Etymology English 1900-2014

1900 >artpainting, music, theatre, literature. Aesthetic considerations are paramountAssoc: a few select skills that are antithesis of science. Parallel activity to science rather than product of science
1912carbon"carbon cycle' (1912) "carbon footprint" 2001Assoc: " fossil fuels" i.e fossilized biomass - coal, mineral oil and gas; carbon is pollution
1991carbon neutrality"emitting no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere"Assoc: " fossil fuels" i.e fossilized biomass - coal, mineral oil and gas; carbon is pollution
c1995 low carbon economy
zero carbon economy
decarbonized economy
"emitting no carbon dioxide or thermal equivalent into the atmosphere"Assoc: " fossil fuels" i.e fossilized biomass - coal, mineral oil and gas; carbon is pollution
1900 >change"a different situation"Assoc: more with situation and less with action
1983climate change"global warming" (1983)Assoc: confusion of (1) warming v warming-up and (2) changes of climate v man-made changes of climate
1970s?conserve"care of" > "use less of" (1970s?)Assoc: more with deprivation and less with stewardship
1922conservation "specifically of the environment" (1922)Assoc: more with care of ecology and less with universal civics.
1900 >conservative"political tradition", often contrasted with "labour, "progressives" Assoc: more with personal political affiliation and less with conserving vital minerals and resources.
1900 >cool"to cause to lose warmth"Assoc: confusion of cooling and cooling down.
1900 >down"towards or in a lower place or position", "to or at a lower level of intensity, volume, or activity"Assoc: lessening. decreasing
1950s >economistexpert in diseconomyAssoc: expert in systems based in planned obsolescence: no assoc. now with person who lives frugally
economy "wealth and resources of a country" and "cheaper" > "bigger and thus cheaper per unit or amount" (1950) > system of planned obsolesence (1950s)assoc: less with stewardship and more with exchange system founded in planned waste
1896electricity "electrical currents" > " electrical supply" > Bulk-generated electrical products" > "power" (1900s) > "energy" Assoc: mainly with a few industrial products and trades i.e very delusional activity
"oil, gas, coal and consumable fuels" (1950s) UN ISIC 1958? GICSAssoc: Much less with bounteous universal potential and much more with a few industrial products and trades i.e very delusional activity
1980 (German)“Energiewende”"energy transition", "alternative energy", "renewable energy"Assoc: Bulk-generated electrical products (by reactive response to nuclear and coal use in particular)
Early 1990sEnergy Conscious Ageawareness of "energy bills", "energy sector" "energy corporations" "energy industry" "energy markets", "energy utilities" etcAssoc: energy = Bulk-generated electrical products and combustion of fossilized biomass
1900>environment" "the aggregate of the conditions in which a person or thing lives" > ecology (1956)Assoc: that which is distinct from human beings.
1850s > (date not known)form"systematic or orderly arrangement" > "forms of energy e.g. thermal, electrical, kinetic, potential etc."Assoc: confusion of form with perspectves; associated with a few things rather than myriad things
global cooling
global warming