behaviour of TV1 and TV3 signaled the end of the nascent independence of Aotearoa.
Then, early this century, TV3 was the only TV channel my house could receive for a year or two. In the evenings after work I would turn it on just to have warming colour in my lounge and to hear the sound of human voices.
My enduring memory is my lounge was filled with murders, tortures, extortion, drug addiction, sexual violence and the blue flickering light of the forensic, cold morgues full of the victims. I concluded TV3 is evil, an open sewer pouring depravity directly into the lounges of the people of Aotearoa.
In short, the news you were from TV3 was a signal that I should not anticipate great improvement at the BBC (RNZ Checkpoint division).
It seems my recall of your TV3 history was accurate and the top search hit in my search today is this very high recommendation from your previous employer at TV3:
MediaWorks Chief News Officer Hal Crawford told Stuff “Lisa is an extraordinary person and someone who has made an enormous contribution to our newsroom. She is the real deal journalist: honest, ferocious, with a burning desire to tell the truth. She’s also committed to developing young reporters. “She leaves Newshub with a lot of goodwill.”
Checkpoint Executive Editor, and fellow MediaWorks alumni Pip Keane, said she has “long admired Lisa’s passion for journalism and drive to tell a story,” adding that “Her interviewing skills both in the studio and in the field will be a huge asset to the team and RNZ as a whole.”
(5) If misused, mineral oil can destroy us in myriad ways including as hormone mimicking molecules that can make us infertile; as delusional “energy derivatives” that implode common currencies; as fuels for land, air and sea vehicles that can act as vectors of pandemics and pestilence and can act as missiles carrying nuclear bombs; as poisons of the soils, waters and seas; and as climate-disrupting Warmer Trace Gases aka Greenhouse Gases.
It is fair to say much of my life this century has been an endless litany of letters to RNZ beseeching you all to start speaking the truth about our terrible addictive use of mineral oil/gas – terrible because it could well cause the extinction of mankind.
I will paste below one of the letters I sent this week to your colleagues at Morning Report in which I briefly describe how this addiction drives the escalating collapse of our currencies, our values and capacity to survive on this planet.
Already the ego in me is saying why bother writing this letter because my diplopia makes it so tiring to try and read the words while the ego in you is saying you are far to busy for this. I will be brief to the point of cryptic:
(1) It matters not in the big scheme of thing whether a truth is inconvenient to us; it only matters that our lives are in accord with the principles of physics.
(2) Mineral oil is an extraordinary potent, versatile and rare substance born of eons of solar, climatic and tectonic activity. Existing deposits are definitely finite and may never occur again in the life of the planet.
(3) It is impossible to calculate the true value of mineral oil because it has countless possible uses. However in terms of man’s labour, a 42 gallon barrel of mineral oil may have the energy equivalent of perhaps 25,000 manhours of labour. In oil-addicted societies like NZ, mineral oil does more than 99% of our pushing, pulling and lifting. Imagine the manhours of labour required to push your car over the hills of Auckland or hold an airliner off the ground for hours in all weathers.
(4) It is extremely versatile not only because it is carbon-based. It can also be transported in a range of liquid forms and combusted at a wide range of temperatures.
I mentioned this is but one of a litany of letters pleading with RNZ to speak the truth about our abuse of mineral oil/gas all this century. Subsequent broadcasts indicate that, for whatever reasons, the messages in the letters are almost unanimously rejected. So starting now I will post them on my website so people at RNZ can no longer say they did not know the truth.
(6) Any use of mineral oil is its infrastructure.
E.g. cars are their roads, fuel security, processing & supply systems, health systems, atmospheric gases, associated societal design and dependent industries, etc. Note: the average NZ car-owner receives hidden state subsidies of at least $20,000 per annum – an amount that bankrupts our capacity for civics.
E.g. jets are their impacts on the atmosphere and its gases, fuel security, processing & supply systems, health systems, associated societal design and dependent industries, etc. Note: the Covid 19 pandemic offers a glimpse into the vast array of hidden state subsidies jet-setters traditionally receive.
(7) The Anglosphere Empire, in which New Zealand plays a pivotal role, is founded in the unparalleled abuse of fossilized biomass. This is reflected in The Crown’s delusional dialect of English e.g. we call fossilized biomass by the name of “fossil fuel”, conflate “fossil fuel” with “energy” and call its combustion a “resource”. (Have you ever given a moment to asking why we have a Minister of Energy and Resources and its implications for our survival? If not, why not? Few if any New Zealanders ever do.)
(8) This past century our two main Anglosphere currencies ($US and the English Pound) are based in the twin delusional beliefs that (a) there exist eternal supplies of mineral oil at $US25 a barrel or less and (b) that this supply can be brutally enforced by the vast Anglosphere military machine in the last resort.
(9) These currencies and their subsidiary currencies (including $NZ) are delusional and have no collateral in reality i.e. no collateral the geophysics of oil combustion.
Our benchmark of the energy-labour equivalence make this clear.
For instance, observe how NZ manual workers, those who use their bodies to do our pushing, pulling and lifting, are poorly remunerated, are paid in these currencies and they have experienced escalating inflation since 1980.
Our mainstream media (journalists, teachers and other opinion makers, including Treasury officials) have all conveniently decided to “see through” the raging inflation all this century whereby it now requires more than two hour’s honest labour to acquire shelter, food, heating and other basic necessities whereas in 2000 just one hour’s honest labour sufficed.
And inflation has been far worse for billions of people overseas while the serious loss of sustaining value of our air, oceans, rivers and soils inflicts us all now to some degree.
(10) The delusional conflation of “mineral oil/gas” with “energy” generates all manner of psychopathic behaviour. Checkpoint is an exemplar.
It broadcasts an incredible range of lies and deceits:
(a) Your deafening silence about the truth proclaims that our abuse of mineral oil/gas is NOT the fundamental driver of escalating social implosion.
(b) You deny the reality that a man-hour of labour has not depreciated in NZ this past 40 years. You say, “Low interest rates = low inflation”.
( c) Checkpoint calls the vast Anglosphere money printing in response to mineral oil depletion by the name Quantitative Easing (QE).
(d Checkpoint says GST is all inclusive and increased prices of land/housing, stock markets shares and “Art” (all GST exempt) do no count as inflation.
(e) You attribute the Stock Markets and Money Markets with human qualities and imply they are each a wise human being, not psychopathic devices designed and controlled by oligarchies to transform community wealth into private profit using optic fibre plus supercomputers to intercept and clip most trades; psychopathic algorithms; brutal, corrupt mainstream media agents; and a wide array of other murderous mechanisms.
(f) You regularly proclaim that labourers own the $money that they are paid in. RNZ Checkpoint commonly proclaims to us, “Its your money”.
This is a terrible lie. The Crown dictates our wages are paid into banks who then effectively own it, with the right to leverage off it and create debt, generate interest off it and profit from investing in Stock Markets designed and dedicated to warfare, poison manufacture, currency speculation, upholding tyranny and all that is evil.
(g) Checkpoint broadcasts the insane belief that money printing, currency speculation, war, human-induced famine/pandemic/global pollution are all “wealth production”.
Sunday 13 March 2022 continued
In other words, Checkpoint is a traumatizing programme to listen to, which I endure as part of my belief in civics (my responsibility to know what is being broadcast in my name and funded by my taxes).
Checkpoint is heartbreakingly cruel in the way it promotes mass tourism, “OE”, “sport”, “pop concerts”, “the flit up north for holiday” and other wasteful, polluting behaviour.
Checkpoint people come across as very cruel because you milk the misery caused by your failure to speak the truth, the truth being that there is no future in these dystopian behaviours, even for the rich oligarchy, let alone the workers who sweat to provide the infrastructure, least of all for the billions of our children who must perish in order to sate the desperate desire of a minority of adults to burn the last barrel of mineral oil no matter the cost while blaming viruses, Venezuelans, Russians, Chinese, the “mysterious ways of The Market”, Road taxes, “labour shortages”, dole bludgers and pensioners, an “energy crisis and any other culprit the ego in us can generate.
Mention of the exclusive ways of the ego reminds us in the inclusive ways of compassion. When enjoying compassion we are better able to embrace and live in harmony with the principles of physics.
In particular, the Conservation of Energy Principle is very clear that a minority of human beings can continue to drive cars and fly in jets at their will or we can all enjoy quality universal health, education and justice but we cannot have both options.
I will forward my recent missive to your RNZ colleagues on the role of our addictive use of mineral oil/gas next week. Instead I will attach a cartoon sent to me by a young relative a week or so back.
I was interested to see it got high approval comments from many young people. Its an image that often occurs to me while listening to the BBC (RNZ). Patrick Gathara has saved me the time from drawing the cartoon though I would have drawn a more androgynous person and tried to avoid the “West” symbol as it just reinforces the White Supremacist ethos.
Two photos attached to letter
There endeth my plea for greater truth about the terrible toll we are about to pay for our widespread abuse of mineral oil in NZ.
In compassion
Dave McArthur
Morning Report
26 April 2022
The true nature of feudalism v democracy
Morena Morning Report and BBC (RNZ) people
I am seated in my lounge reading informative articles in my lounge with Morning Report on in a nearby room as is my practice these days. I am reading
Andrew Curry
I started as a financial journalist for BBC Radio 4’s Financial World Tonight, before moving to Channel 4 News during the 1980s. I still maintain an interest in digital media and in the notion of the creative economy.
In the background I can hear Blinken, Arms, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, War and “democracy” on Morning Report – the latter discussion on
Māori-Crown relations minister Willy Jackson says the Government’s push to have co-governance and co-management arrangements that go further than those already introduced through Treaty settlements, is a response to the need to meet Māori ambitions, and address Māori inequality.
He told TVNZ’s Q+A on the weekend “The nature of democracy has changed. This is a democracy now where you take into account the needs of people, the diverse needs, the minority needs. Its not the tyranny of the majority anymore, that’s what co-management and co-governance is about. It’s nothing to fear,” .
Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson spoke to Corin Dann.”
The discussion is hopeless from the beginning. It is clear Corin is feudal and anti-democratic by nature while Grant does not have the language of Civics to begin an intelligent discussion.
Corin is not alone. Any astute observer listening to RNZ for a day for the first time will note that RNZ is really just a BBC agency, the prime front of The Crown, and that its presenters are clearly chosen because of their English White Supremacist beliefs. They are selected because they will serve The Crown (The City of London Corporation) well.
Democracy always was about systems that account the needs of people, the diverse needs, the minority needs i.e. compassionate systems. The Crown NZ has always been a racist, feudal and brutal place, based in the delusion that democracy is a system of one man, one vote rather than a system of compassion and Civics.
Guyon Espiner demonstrated this feudalism brilliantly in his series
In a landmark new series for radio and podcast, RNZ Morning Report presenter, Guyon Espiner, talks at length with five of our six former Prime Ministers about political events and decisions that have shaped New Zealand over the past thirty years.
The fact Guyon and RNZ broadcast this series prior to the 2017 General Election, queering the result in profound ways, illustrated RNZ’s feudal nature. No democratic institution would have reinforced the non-Civic regime these Prime Ministers had presided over in this way.
One brief interchange in the broadcast illustrates the depths of the depravity of RNZ.
From memory it went like this and I may paraphrase a little:
Guyon to PM Geoffrey Palmer: You were the Prime Minister who sold Telecom.
Geoffrey: Yes…my Finance Minister advised me that there would be a major loss in global business confidence in NZ if we did not sell it…”
Guyon: Silence and rapid change of topic
The majority of the people of Aotearoa were against this sale, Guyon knew it, Geoffrey knew it and my very certain information is that the Finance Minister, Dave Caygill, knew it with great clarity. One man, one vote stood for nothing. The Crown rule prevailed and our Parliament determined to effectively sell what can be described as our national nervous system for a fraction of its value – that is if you can put a value on the essential information system forming a society.
Guyon’s silence spoke volumes about our lack of democracy. Perhaps he understood, Geoffrey probably did and Dave certainly understood well was we were giving away our central nervous system under severe duress and this was a very unpopular decision. Certainly Geoffrey and Dave were well aware that “lost of global business confidence” is simply code for “The Crown will use its financial might to completely collapse NZ currency if you do not comply”.
The sad, sad truth is The Crown (including the BBC thus RNZ) is the dominant financial centre on the planet and it forms the most destructive, polluting and war-mongering institution on Earth. Its psychopathy is so extreme it now puts all mankind at peril of extinction.
Written in compassion
Dave McArthur
PS Someone once asked me how much it would take to buy a NZ election and asked if $100 million might be enough. I replied we know the sum – it is $6 million dollars funneled through agencies such as the Electricity Authority, Consumer NZ plus a million or two through the likes of Meridian Energy and Genesis Energy. I linked them to this illustrated article I sent to the editors of several “news” agencies prior to the 2011 General Election. Only one acknowledged receipt – the deputy editor of the Sunday Star Times – who said it was an interesting insight which he would follow up closer to election time. He never did though the privatization of our solar-electrical potential was the central issue of the 2011 election. He later explained that he “forgot to put it in my diary”.
The attached photos are from that article
Note: I am diplopic and electrion is a mis-spell of election.
So much for democracy being one-man-one-vote.
End letter
Please speak the truth of our terrible wars for oil and the End Game
25 February 2021
Dear Susie, Corin and other folk at RNZ who might perchance read this letter
This letter has two attachments:

As some of you may know, I have repeatedly written this century to you warning that we will all pay a terrible price if you persist with your continuous broadcasts of profound misinformation about mineral oil/gas. In particular, I have begged you to speak of the true nature of the Anglosphere Empire and the real drivers of the terrible world wars last century.
I have also attempted to warn you of the fatal ego-derived deceit infecting my mother tongue, the English language, which is also the official language of RNZ. I have explained why and how its prevalence must cause our society to self-destruct and could well even destroy humankind.
I am a very common man (human being), an academic failure, a career labourer for over 50 years, not very articulate and not especially clever. However my analyses and predictions have proved accurate for one reason: they are founded in the principles of physics – the Conservation of Energy Principle in particular.
It seems timely to reiterate yet again what is perhaps my most persistent message this century to the journalists who administer, edit and front every major RNZ programme.
Iteration of A Truth of Physics:
The laws are physics are such that a minority of mankind can continue to drive cars and fly in jets for a short period or we can all enjoy quality universal health, education and justice systems but man cannot have both options. Note: Earth’s population of human beings is now nearly 8 billion.
A Recipe for Dystopia
Listening to RNZ this morning seemed a terrible experience of deja vu, except it wasn’t.
In 1991 I sat for three days in my lounge watching the 24 hour/day broadcasts of our Anglosphere’s military re-invasion of Mesopotamia on TV1 (BBC) and TV3 (CNN), and listening to National Radio (BBC).
I watched the way “war journalists” were embedded in the military structure, even riding in the invasion tanks roaring across the plains to Bagdad.
I watched the way our NZ journalists facilitated and endorsed our “Shock and Awe” holocaust of the Mesopotamian people to ensure we NZers could continue to burn the mineral oil under their land in our cars, trucks and jets without care for our children.
Yes, in 1991 I also already understood and concurred with James Hanson’s 1988 testimony to the US Congress in which he warned that we are all at grave risk from such activities because they could well destroy the climate balances that sustain mankind.
So I sat riveted in horror watching this insane invasion, this exquisitely orchestrated military-media operation, this appalling expression of our demented desire to burn those potent oil/gas fields no matter the dire consequences. A ghastly vision eventually occurred to me as I sat watching the scenes of Bagdad city and the oil wells burning. It was a ghastly vision of the terrible dystopia that our addictive, wasteful, polluting use of these potent minerals must inevitably generate. Few, if anyone could or would survive it.
In that moment of insight I swore I would never buy another car again or fly in jets again. Please understand this was a gut-wrenching decision because I knew and feared this would alienate me from most of my family, my friends, my workmates and most NZ people. In our culture we are inculcated from birth that it is our divine right to own cars and fly jets. They form two of our most important rights of passage.
My fears of ridicule and alienation were soon realized even though I did not “come out” and openly confess the true reason behind my decision for another two decades. It is not easy being condemned as selfish and inconsiderate for not owning cars and flying in jets. Any attempt to explain the physics of my decision invited outrage at my “virtuousness” and “desire to induce guilt”.
The realization of dystopia
The dystopia has occurred exactly as the vision predicted.
My first breath contained about 312 ppm of carbon dioxide, in 1991 it was 355 ppm, this breath in 2022 is about 420 ppm and the trend is relentless. Its trajectory on a graph has remained unchanged in the 30 years since.
Recently someone wrote how many of us (Anglosphere peoples) can imagine and even accept the mass extinction of species, including mankind, and yet many of these same people cannot begin to imagine the end of our form of capitalism with all its cars, jets, trucks and other systems of planned obsolescence and waste.
Such is the force of the ego. Without compassion, it can force a man to believe the prime imperative of their life is to maximize short-term private profit at all costs.
I listen to RNZ all hours of the day and night. Any hour we can hear the hosts of its shows, its newsreaders and its ever-pervasive, foreign BBC commentators propagating this psychopathic form of capitalism.
The psychopathy is manifest 24 hours of every day in the hopeless language of all its journalists, which can make for dismal, depressing listening – especially in the dark depths of the night. Arguably RNZ broadcasts are too often a form of torture, certainly for those who are recovering English White Supremacists or are of other cultures.
And, to be fair to you all, this hopelessness infuses the English language of all our journalists employed by the broadsheets, TV networks and radio stations of Aotearoa.
The explanation of this behavioural phenomenon is simple: without sufficient compassion (the inclusive force in our psyche), then the ego (the exclusive force) prevails and can easily have us self-destruct. Greed, delusion and addiction become endemic in the individual and their social structures.
Addictive uses of substance such as opium, alcohol and sugar can have disastrous consequences for those directly involved. However addictive uses of of potent substances such as fossilized biomass can have catastrophic consequences for all mankind.
Circa 1900 – Mineral oil: the beginning of the end
The turn of last century marked the beginning of the end of cheaply extractable mineral oil/gas.
The response of the Anglosphere oligarchy to the 1899 and 1907 Hague Peace Conventions, which were both Russian initiatives, had been to block its main initiatives. These Peace Conventions were basically planned and designed to prevent the development of military-industrial complexes powered by the combustion of fossilized biomass – mineral oil in particular.
The Crown’s decision to convert the already mighty English navy from coal to mineral oil was the pivotal decision that set the tone for the 20th Century: a world of unprecedented and constant global wars.
The reason was Britain had strategic supplies of coal but no known strategic supplies of mineral oil. It had long been known great oceans of mineral oil existed under Mesopotamian and Persian lands.
The following quote, attributed to First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, sums up the physics.
“To commit the Navy irrevocably to oil was indeed ‘to take arms against a sea of troubles,’ “.(3)
Unknown 100 millions of people have consequently perished as a result of these Anglosphere decisions.
Circa 2000 – Mineral oil: the end
The turn of this century marked the end of low cost extraction of mineral oil/gas and now its combustion also came at a high cost.
A typical response of the Anglosphere oligarchy was to repeal the Glass Steagall Acts (Clinton-Gore Admin 1999). These acts, born of the experiences of the Great Depression of the 1930s, were designed to prevent psychopathic bankers also being merchants.
The repeal of these acts was conveniently facilitated by the 1999 price of mineral oil being under $US10 a barrel – the energy equivalent 25 cents a manhour of labour. This made it all too easy for legislators to deceive themselves that they were now clever beyond the principles of physics.
Th Repeal of the Glass Steagall Acts now gave the Anglosphere oligarchy of merchant-bankers unfettered control over currency and mineral use.
The result? The Repeal with its delusions of eternal “cheap energy” and “easy money” for all set the tone for this century. It essentially supercharged the addictive use of mineral oil/gas with all its associated, inequity, inflation, waste, pollution and warfare.
2008 The delusion of “Eternal Cheap Energy” busts
By 2008 those societies that made the most wasteful use of these precious, potent minerals were imploding in debt of all kinds, especially Anglosphere countries. Few Anglosphere people understand a 42 gallon barrel of mineral oil has the energy equivalent of perhaps 25000 man-hours and its combustion in cars, trucks, jets etc involves the irretrievable waste of 99% of it, not to mention the associated climate disruption. The truth is mineral oil is a rare, priceless mineral.
In short, by 2008 the lifestyles of wager earners who were dependent on such waste and pollution were becoming extremely unsustainable as global prices of mineral rose to $US100 a barrel. Calls grew prior to the US Elections to reinstate the Glass Steagall Acts and similar legislation. The merchant-banker oligarchy responded by temporarily restraining supply, thereby jacking the price to $US147 a barrel, thereby forcing a “financial crisis” in currency systems based on eternal $US25 a barrel. This includes the $NZ.
No such eternal stuff exists and Anglosphere currencies had no collateral in physics. This higher price shattered the delusion that “mineral oil IS energy”, resulting in the failure of all manner of hidden subsidy and debt-derivative schemes based on it, including home, car and education mortgage schemes.
This great heist of mineral oil enabled a vast transfer of wealth from the average income earner to the oligarchy while also ensuring (i) no incoming politician dared support new Glass Steagall type legislation and (ii) the merchant-bankers gained political licence to print vast quantities of common currency (money) at their will.
To my knowledge, no New Zealand journalist spoke to the truth in 2008 of our lethal addiction to mineral oil/gas. All seemed to be in complete denial of this reality of geophysics. Indeed most journalist still are in denial to this day and continue employ The Crown banker-speak of a 2008 “Global Financial Crisis” or “GFC”.
Worse, many journalists still describe the demented money printing that has occurred since 2008 as “quantitative easing” or “QE”.
This is the extreme delusional language of The Crown merchant bankers. It is though our journalists, like them, also all believe this money printing has the capacity to create real wealth, generate energy and renew all the easily extractable mineral oil/gas we have burned, the combustion of which now performs 99% of our pushing, pulling and lifting here in New Zealand.
Even worse, like the merchant bankers of The Crown, our journalists never saw till recently and now “see through” the crippling inflation most people have experienced all this century. In so doing they deny its fundamental origins in the combustion of all that cheaply extractable mineral oil.
Even young journalists who have been among those most impacted by the inflation still remain blind to the glaring obvious and fail to question the delusions of their university lecturers, editors, money merchants and other elders.
The truth is a minority of mankind has converted all that potent wealth of mineral oil/gas into air pollution and enduring debt.
So now we have the phenomenon whereby our journalists cannot even “see” how and why so many people distrust their journalism.
In New Zealand during the 2008 oil debacle, The Crown (John Key et al) committed our population of $4.3 million to $100s of billions in the form of direct debt and fire-sales of vital national assets to fund the insane Combustion Revolution.
The Crown (David Lange et al) had done the same in the aftermath of the 1979 global mineral oil/gas price hike after the supply of easily extractable US oil/gas fields went into steep decline.
Note: David Lange made a very prescient comment in a TV interview with Kim Hill in 2003 just before he died. She broached the topic of the Anglosphere tolerance of our “Nuclear Free Policy”. David looked at her with needle-sharp intensity and spoke with great precision “…the Americans never do anything for love… the policy involved an unparalleled transfer of capital to the Americans.”, i.e., to US based multinational corporations.
Footnote: While trying to check my memory is correct, I just discovered some of the interview is available at However my computer screen freezes at crucial spots in the video.
I digressed to illustrate how all our Administrations have denied our addictive use of mineral oil/gas and behaved in delusional ways.
These trillions of inflationary dollars and pounds created since 2008 have acted to destroy the value of the monetary savings of most people while feeding the fantasies of those who believe it is their divine right to combust the remaining mineral reserves of the planet.
In the USA The Obama Administration used some of it to increase subsidies to car (SUV) manufacturers and owners.
Perhaps a trillion or more dollars was used to fund the “Fracking Boom” and associated “US Energy Independence” – the primary delusion that has permitted a minority to, for instance, continue driving cars and flying in jets with all their vast, expensive infrastructure this past decade.
“Energy derivative” schemes using the printed money supercharged the Fracking investment frenzy for a decade, obscuring the reality that the EROEI of the mineral oil and gas extracted was less than one. In other words, the dollar and the pound now had almost no collateral in the physics of minerals, let alone the physics of clean water, healthy soils, sustaining air and justice in general.
It is arguable that New Zealand’s response was even more delusional through this period with many of our senior journalists enthusing about the record levels of SUV purchases, international trade and mass tourist flows.
Circa 2019 – The Fracking Delusion implodes
About October 2019 the Fracking delusion imploded and, pandemic or no pandemic, there had to be “a financial crisis” in 2020 because the $trillions “created” and “invested” in drilling, fracturing, flaring etc had been converted into a wasteland across the USA and into dangerous air pollution globally. So the oligarches needed a new justification to print trillions more dollars and pounds in order to establish new sources of wealth to sustain their lifestyles and to placate those whose livelihoods are dependent on mass tourism and similar wasteful activities.
It is difficult to dis-tangle the impacts of the pandemic from the wider, far more lethal impacts of the addictive use of mineral oil/gas. It is well known that the Anglosphere oligarches have profited from pandemic regimes and doubled their wealth this past two years. And we know The Crown has again committed the people of Aotearoa to increased debt in the order of $NZ100s billions, much of which will be used to subsidize the car, jet and armament infrastructure medium term.
Our journalists dismiss and demean people who dare to speak of this terrible addictive abuse of mineral oil/gas. They call us “conspiracists”. At the same time their broadcasts reveal they are as one breath in the delusion that it is their divine right to burn mineral oil in cars and jets, that mass tourism and rampant consumerism is the normal way of the universe.
They found it convenient to remain silent when what they call “The UK” and the Obama Administration (Secretary of State Hilary Clinton) funded terrorist groups to disrupt the societies of North Africa, Mesopotamia and mainland Europe, causing the biggest refugee exodus in history, deliberately splintering the continental EU countries.
Similarly our journalists have found it convenient to remain silent this past decade about another Clinton legacy:
- the shredding of agreements not to site Anglosphere weaponry on the lands bordering Russia;
- the repression of the cultures and mother tongues of the peoples of Ukraine;
-the ongoing wars this past 8 years in Ukraine; - and the despoliation of Ukraine’s wonderful soils by a few oligarches operating in conjunction with multinational corporations such as Monsanto, Cargill, Dupont, Caterpillar, John Deere, ADM et al.
Its worth noting all these corporations are profoundly complicit in the loss of over a third of all USA arable soils this past century.
(Similarly, it is almost certain that Anglosphere corporations have been complicit in an even greater soil loss in Aotearoa in that period.)
As this 2014 Oakland Institute article concludes,
“The current urge of foreign investment in the country’s agriculture and the expected lifting of the moratorium on land sales actually raise important concerns. What will be the impact on Ukraine’s 7 million farmers? How will it affect Ukraine’s ability to control its own food supply
and manage its economy?” (1)
It seems the answer eight years on is that inequity and homelessness have ballooned as it has in Aotearoa and, just as The Crown denigrates te reo Maori here, the native Russian language is now actively repressed under Anglosphere regime in Ukraine.
The question arises: are our journalists revealing that their use of te reo Maori is uncaring and token when, by their silence, they support the repression of the Russian language in the Ukraine region.
It’s a deep question because our journalists believe “conspiracy” is malignant whereas in te ao of te Maori the sharing of the breath is a sacred act.
Reflections on listening to RNZ today
So I listen to Morning Report this morning already sickened from listening to two hours of BBC on our national radio since 4 am. Perhaps the most sickening was to listen about 4.30 am to the BBC’s jocular denial of Britain’s unparalleled role in the combustion of Earth’s biomass and destruction of our planet’s vital climate balances.
Listening to RNZ today is to revisit the psychopathic broadcasts of 1991, complete with the indentical use of the BBC and CNN. The main difference is this time the journalists have different names: Corin Dann and Susie Ferguson (esteemed war correspondent). 30 years on they still continue The Crown’s tradition of stoking misinformation and milking the misery of the people for every cent they are paid.
No mention of the English and French invasions of the region in recent centuries, less still the Anglosphere-funded German invasion of the Russian region in which some have estimated upwards 40 million Slav people perished ( or to use the English, French and German spelling of Slav: the “Slave”).
And still no mention of the continuous wars in Ukraine this past eight year since the Anglosphere-backed regime took over.
No mention of the Anglosphere oligarch’s unrelenting fury at Russia and China bypassing their global trade control system with a Sino-Russian “Gas” deal worth a half a trillion dollar gas 2014.
No mention of how Russian military intervention stopped ISIS funding their campaign using stolen Syrian oil nor any acknowledgment that this prevented an even more devastating refugee crisis in Europe.
No mention of the Anglosphere bankruptcy from their addictive use of mineral oil and gas and the consequent Fracking debacle.
No mention of how the Anglosphere just shut down the new Russian pipeline to Germany just after it has been certified as safe by German inspectors and pumped full with mineral gas.
No mention how the profound dis-economics of US Fracking mean a cabal of Anglosphere corporations most profit by exporting Fracked Gas to Europe at the expense of poorer American families who will be left cold in a Frack-wrecked land.
The Russian people are not stupid and they know the Anglosphere media portrays them as demons.
They know the Anglosphere Empire is entirely reliant on its capacity to burn mineral oil and gas on scale.
They know Anglosphere oligarchs need to jack up the global price of mineral oil and gas to fund future US Fracking and to prevent the dollar and the pound from complete collapse.
They know all the peoples of the Ukraine are mere pawns in the lunatic play. Deep in their guts they know the deaths of billions of people is just a collateral number in the accounting system of the Anglosphere corporations in their quest to control and burn all the mineral oil and gas of Russia.
They know this the Anglosphere Empire’s End Game.
And before I tuned out from RNZ in exhaustion, I still have heard no mention how Britain’s military maneuvres in the region and how its export of sophisticated armaments to the oligarches of Ukraine raises the risk of catastrophic nuclear warfare to extreme.
The Anglosphere has a unique proven record of using nuclear bombs. If I were a Russian military official I cannot imagine how I or any man could judge if an incoming missile from Ukraine a few minutes away is a nuclear bomb.
Surely any journalist worth a grain of salt knows the story of how close we were to mass annihilation in 1962. This is far worse odds. (2)
On reflection in this context, my decision to turn the switch off on driving cars and flying jets now seems so sane and easy despite the decades of opprobrium I have endured in New Zealand. And no doubt RNZ journalists will trash me this letter too as the work of a nutcase.
However, when I hear the panic and desperation in journalist’s voices at the thought they may no longer being able to drive cars and fly in jets, I thank my lucky stars that somehow I broke my addiction to them. Despite the inconvenience and abuse this past 30 years, my life has been so much more humble, enjoyable and free. Twice I have had to look death in the face death recently. Each time the most sustaining, consoling thought has been that it is so good I stopped owning cars, ceased flying in jets, tried to speak the truth as best I could and endeavoured to better care for our children.
That is my message to you all -there is a good life beyond this terrible addiction.
Please note that I am diplopic, writing is a slow, tiring, often painful process and I struggle to read what I write.
In compassion
Dave McArthur
(1) file:///C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Temp/Brief_CorporateTakeoverofUkraine_0.pdf
Other support links
Friday – Week ending 18 March 2020
Please speak the truth of our terrible wars for oil and the End Game (Continued)
This letter is also posted at
Ata marie Corin, Guyon and other BBC (RNZ) people
This letter has one attachment (A screenprint of language in a accord and denial of the principles of physics.)

My understanding is “ata marie” has a fuller meaning of “a good, peaceful day to you”.
It is now eight years since the Anglosphere Empire started what could well be WW111 as part of its policy to regain control of and burn the mineral oil/gas of Russia. The Ukrainian and other Slav peoples, expendable in this calculation, are being expended in this psychopathic geopolitics – truly psychopathic in that it involves the extremely high probability of mass nuclear annihilation.
In NZ the endemic addictive abuse of mineral oil (cars, jets, mass tourism, plastic waste etc) is such that it inflames addicts with such hatred, violence, self-loathing, torment and avarice that they would commit fratricide rather than give up their vice. They cannot imagine life beyond their addiction.
The BBC (RNZ) is the foremost voice* in my life promoting this lethal pyschopathy and my greeting is sincere. May we all enjoy compassion and so transcend the ingenious, self-destructive machinations of the ego. May peace prevail.
It is now three weeks since I wrote this letter to Morning:
Please speak the truth of our terrible wars for oil and the End Game
25 February 2021
Dear Susie, Corin and other folk at RNZ who might perchance read this letter
RNZ employees are nominally our public servants charged with communicating the truth. However in reality they are agents employed to act for The Crown, a radical institution founded in theft, warfare, holocausts, famine, addiction, waste and pollution on an unparalleled scale in the known history of humankind. The Crown is the prime driver of the Anthropocene this past three centuries and the BBC, of which RNZ is a division, is its principal voice.
It is clear that RNZ Morning Report completely dismissed my letter. This is manifest in its cheerleading this past three weeks of:
- the Anglosphere war for Russia’s mineral oil/gas;
- unfettered mass tourism, continuous population growth and planned unlimited waste;
- Fascism both globally ( E.g. in Ukraine, Poland, North America, Britain and international money speculation) and here in New Zealand (E.g. its glorification of BBC Broadcasts, the recent tax-funded increases in the corrupt, hidden public subsidies to car and jet addicts, the implementation of NZ’s radical anti-UN Autonomous Sanctions regime, local money speculation);
- the rapid wanton depletion of Earth’s minerals and disruption of the climate balances that sustain mankind.
In brief, Morning Report is English White Supremacist privilege at its worst – complete with its wilful ignorance of the physics of burning Earth’s biomass (living and fossilized) on scale.
RNZ’s torrent of fear and loathing is hard to bear, especially in the morning. So my practice is to have Morning Report (“anti-social media”) on in the kitchen as a background sound while I sit in the lounge reading more trustworthy overseas journals on “social media”. I keep an ear cocked for key words while I read.
At present the key words are “Putin bad”, “The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said today”, “China bad”, “sudden inflation”, “pandemic disruptions”, “The Market is UP and DOWN” and “UK UK, UK, UK, UK”.
Key words indicating an improvement in Morning Report’s chronic level of journalism are “The Crown”, “Anglosphere oligarchs”, “corrupt Stock Markets”, “tax havens”, “oil addiction”,, “China”, “Indonesia”, “Philippines”, “India”, “Africa” … I keep a special ear out for any mention of “Britain’s wars on EU, Yemen, Nigeria, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Russia, China, etc”
Occasionally I hear words of true hope and leap up to listen. Almost invariably they turn out to be the typical delusional BBC (RNZ) broadcasts. They are generally refutations of reports that RNZ religiously refrains from broadcasting so we can judge for ourselves.
Anyway, for instance, on Monday (14 March) I am hearing “cut fuel excise” (translation: increase public subsidy for cars, trucks and pollution) and “Russia airstrike near Poland” (translation: Russia bombs British-funded anti-Russia military base in Ukraine).
Meanwhile I am reading
“There is nothing like a sudden decline in available oil supplies to bring out forgiveness in what is dubbed in and around Washington, D.C. as “The Blob.” This term refers to an amorphous, but powerful group of think-alike U.S. foreign policy actors both inside and outside of government who have influenced every U.S. administration since the end of World War II. The main tenet of The Blob is that America knows best how to lead the world and it must do so….” Kurt Cobb
On Wednesday (6 March) I am hearing “US warns China” (translation: You Chinese slaves will trade on our conditions or else) and “Ukraine Invasion” (translation: It is the Anglosphere’s divine right to burn all Earth’s mineral oil/gas when and as we please).
Meanwhile I am reading an inspirational interview at
“Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice’, a new book by Raj Patel and Rupa Marya, is a tour of the human body that reveals the links between our biology and political and economic injustices such as racism, poverty and colonialism. Patel and Marya ultimately offer a cure of “deep medicine decolonization” to heal our bodies and the world by reconnecting to the earth and each other.
Rupa Marya is a physician, activist, artist and writer who is an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and the founder and executive director of the Deep Medicine Circle, a worker-directed non-profit committed to healing the wounds of colonialism through food, medicine, story, learning and restoration.
Raj Patel is an award-winning author, film-maker and academic. He is a research professor in the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin.”
Now it is Friday and I am experiencing major deja vu. Susie Ferguson and Guyon Espiner were the co-hosts of Morning Report till 2019. Together they articulated English White Supremacy with considerable force. RNZ exuded hatred of the peoples of Africa, China, Russia, India et al and Muslim people while extolling the Anglosphere peoples. I repeatedly wrote letters and texts to them warning how and why we will pay a terrible price for their White Supremacist views. So it is coming to be.
Susie and Guyon persisted, as did nearly all their RNZ colleagues, and the subsequent massacre of the Muslim community in Christchurch was a local, direct result of these broadcasts. If it hadn’t been these people, it would have probably been some NZ gun maniacs wiping out another group of what they call “Eastern whackos”.
The global result of this terrible English White Supremacism will be mass holocaust and the probable extinction of New Zealand.
Guyon learned to speak te reo Maori but does not truly know what he is saying. RNZ’s own surveys indicated a widespread distrust of his journalism. Guyon been deployed since 2019 as an RNZ “investigative reporter”, specializing in exposing “conspiracies” and propagating hatred of Russian and Chinese peoples. The truth of his fundamental English White Supremacist worldview is manifest in subtle, deep ways that are best understood with compassion.
For instance, the hongi is a profound, sacred act in te ao o te Maori, the world of Maori. It is a celebration of the sharing of the breath, the spirit in each other, the universal force of life. English White Supremacists inherently despise such sharing and connection. Thus they associate conspiring with malignance, evil, perversity and strip the word “conspiracy” of all its original compassion, as in com “with, together” (see con-) + spirare “to breathe” (see spirit (n.)).
For instance, Guyon glibly speaks of “The Economy”, which is The Crown speak for the Anglosphere-driven global system of planned obsolescence and waste, wanton combustion and delusional currency speculation. Again English White Supremacists strip the word “economy” of all its original compassion as in its meaning of “a system or act of frugality and stewardship”. The Crown’s meaning is profoundly hostile to “kaitiakitanga” – man’s role as guardians or conservators of the lands, seas and air that sustain us. How Maori must suffer in this hostile culture.
Corin Dann replaced Guyon and, for a period, it seemed he was a more calm, reasonable and inquiring voice. However this week Suzie has been away and Guyon has acted as co-host. I have noted an interesting phenomenon. I have been unable to distinguish between the voices of Corin and Guyon as I sit reading in my lounge. They are as one as they chortle and joke about the “high” price of a cup of coffee, lament the “high” price of petrol at the pump and murmur their commiserations with Fascist-sounding Ukrainians about what is truly a horrible situation for many Slav(e) peoples in general.
It is so bloody sad we cannot believe any of our NZ journalists any more.
Most people know this truth in their guts too. They sense something is very wrong with our mainstream media, including our schools.
I am now uploading these letters to RNZ onto my website so you folk at RNZ can no longer wash your hands of responsibility and say, “No one could have anticipated this pandemic, this price of gas, this currency collapse, this flood of refugees, this casualty list, this perfect storm, this global war…”
All occurring according to the principles of physics, the ways of the universe. To reiterate the truth of physics to you: An elite can continue to drive cars and fly in jets or we can enjoy universal quality health, education and justice but we cannot have both options.
Believe it or not, this is written in compassion.
Dave McArthur
- Footnotes
This week I discovered Medium and so have published a blog there titled
Tongue-tied by the English Language
(On untying the bonds of the mother tongue)
It is an introduction to a table of English word uses in accord and in denial of the principles of physics. It illustrates the The Crown dialect of English (used by BBC-RNZ) is fatally flawed and there is no hope for mankind if it continues to prevail globally.
Letter to NinetoNoon RNZ sent 10 June 2022
Interview with finance correspondent at the Economist, Matthieu Favas
Hello Kathryn and BBC (RNZ)
Oih coodnut uderstund eh wood oor guest woose sane. Ooll oih hurd woose Russia und Ukraine.
Please Kathryn and RNZ, it would be very helpful to many of us if you could be more mindful we are your audience. For instance, it would be most helpful if you could slow the interview and repeat or rephrase the key ideas when a guest speaks fast and with a strong accent.
Maybe you too did not or could not understand a word your guest was saying about the global food crisis and just hoped your audience would not notice?
Then again it could be your guest was simply speaking the usual old White Supremacist babble and blaming Russia for the perilous state of mankind now.
There is also the faint possibility he was speaking the inconvenient truth that every time we eat a steak someone goes malnourished somewhere; every time we drive in a car a family goes hungry somewhere; and every time we fly in a jet someone is seriously maimed or killed in our wars for fuel.
This happens because the principles of physics prevail. The simple fact is mineral oil is finite and we in the Anglosphere and similar countries burn it in order to do over 99% of our lifting, pushing and pulling. This is why we conflate it with “energy” and, since we destroyed most of our own mineral oil/gas earlier this century, we have had raging “unseen” inflation. It is also why we have been tearing up all our peace treaties and waging war on Russia to regain control of its minerals this past 8 or so years.
In other words, our wasteful, polluting use of mineral oil/gas in our transport and agriculture systems is the prime reason for the inevitable, escalating monetary inflation and bankruptcy of our society since implosion of the lethal US Fracking delusion in October 2019.
Perhaps your guest spoke these inconvenient truths and you were not listening for us? Whatever, our children will suffer because of the broadcast.
In compassion
Dave McArthur
Letter to NinetoNoon RNZ sent 7 March 2022
Ata marie Kathryn and other RNZ people
Thank you for discussing the latest IPCC report with Judith Lawrence on Tuesday 1 March. I had just endured some hours the earlier National Radio programmes which, in typical fashion, had been promoting car and jet travel without serious consideration for the consequent mineral depletion, wars, pandemics, famines and pollution. I was anticipating more of the same and so was delighted to see you gave prime spot to this discussion.
It so happens I have devoted much of my life this century to serious consideration of how we can prevent these man-made events – to be more specific, these largely Anglosphere-driven events. I have concluded both the problem and the solution reside in our use of language and as we know The Crown dialect of English is the “global language of business”.
My diplopia makes writing a slow painful process and so, rather than rewrite everything I will forward you a post I made on a national forum. Judith spoke much about the fundamental importance of clear communication, including clear legislation, and I am sending this to you in support of this objective.
I recommend reading the introductory article first in general -its very light reading. However if you are time deprived, it would only take a minute to scan the table of language uses to get a picture of how we might clarify current climate care discussion.
Your sincerely
Dave McArthur
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Making good sense of the IPCC report
Date: 2022-03-06 16:12
Some may have heard the RNZ Nine to Noon discussion with Dr Judith Lawrence this week about the recent IPCC Working Group II report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.
Judy talks about the need for “clear legislation”, the need for “inclusive processes” , “how we interact in our institutions”…“… the architecture of the legislation..”, “..we need to be able to pool our information together”… “(Nzers) don’t have tools in the tool kit…” “…abdication of leadership…”
It so happens the word “potential” seems to be my theme for 2022 and I did start a SEF post on this topic at the beginning of January. It is clear to me the very exclusive English definition of energy we are inculcated in is fatally flawed and any discussion of a more sustainable definition is relevant to this forum.
In brief, it seems more helpful to define “energy” as “the universal potential all of which is active” rather than as “the ability to do work.
This use of the word “potential” is far more inclusive because it reminds us we are each an inherent element of the continuous universal transformation. In other words, there is no such stuff as “potential energy”, let alone stuff that is distinct from kinetic energy. Energy is potential, is active in all its forms.
Two decades ago, about 2000, I began concluding that the Conservation of Energy Principle is the ultimate benchmark for evaluating the sustainability of any language. I had begun collating a list of words used in extreme denial of this profound principle, most of which were drawn from the Environmental Movement, NZ Green Party literature in particular. My interest was in how the dissonance between our words and deeds are manifest in our language.
I condensed the list to about 100 words – those most directly involving and reflecting our notions of energy. It is possible to compile similar lists evaluating our English notions of, say, Space-Time, commerce or people.
I have refined this list over the decades so the reader can compare sustainable ~ unsustainable uses of the words and perhaps see a pattern in this phenomenon. I figured it would be helpful to revise this list in support of my post on “potential”. This revision somehow took all February. Another delay happened when March arrived and it looked like the end-game had arrived in our determination to control and burn the remaining oil and gas of Russia.
Anyway I have managed another revision of what is a very radical list in the context of our English ego-driven culture. So I have written an introduction to it encouraging people to enjoy compassion when studying it for the first time. It is helpful to remain mindful we humans are a funny old lot in many ways and say the darnedest things.
Those not familiar with my theses might like to view the intro essay at
As we have seen, Judith repeatedly speaks of our need for clear communication about climate care. Anyone who embraces the fundamental principles of physics can see at a glance that the framework of our national legislation and associated main-media discussion is nonsense and works to perpetuate the current unsustainable status quo. However the table not only lists the delusional uses of key words and phrases. It also offers uses based in true hope born of the principles of physics.
You can spot the table of about 100 words and phrases at
I know there are many concerned people who are at their wits end about how best to communicate climate care and stewardship in general. Feel free to forward these links to them if you feel it will be helpful.
In compassion
Dave McArthur
Postscript Monday
I intended to paste in some of my introductory essay with my post yesterday – in particular the list of ten of the key notions of psychology~physics that underpin my analysis.
Your comments are very welcome – especially if you can identify major flaws or improvements. I can download your emails onto my computer but I may not be able to acknowledge them immediately because I cannot upload emails from my computer and am a bit limited by my diplopia.
Thanks for all
Here is the list.
Guidelines for the Development of Scientific Communication
Do not be repelled by the long title, nor even the word “scientific”. My hope is the brief biography and simple statement assures you that any man who enjoys a healthy balance of compassion will be able to see the simple truths in the following list of 10 brief statements. They contain no mathematical formulas nor any lengthy inductive arguments. They may well form an anathema to the man who prides themselves on being “a Scientist”. However the truths will resonate with all those who enjoy some degree of science – as do all human beings.
(1) Existence involves paradox – the experience of one being of the other, that is, the oneness of dark and light; silence and sound; cooling and warming; quanta and continuous; positive and negative charge; the crest and trough of a wave; action and reaction; no and yes; pull and push; inclusion and exclusion; constant and change.
Paradox is an experience beyond the ken of thought and the power of words.
(2) Our continuing existence involves transcending paradox
Hence physics is the compassionate exploration of ways of the universe so its most sustaining potential is manifest in us.
Hence psychology is fundamentally the study and art of transcending paradox.
Hence philosophy is the loving of wisdom – the insights and intuition attained from transcending paradox.
Every man (human being), including you, is a physicist, a psychologist and a philosopher to some degree; no man is a physicist, a psychologist or a philosopher.
(3) A great paradox of energy (the animating force infusing all existence) is that every cell of every man is vitally intimate with energy yet no man can know what it is.
(4) All things are temporary balances amidst the universal flux. All forces come in pairs. The downwards gravitational force of your body is countered by the upwards force of the chair you sit on. Any thing only exists while it cooling is countered by its warming. Action and reaction sustain each other.
(5) The nature of energy varies with every culture. Our contemporary Anglosphere culture, being private profit-driven and extremely commercial of spirit, defines energy as “the ability to do work”. This exclusive definition originates in the 18thC English obsession with steam engines . A more inclusive notion defines energy as “the universal potential, all of which is active.”
(6) Energy is manifest in countless, unique forms. We can perceive any form of energy from myriad perspectives, including its thermal, gravitational, chemical, nuclear, radiant, electrical, kinetic and a multitude of other perspectives.
The more ego-driven and exclusive person conflates “Forms of Energy” with a narrow range of about 10 perspectives, thereby confounding our ability to appreciate the universal potential.
See, for instance,
and for children,
The compassionate person enjoys a wealth of perspectives and so can better appreciate the bounty of existence.
(7) The principles of physics are quanta of wisdom distilled from millennia of experimentation with existence. These principles form wise guides to the ways of the universe, enabling mankind to live in sustainable ways. We ignore these principles at our peril.
(8) The Conservation of Energy Principle is the most profound and inclusive principle of physics. Basically it reminds us energy continuously transforms (changes) all and it is so bounteous it can usefully be considered a constant. Your “Science teacher” may have stated it in less compassionate, more passive, exclusive way: “Energy cannot be created or destroy but it can be transformed”. This obscures the reality that man, in any moment, transforms and is transformed in the universal transformation.
(9) Information is physical and so language matters. The paradox of information is that any thing, no matter how large or small, is informed by all even as it informs all. Thus a paradox of information is that any use of a symbol (including a word) simultaneously reflects and generates the state of being of the user. Information being physical, language is also subject to the principles of energy whether we like it or not.
(10) Man, like all other sentient forms, is consistent despite the incredible denials and self deceits of the ego in each of us. We are our language and the truth of our lifestyle is always manifest in some way through our use of symbols, including words. Hence we can evaluate our use of words by how much they are in acceptance or denial of, for instance, the Conservation Principle of Energy and so be better able to transcend the ingenious trickery of the ego.
In brief, the Conservation of Energy Principle provides us with an invaluable predictive and self-insight tool, a grand and wise guide.
Summary Comment
The Online Etymology Dictionary reminds us how recent our current, exclusive definition of “physics” is: “The current restricted sense of “science treating of properties of matter and energy” is from 1715.” Previously it had the far more holistic meanings of “pertaining to nature”, “sage” and “healing”.
This more compassionate definition reflected a moral ethos in which (English) man acknowledges that insight into the human condition better informs the ways we can understand the universe.
In this context, our use of language can be seen to determine how the universal potential is manifest to us and whether or not we live in accord with the principles of physics…
22 March 2022
One attachment

Ata marie Lyn and RNZ people
You asked for feedback re
Our modern English is characterized by hatred of all sorts, including self hatred. So I checked out the origins of the word “cult”, my hypothesis being that once the word would have been used in sustaining ways.
“1610s, “worship, homage” (a sense now obsolete); 1670s, “a particular form or system of worship;” from French culte (17c.), from Latin cultus “care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence,” originally “tended, cultivated,” past participle of colere “to till” (see colony).
The word was rare after 17c., but it was revived mid-19c. (sometimes in French form culte) with reference to ancient or primitive systems of religious belief and worship, especially the rites and ceremonies employed in such worship. Extended meaning “devoted attention to a particular person or thing” is from 1829.
Cult. An organized group of people, religious or not, with whom you disagree. [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1993]
Cult is a term which, as we value exactness, we can ill do without, seeing how completely religion has lost its original signification. Fitzedward Hall, "Modern English," 1873]
Sure enough. My hypothesis was supported for the nth time. Like so many of our most vital words, “cult” has been stripped of its association with compassion. You may have experienced how all our words associated with “com” (meaning sharing, with, together) are terms used in denigration, diversion/inversion and abuse in our modern NZ English culture e.g. conspiracist, communist, compassionate, commons, community (cf private profit) commonwealth (cf The Crown Empire).
Linguist Amanda Montell observed how “cults” have words to shut down dissent. Perhaps the greatest “shut down” words in our English culture are “F.k.g commie!!”, “You and your bloody conspiracy theories” and “Bah, compassion, get real, toughen up, it’s a cut-throat, dog-eat-dog world”.
I have not yet studied your interview properly. She did seem to say not all cults are bad. By your definition of “cult” the Windsor family fit all the criteria as a “cult phenomenon”. If I heard right, Amanda alluded to “The Royal Family” and seemed to believe it is harmless. One has only to listen to the BBC (RNZ) or walk past the magazine posters lining the entrances to our major malls to know the Windsor clan is adulated as a religious institution by a sector of Aotearoa Society. The delusion is that they are The Crown. They are just a front for a group of pyschopathic merchant bankers of the City of London Corporation, who in reality form “The Crown” and who collectively, it is arguable, are the prime drivers of the lethal Anthropocene now threatening the existence of mankind.
Amanda alludes to the fact that some leaders of groups believe they are above and beyond science. Two brief, perhaps cryptic comments.
(1) Presumably Amanda employs The Crown’s modern English notion of “science”, which has been stripped of its original associations with compassion. It is just a deductive type of research and body of knowledge now and not a moral way of living.
(2) “Science” and “physics” have been conflated in this process. I use the word physics to mean “the ways of the universe”. The principles of physics are as near as we have to laws of the universe e.g. the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Speaking generally, Noam Chomsky is one of the few English cognitive linguists who have attempted to understand the physics of language. Amanda evidenced little understanding that information is physical and thus is subject to the principles of physics. In other words, we are our language. Thus her discussion was easily ego-driven and lacking compassion. The ego is a superlative master at psycho-babble.
Being subject to the principles of physics, our use of language simultaneously reflects and generates our state of being. Hence we can use the principles of physics to transcend the incredible, ingenious self-deceits of the ego. I applied this theory to the language I am born and bred in here in NZ and it reveals that the Crown dialect of English is fatally flawed, which is consistent with the extreme high risk behaviour of the Anglosphere. (See prospect of WW111 and dangerous Human-induced Climate Change.)
Last week I published an introduction to this work on Medium, which I will link you too.
I will also publish this letter to you on my website so RNZ editors cannot say they did not know about it. I doubt Kathryn read it. I hope you do, Lynn, for the sake of our children.
In kindness
Dave McArthur
Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan
Subject – Reading for Easter – reflections on hope
Reading time – same as a NYT article
14 April 2022
Hello Jesse Mulligan and all
Yes. I will get to the subject line “The night of two Earth moons”. First a general comment about the human condition for context.
All things exist as brief balances of forces -including the human psyche
Over the years you have interviewed on RNZ a large number of people who have provided a range of insights into the human psyche. I have listened to many of the interviews and figure you have been offered all the essential insights to be able to have a pretty shrewd idea of how and why a minority of men (human beings) are currently hellbent on destroying mankind.
Perhaps it is possible to summarize our condition in terms of physics, in particular the idea that anything, including a human psyche, is essentially a balance of forces, a brief, stable action~reaction. Contemplate how in this moment you are able to sit on your chair because it is providing an upwards force to balance the downwards force of gravity. Contemplate more globally how we exist because the thermal “push” of the warming of Earth is balanced by the thermal “pull” of its cooling.
Similarly it is possible to imagine our psyche being composed of two such complementary forces that arise in any moment of self awareness. There is the exclusive force of the ego ( the “I”) and the inclusive force (our compassionate element.) Like all forces, they are subject to the principles of physics and our state of being depends on a relative balance of these psychic forces for us to enjoy some healthy degree of harmony within the universal flux.
In particular, the Conservation of Energy Principle reminds us that, like all the other myriad forms of energy, a man* is a finite form amidst the continuous universal transformation.
As with all the complementary forces of the universe, each force of the psyche is different to its complement even as it is the same as it. One is of the other. In other words, we live paradox, a state beyond the power of words and an anathema to the ego.
This is our essential conundrum because without compassion we cannot transcend paradox and the ego thrives in paradox. Without compassion, the ego traps us in paradox so we eventually become insane and self-destruct in a flurry of ever-circling delusions and manic thoughts. The same physics holds for individuals, whanau and whole cultures.
Qualities of the ego and compassion
Perhaps it could be helpful to distill your interviews into these two forces – the ego and compassion – with the caveat that we can never truly know the nature of each. Such is the human condition.
Perhaps you agree that the ego (the exclusive force) is characterized by: – fear (ultimately of its mortality):
- acquisitiveness (greed, copyright, usury etc);
- arrogance (exceptionalism, know all);
- “Science” (a deductive way of thinking, the domain of an elite called “scientists”);
- deceit (including self-deceit);
- and delusion (denial of the reality of the principles of physics).
Over the years your guests have discussed at length these qualities of the ego in terms of:
- fear mongering and dis-empowerment of all kinds, (sexism, racism, inequity, feudalism, bullying, cowardice etc.);
- “conspiracy” (your name for malicious information transfer);
- denial of mineral depletion~climate destruction;
- deliberate planned waste~pollution of all sorts;
- and a general lack of kaitiakitanga (stewardship).
All these qualities of the ego are manifest as the essential ingredients of a lethal Anthropocene (Anglopocene?), which is what we have now.
And perhaps you agree compassion is characterized by:
- a spirit of sharing and minimizing suffering (including acting in open, mindful ways);
- inclusiveness of ideas and insights,(appreciating the commonality of all);
-open and fearless inquiry (philosophy – the loving of wisdom); - humility (acknowledging the flawed nature of our human condition and care in procreation);
- kaitiakitanga (true economy and stewardship);
- and, in general, science (the state of being when compassion prevails).
All these qualities of compassion are the vital ingredients sustaining mankind these past millions of years and enabling you and me to we inherit a liveable planet.
As child development experts have informed you, there is considerable evidence that every child is born with a sustaining quotient of compassion.
Perhaps it is even arguable that these qualities of compassion are the vital ingredients enabling our microbial population to sustain themselves for more than three billion years through all manner of tectonic, climatic and other eonic change?
The lethal delusions of usury (interest)
So to a specific topic, that of “interest” or, as it was previously known, “usury”. You have several times asked us, your RNZ audience, for reasons why transaction systems, such as our New Zealand KiwiSaver investment system, are bad because you cannot fault it.
It’s perhaps a timely discussion because, just as the great religions have long warned us, the ego-driven Anglosphere Empire now seems set on destroying humankind in the near future. Its main currencies are founded in the twin delusion of eternal cheaply-extracted mineral oil at $US25 a barrel and the doctrine that armed might can enforce the “oil-based” dollar and pound as the global reserve currency.
However the principles of physics prevail regardless of the most incredible, ingenious denials of the ego and our Empire began to implode at an escalating rate this century with the escalating depletion of “Cheap Oil” i.e. mineral oil that can be extracted with a positive EROEI (energy return on energy invested).
Deep in their guts most people sense the truth of this. They understand deep down that no amount of money printing, share market inflation, bond yield fiddling, “energy derivative” creation, negative interest rates (sheer theft), weapons proliferation and other ingenious deceits of the ego can reverse this entropy.
Little, if any, of all that amazing wealth potential of mineral oil/gas can be retrieved now that a minority of men have converted it into global air pollution in their wasteful cars, trucks and jets.
We English speakers in our arrogance call mineral oil/gas a “fossil fuel” and a “resource”. Physics is clear: it is not a resource for it will never arise again in eons, perhaps not in the remaining life of the planet.
This delusional behavior is a guaranteed recipe for ego-driven dystopia.
Let us assume monetary currencies form information systems that are operating in the context of the physics – see the earlier discussion of the complementary balancing forces of the ego and compassion.
Without compassion, any monetary system of exchange or currency becomes a dangerous force. For it to sustain us, a currency must have a potent compassionate component i.e. be open, honest, trustworthy and have true collateral in physics in the form of clean air and water, healthy soils and oceans. In other words, our use of a currency must conserve the flows and balances that sustain mankind.
Great religions have always understood this physics, which is why they warned and instructed people of the dangers of usury. They understand how the ego can easily have a man (human being) succumb to the wiles of the ego and practice usury. They understand this causes a man to adopt behaviour that must invariably become delusional and so live in denial of the reality of the principles of physics.
I am born and bred in the Roman Catholic tradition. Our Anglosphere media, including our clergy, informed me that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and gave his all because of “his great love of man”. They all wilfully persist in glossing over the greater truth that Jesus was specifically crucified because he dared to publicly condemn the practice of usury, the very stuff of wars, famine, disease and the ego.
So what would the great sages of the past like Jesus say about your regular “money” programme and RNZ’s “Business” programmes in general?
The Great Lie: Individual Citizens Own Money
Probably the first thing they would notice is this huge deceit: the man who earns a living by cleaning the sewer or patching the roadway is, by law, paid in $NZ which is credited to their* bank. They might also observe that cleaners and road-carers are paid a fraction that clever wordsmiths and money speculators are.
They would notice you and many money experts at RNZ advise us common labourers, “This money you earned is your money”.
This is not true.
The people who own the bank own that money and the law basically allows them to do what they like with it. For instance, they can use it to create credit many times the nominal value of the $NZ paid to the man for their* labour. As you know, Anglosphere law states corporations must maximize short-term profits for the principle shareholders, most of whom are merchant bankers nominally based in the City of London and its money laundering centres around the planet.
So the effective legal imperative of the banks is to use that $NZ to maximize monetary profit for these few people and disregard the value of the $NZ in terms of the common good (quality food, water, heating, education, justice and health systems etc.)
The banks earn the highest profits from investments in activities such as money, Property and Art speculation; weapons manufacture and warfare; dangerous food/drug manufacture and wasteful distribution systems; extracting and burning the biomass (living and fossilized) of the planet; and other extreme ego-driven behaviour.
This terrible use of a man’s wages is compounded by the fact that a few individuals in our so-called “Central Banks” also have the right to use the bank deposit of the man’s wages as they please. The law permits them to lever of the wages, print limitless dollars and to call it “Wealth Creation” and “Quantitative Easing”.
Surely such immense deceit is a gross trick of the ego, Jesse?
And even more gross trick of the ego is to have this oligarchy of merchant bankers to then invest $trillions of these inflated pounds and dollars in Fracking with an EROEI of less than one, leaving only poisoned air, soils and vital water supplies.
Stop Press (8 April 2020) Jesse and all
Today this article was sent to me:
“….In the six years since the Paris Agreement was adopted, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $4.6 trillion, with $742 billion in 2021 alone. 2021 fossil fuel financing numbers remained above 2016 levels, when the Paris Agreement was signed. Of particular significance is the revelation that the 60 banks profiled in the report funneled $185.5 billion just last year into the 100 companies doing the most to expand the fossil fuel sector…”
The headline is quoting
Secretary-General Warns of Climate Emergency, Calling Intergovernmental Panel’s Report ‘a File of Shame’, While Saying Leaders ‘Are Lying’, Fuelling Flames
Anyway Jesse, re inflation: the truth is that an hour of a man’s labour in the Anglosphere now buys a fraction of the shelter, heating, food and other basics that it did 30 years ago.
That NZ dollar I saved in the bank for my retirement in 2000 is now worth perhaps as little as ten cents.
Meanwhile our media, including yourself and including our leading Government officials charged with conserving the true value of a $NZ, have “seen through” the decades of raging inflation. For instance, the QV of my section was $110, 000 in 2000. It is now $1.100,000. My rates have tripled while the services provided are now much inferior and soon I will be forced from my home.
Recall how one of your guests outlined his research indicating the higher a man’s level of formal education in the US university system, the greater their* sophistication at denying personal stewardship. Surely this illustrates how the ego can easily have our most highly educated people act like fools and charlatans?
Such oblivion to the truth is what happens when a man (human being) believes that exponential interest accumulation; stocks and shares; bond yields; “energy derivatives”; amoral, potent algorithms; privatized hidden super computers and optic fibre systems; pollution trades and credits; QE etc; are “Wealth Creation”.
The man who believes this becomes delusional, flails around and self-destructs just as surely as an apple falls from a tree. The tragedy is even greater because their lifestyle often inflicts horrific suffering on their* fellow men.
This inevitability is because information is physical and we are our language.
An explanation of The Night of two Earth moons.
I suggested your many interviewees have between them provided adequate insight that you might be able to embrace the above vision of the human psyche. There is one insight in the matrix that be a bit dim. You have had many interviews with “language experts” and cognitive linguists. However, in my experience, the discussion seems to have been fairly superficial.
A prime reason for this superficiality is that few, if any, actually have founded their research in the principles of physics. Also they rarely, if ever, articulate the relative roles of the ego and compassion in our cognition of existence. So, for instance, none of these language experts explore our relationship with energy, perhaps our most vital, intimate experience of existence even though no one knows what energy is. Isn’t this a bit weird when our very survival as a species requires using energy correctly?
Even as I write this, fingers are hovering over the buttons that trigger nuclear holocaust as the Anglosphere risks all so we can exploit and burn the minerals of Russia – in the name of “Freedom” and “Energy Independence”.
To further illustrate my point, Jesse, have you or your guests ever asked, “How come and why does NZ has a Minister of Energy?”. “Why does the USA have a Secretary of Energy?” An even more revealing question is, “How in the heavens has NZ now come to have a Minister of Energy and Resources?”
The latter question immediately gives rise to the question, “What is energy if it is not the ultimate resource? Has the Minister powers above and beyond the principles of physics?”
Jesse, do not feel alone if you have not asked these most obvious and vital questions. The question then arises, “For heaven’s sake, for my children’s sake, why haven’t I ever thought to ask these questions before?”
The quick answer to the last question often is, “I never thought to question my teachers, my professors, our “energy experts”, our journalists, the “scientists”, our “energy authorities”.
Of course, there is no quick answer because these matters involve our lifestyle, our mother tongue, our culture and, most critically, the ego – the sublime master of deceit.
A part of me, the ego, had thought I (the ego) could never communicate with you in a meaningful way about any of the following:
- our use of language;
- the lethal nature of money speculation and addictive uses of mineral oil;
- how and why Kiwi Saver is more correctly Kiwi Killer and Kiwi Murderer;
- about kaitiakitanga~true economy.
The ego would have me conclude this is a hopeless endeavour.
However there is another part of me that is always listening in hope. For instance, some force in me has caused me to listen to your interview with Frank Bruni three times now and write this letter to you. Maybe you also have relistened to Frank again because it resonated deeply with you too?
Frank spoke much about gratitude and you repeated his quote of how he went to bed full of gripes about existence the night of his stroke that knocked out his eyesight and woke up full of gratitude.
This is in accord with my experience.
In 1996 the “Energy Company” I worked for was privatized and my honesty, once valued, now became a life-threatening liability under the new regime.
One day, distracted by well-founded fears for my family, I failed to focus on the steep road I was walking on, slipped and fell heavily onto the brick-sized computer strapped to my wrist breaking 5 ribs and stopping my heart. In that moment something in me caused me to do a yogic punch-breath, kick-starting my heart.
A heart specialist later showed me on my echocardiogram how there is a point in the heartbeat cycle at which the body cannot recover from a sudden shock to the heart.
To now know my life is contingent on a fraction of a heart beat remains a constant source of wonder and awe leaving no space for bitterness towards those who threatened and punished me so.
In 2001 heart specialists put me on cartia when they discovered I was born with a bicuspic aortic valve. This caused me to hemorrhage all over so, for instance, I struggled to walk for a year because of blood blisters in the soles of my feet and often woke up with burst blood vessels in my eyeballs. It seems some event damaged my right superior oblique eye muscle. One week there was one moon in the sky when I walked from Greytown to Woodside rail station to visit my aging parents. The next week on the same walk there were two moons, which swam to and from each other as I turned my head.
I then noticed the same phenomenon occurs with my computer cursor. Reading what I write on the computer has been a slow, tiring and often painful process ever since and I have not read a book for two decades now. The sudden advent of diplopia also compounded the regular migraines I had experienced the previous two or three decades and which I still experience two decades on. Suddenly I was forced to limit my driving of cars. And my sense of wonderment and gratitude only grew.
You see, Jesse, in retrospect it seems each such event was actually a signal I was being saved for something greater.
1991 was a pivotal time in my life. That year I sat transfixed, watching the CNN (TV3) and BBC (TV1) “embedded” coverage of our Shock and Awe slaughter of the Mesopotamian peoples so we could control and burn their mineral oil/gas in our cars and jets. I sat riveted for three days watching this terrible, exquisitely orchestrated, military-industrial-media spectacle. At this point a vision occurred to me revealing how this insane behaviour must culminate in such dystopia that mankind must perish.
Something in me said enough, causing me to vow to never own a car or fly in a jet again. This decision naturally alienated me from my family, my peers and our car~jet addicted society in general. However in retrospect it was the most liberating decision of my life for many reasons:
Car and jet addiction is perhaps the most vicious, potent addiction than man can experience.
A man enjoys a greater sense of humanity knowing one’s life is in common with the majority of mankind who do not own cars or fly in jets.
Whereas others might despair if a sudden failure of vision limited their use of cars, my response was one of gratitude because I had learned life could be joyful and meaningful without a car.
I realized the great truth in the adage of other cultures that we are our language. Words are physical. Words matter because they are matter, which means they exist in accord with the principles of physics.
The great ego-derived deceits about the true costs of car and jet travel vanished, exposing the vast hidden system of unsustainable, unjust subsidies given to car owners and jet users. It quickly became clear to me these public subsidies are far larger than any pension, sickness, unemployment or other benefit.
Most stunning and liberating was how my language changed to be more in accord with the principles of physics. To be sure, it has not been easy unlearning the exclusive ego-derived mother tongue. However my experience is that learning a more inclusive, compassionate mother tongue is rewarding beyond words. It reveals the existence of a fantastic, bounteous words.
It is perhaps all summed in this quote displayed now for many years on the window of an old Newtown shop in Wellington “No fuel tank, no emissions, no oil wars, no regrets”. Of course, cars and jets are their infrastructure and this dominates NZ culture.
A Great Blessing of My Diplopia and Migraines
Jesse, you are surely familiar with these two ancient wisdoms:
“Without compassion, the ego can easily make us our own worst enemy”.
“There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.”
One paragraph can never express the two decades of intense experimentation and adaption since the onset of my diplopia. Nor can it truly explain how my migraineous episodes made me unemployable as a teacher or similar professional and instead for some decades my career became that of a meter reader.
In brief, my career in what was once known as “The Electric Light Industry”, then “The Power Industry” and now “The Energy Corporation Sector” afforded me privileged insight into the lives of tens of thousands of households and businesses of all classes over decades. A trained teacher, I knew what our educators believed they are teaching, I witnessed what is actually learned and by whom. Then the onset of my diplopia caused to me develop means of scanning text for the meaning given to key words – the meaning being evaluated against their relative compliance with the principles of physics. My increased blindness better enabled me to see the truth. Hence my endeavours to develop
a science in the communication of the nature of energy and climate processes were uniquely blessed and informed.
Recently I published an introductory essay to this work on Medium and on my website. A prime message is that we are our mother tongue and, without compassion, it becomes excessively ego-derived with the capacity to destroy us. With compassion, our mother tongue sustains us because our words and behaviour are more in accord with the principles of physics.
Another prime message is this is the work of a common man who has embraced the wisdom of both the ancient sages and contemporary indigenous cultures – in particular the wisdom that remind us our most vital civic duty is to ensure our language is compassionate and sustainable. This is a matter any common man (human being) can comprehend.
The fundamental message is one of true hope, not the delusional hopes of the ego. So here’s hoping you enjoy reading the essay over Easter Jesse and all. Please be mindful of my diplopia when encountering faulty grammar.
In kindness
Dave McArthur
Note 1. Re language.
You may have noticed some words such as man and they had asterisks beside them. About 5 years ago you a NZ transexual person as a guest and the topic of language featured, in particular the attempts to find a word that transcended he/she and him/her. This person spoke of US attempts to find such a word and the possible use of “they”.
I am the bloke who emailed in Te Reo Maori use of “ia”. You may recall your guest became very passionate, agreed this word transcended sex a and thanked me profusely over the radio for enabling this truth to be broadcast on national radio.
The asterisk is to alert you that words like “man” and “mankind”are used with their original transcendent meaning of “human being”, not their exclusive (dualistic) meaning used in the modern Crown dialect of English. The asterisk is also used to alert you that my use of the word “they” is not sustainable and, because English has no word that transcends “he she him her”, my practice is now to use “ia” . Could you have persisted with that?
Note 2 Re language
Your editor writes “Someone who knows their water heaters from their insulation seals is New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority senior advisor Gareth Gretton.”
Alarm bells rang for me as soon as you introduced your guest, for EECA is a guaranteed recipe for further poverty and misery. You see, EECA is an ego-driven corporation designed to maximize profits for The Crown. It’s notion of energy is completely unsustainable. Have you noticed EECA teaches that humans can conserve energy? This, of course, evidences 100% denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle?
I am the bloke who texted: “ Your question: What makes up your household power (bill). True answer Jesse:generation + reticulation + at least one third to bankers and tax evasion since privatization Dave McArthur”.
Did you not notice Gareth did not answer your question and instead launched into a discussion of what constitutes the average households consumption of Bulk-generated electrical products? He thus steered the discussion away from the price of the products and the fact the self-styled “energy corporations” legally have extraordinary control over the design and use of both of bot the house and household appliances?
Also have you noticed the RNZ website conflates Power, Energy and Money?
Note 3 re language
Thank you so much for this interview with Batya Ungar-Sargon
“Journalism is now dominated by highly educated elites who crusade about racial matters in order to generate outrage while protecting their own economic interests, says a US writer.”
I first noted this phenomenon at University in the 1960s. It became even more obvious to me during my decades of meter reading every class of home. Racist and other slurs were part of the daily vernacular in poorer, so-called “redneck” areas yet these same people tended to live congenially with people of other races and those with mental illness. By contrastm. The supposed Liberal, middle-class folk often preached morality and tolerance while finding every reason to exclude “undesirables” from their exclusive neigbourhoods.
This perverse social phenomenon became blatantly obvious to me during the Civil disruptions in Aotearoa in the aftermath of the so-called 1979 Crisis” or “Oil Shock”.
After the 1973 “Oil Shock” it is on record that the Labour Cabinet of 1975 proposed a new “Ministry of Energy” combining the Mining and Electricity Departments. This was a radical, insane notion in terms of physics.
The National Administration instituted this Ministry in 1977 and, in compliance with The Crown dictates, all the prices of electricity, coal, mineral gas prices were now linked to the global price of mineral oil.
Soon after in 1979 the global “Oil Shock” or “Second Oil Crisis” was contrived and the resulting blip in global prices meant that overnight our NZ national tariff for Bulk-generated electrical products rose 60% (translating to 48% price increase for households).
We meter readers calculated and gave householders and businesses their bills on the spot in those years. So I witnessed first-hand how this new definition of “Energy” compounded the impacts the sharp rise in the price of petrol and diesel. It devastated NZ society, generating a sharp escalation in unemployment, inflation and bankruptcies.
By the 1981 Election the National Government was facing both urban and rural unrest and needed a divisive distraction (rural v urban, blue-collar v white-collars etc) – hence the Springbok tour.
(Labour) Middle-class Liberals rose to National’s bait and marched in the streets in passionate protest against “racism in sport”. I did too – some of the large banners that feature in historic photos of the protests were painted in my lounge. However I soon discovered it impossible to discuss the geopolitics of mineral oil/gas and the reality that our protest was being used as a distraction from this far greater issue. To even broach the issue was to invite condemnation as a token anti-racist and conspiracist.
It became clear to me my middle-class Liberal friends and acquaintances were desperate to avoid facing the central existential problem: the age of cheap cars and jet-setting was over. The geophysics of mineral depletion meant the continuing use of these incredibly wasteful devices must necessarily generate increasing bankruptcy and global warfare.
So it has proved to be and still our middle-class Liberals, including our journalists, remain in complete denial of that reality. They have continued owing cars and flitting around the world in jets for 40 years since. Observe how all RNZ programmes are predicated in the same denial i.e. they promote wars for oil, mass tourism, “sport”, population expansion etc.
I was not alone in observing this self-serving behaviour in 1981. Maori too observed how NZ White liberals were prepared to fight against racism in distant lands while remaining quiet about the racism against the tangata whenua of Aotearoa.
Note. Identical behaviour occurred in Australia prior to the 2001 election with the Tampa affair. Midde-class Liberals protested against the unjust treatment of refugees while remaining silent about racism against Aboriginal people and Australia’s on-going theft of the mineral gas of the poorest people on the planet in nearby Timor.
You will also note that nearly all the language in delusional hope column in the Wise English Guide is drawn from the Green Movement literature. It is impossible to express my distress to realize that the NZ political party I supported since its inception is actually one of the greatest threats to our children. It’s well-intentioned members play a pivotal role at Parliament, in our schools and our communities in propagating the language of waste, pollution and warfare.
Jesse, you may recall asking for any one in your audience who was a “Trump Supporter” to get in touch. I am the bloke who repeatedly texted you that I would have voted for Donald Trump given the choice between him and Hilary Clinton. These are subtle matters to do with human condition and the fact the ego can easily subvert our finest intentions and have us act in psychopathic way. In brief, the ego in Trump is transparent and he does not want to die in a nuclear holocaust. The ego in Clinton, particularly her vanity, is obscured by a sophisticated facade of high ideals. The vanity is such it would commit her commit suicide in a nuclear holocaust.
You may recall a discussion on Afternoons of research indicating Bill Clinton and John F Kennedy rated as the most extreme on psychopathy measures of all measurable presidents.
Remember it was Bill, pressured by Hilary, who broke the USA deal with the USSR in 1996 guaranteeing Nato would not expand beyond Germany and repealed the Glass Steagall Acts in 1999.
Obama is reported to have detailed how Hilary Clinton pressured him to invade Libya and Syria (“regime change”), fund ISIS into being, and cause the deliberate division of the EU Community by generating the largest influx of refugees in history. She also promoted the delusional Fracking ethos and masterminded, with the support of Blinken, the racism, militarization and corporate insanity, which is contemporary Ukraine (Bayer-Monsanto, Caterpillar, John Deere, Cargill et al).
Nearly all our mainstream journalists demonized Trump and lauded Clinton as presidential candidates in 2016. My gut psychoanalysis concluded that I and countless others must perish if she became president whereas, for all his obvious flaws and flailings of the ego, we might survive another few years under a Trump presidency. As mentioned, these matters of the ego are best understood with compassion.
Note 4 Usury
A year or so back both you and Mary Holms expressed your puzzlement that the Stock Market prices persisted in rising despite the general deterioration of social conditions. At the time I pinged you an text asking you if you could stand in court, hand on heart and swear you did not know the cause is the vast money printing.
I have detailed how I have watched the bankers decimate purchasing value of my saved $NZ this century. This corruption has been hard to bear. However I have no regrets of my decision not to indulge in usury (interest) and KiwiSaver. To live with no regrets is to live with gratitude.
However beware the fury of the Liberal middle-class person who believes you are wise in money matters and all their savings turn to worthless digits and dross

I will also post this letter on my website so you can read it at your convenience, Jesse and all.