1610 | art | "skill in creative arts" 1610s; especially of painting, sculpture, etc., from 1660s. | Assoc: symbol becomes restricted to a few activities as a reaction to new narrow notion of science |
Latin > French 1787 > English 1789 | carbonem > charbone >carbon | " charcoal" > "non-metallic element of periodic table"(1789) | Assoc: with a pure chemical substance rather than with heat and combustion. |
1590s | change | "something substituted for something else" (1590s) "a different situation" (1680s.) | Assoc: less with general action of universe and more with specific situations |
Late 14C | cool | "to lose warmth," from the root of cool (adj.). Meaning "to cause to lose warmth" is from late 14c. | Assoc: less with state of lack of warmth and more with causing loss of warmth |
Late 14C | conserver > conserve | "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," | Assoc with all manner of stewardship; civic practice |
Anglo-French 1755 | conservacie > conservacy > conservancy | "commission with jurisdiction over a port or river," (1755) > "official preservation of undeveloped land" (1859) | Assoc: less with general stewardship and more with |
Late 14C French>English | conservacioun > conservation | "preservation of one's health and soundness," > "preservation of existing conditions" in any sense is (mid-15c.) > " English municipal authorities who had charge of rivers, sewers, forests, fisheries, etc." (late 15c) | Assoc: less with general civic practice and more with commercial process |
1790s | "Le Conservateur" > conservative | Describing Edmund Burke's opposition to the French Revolution (1790s) > name of a British political faction (1830) It replaced "Tory" by 1843, | Assoc: less with stewardship in general and more with feudal rich class |
Late Old English | ofdune > down | "downwards," | Assoc: with lowering movement; decreasing height |
1500s | economy | "household management, thrift," > "frugality, judicious use of resources" (1660s). Also wealth and resources of a country" (1650s) | Assoc: less with personal thrift, frugality and stewardship and more with national industrial processes |
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