An experiment using deep psychology~physics indicating The Crown’s language and its AI constructs must destroy us.
Many of us imagine complex mathematical computations occur by some magical, amoral, logical, ethereal process in the brains of certain very clever people.
It is easy for us to attribute the same ethereal process to computers too when we hear glib talk of “algorithms”, “probabilities” “aggregation functions” etc “driving” search engines and all our information being stored “in the cloud” in the same way many people believe manna (mana) is made in and distributed from Heaven.
The reality is the Internet is a man-made electrochemical construct in the form of computer boards, terrestial optic-fibre cables etc made of processed minerals and activated by bulk-generated electrical currents, all of which is designed to profit a global oligarchy of extremely psychopathic merchant bankers. They are psychopathic in that their institutions and practices lack compassion, enabling the worst excesses of the ego to prevail. This is manifest in their dialect of English.
The index to this essay is my list of questions to ChatGPT soon after it was launched in June 2023. The questions are grouped in sections or chapters so they form a narrative. Indications are it is a narrative of how some men (human beings) have re-engineered the English language and generated a dangerous Anthropocene in the process.
My methods are framed by a worldview in which the principles of physics hold – unlike our most popular Artificial Intelligence experts whose analysis is vulnerable to the whims and deceits of the ego,
The questions to ChatGPT involve the meaning of words we commonly use to frame the ways of the universe and my reflections on ChatGPT’s answers are guided by the wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle. This method of psychoanalysis provides a means of identifying the role of the ego in ChatGPT’s processes. It also provides a comparatively reliable benchmark for evaluating the sustainability of ChatGPT’s answers and suggested questions.
I collated a rough list of some of our most vital framing words and phrases. These words express and frame our world view. Thus they are critical to our survival as a species. Our use of them determines whether we survive and thrive or perish in misery.
My method is as simple as it is profound – like the principle of physics it is based on.
Microsoft, the default operator of most of our computers in New Zealand, offered 5 “free” questions a day in the initial month of the launch of ChatGPT. This meant we did not have to register our names with Microsoft though, in reality, both Microsoft and Google have a multitude of ways of identifying our names, our character and our thought process here in Crown New Zealand.
I was aware there was nothing “free” about Microsoft’s offer and the corporation was grooming me as a source of private profit. Also my questions would determine the answers and scripts they provided me in the future. So I did not register my name.
I checked their links to the sources of their answers but was careful not to activate the “related questions” that ChatGPT suggested I might like to inquire on because this too would inform them of my thought processes.
Index of Content
Chapter One What exactly is Artificial Intelligence?
What is intelligence?
Can intelligence be artificial?
What is AI
Chapter Two The Human Condition
What is The ego?
What is compassion?
What is physics?
What is nature?
What is a physicist?
What is a psychologist?
What is science?
Is everyone a scientist?
Chapter Three The Nature of Energy
What is energy?
What is energy conservation?
Can humans conserve energy?
What is sustainable energy?
What is renewable energy?
How is energy different to renewable energy?
What is power?
What is electricity?
What is matter?
Chapter Four The Crown Language of Commerce
What is a resource?
What is a natural resource?
What is economy?
What is the relationship between energy and power?
Is The Crown different to English Royal Family?
Chapter Five The Nature of Earth’s Atmosphere
What is global warming?
What is climate change?
What is a greenhouse gas?
What is a warmer trace gas?
What is the green house effect?
Chapter One
What exactly is Artificial Intelligence?
I did not think to ask ChatGPT the question “What is artificial?”
Etymonline suggests that since the 15C the word “artificial” has meant “man-made” though it is interesting that in the same period it also became associated with “fictitious, assumed, not genuine” and ““full of affectation, insincere”. This indicates a humbling cultural awareness that human beings are very fallible in the big scheme of things. The original Proto-Indo-European word “Ar” meant “to fit together”.
Q. What is intelligence?
ChatGPT response:
Intelligence is a word that has many meanings and interpretations. One possible definition is the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments or have opinions that are based on reason12. Another possible definition is the collection of information of military or political value1. A third possible definition is the intellectual power of humans, which is marked by complex cognitive feats and high levels of motivation and self-awareness3. Intelligence can be measured by various tests and criteria, but there is no consensus on what constitutes intelligence or how to compare it across different species or cultures.Learn more:
- bing.com
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- en.wikipedia.org
- merriam-webster.com
+1 moreWhat are some types of intelligence?
How can I improve my intelligence?
What are some benefits of intelligence?
The word “intelligence” arises from an assimilated form of inter “between” (see inter-) + legere “choose, pick out, read,” from PIE root *leg- (1) “to collect, gather,” with derivatives meaning “to speak (to ‘pick out words’).” This in turn gives rise to its associations with being “discerning, appreciative,” and thus in the 15C with “sagacity” (wisdom).
ChatGPT provides no such association with morality. A clever or intellectual person is not a necessarily wise person – our “national intelligence agencies” provide graphic evidence of this and these institutions are integral to the architecture of the Internet.
Source https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=Intelligence
Q. Can intelligence be artificial?
ChatGPT response:
Learn more:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that refers to the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings1. AI can also be defined as the field of computer science that aims to create systems that can perceive, synthesize, and infer information2. AI can be applied to various domains and problems, such as speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, gaming, and decision making12. AI can use different techniques and methods, such as symbolic logic, deep learning, Bayesian networks, evolutionary algorithms, and hybrid systems2. AI can be classified into different types, such as artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is the ability to solve any problem that a human can; artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), which is the ability to perform a specific task or domain; and artificial superintelligence (ASI), which is the ability to surpass human intelligence in all aspects23.
1. britannica.com
2. en.wikipedia.org
3. ibm.com
This was not designed to be a trick question. It involves deep paradox -including paradox of information such as “We are our language”.
Basically my inquiry asks “Can intelligence be man-made”.
ChatGPT does not address this question and only refers to the computer systems.
In reality, intelligence is a capacity of human beings. It is part of our human condition and is tempered by compassion and wisdom – neither of which ChatGPT alludes to.
Perhaps this omission reflects the profound dualistic nature of our English culture and thus ChatGPT does not have the capacity to generate responses that can transcend paradox?
Q. What is AI?
ChatGPT response:
AI is short for artificial intelligence, which is the ability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. AI is also a branch of computer science that deals with creating and studying such machines¹².AI can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing, translation, decision making, and game playing². AI can also learn from data and experience, and improve its performance over time².
AI is a broad and diverse field that has many applications and challenges. Some of the goals of AI research include creating general intelligence (the ability to solve any problem), understanding human cognition, and ensuring ethical and social implications of AI²³..
Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/06/2023
(1) . https://bing.com/search?q=AI+definition.
(2) Artificial intelligence (AI) | Definition, Examples, Types …. https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence.
(3) Artificial intelligence – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence.
(4) Artificial intelligence Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/artificial%20intelligence.
We are our language, which means the sustainability (or lack of) in our lifestyle and culture is always manifest in some way in our artifacts – the stuff humans make, including computers and the Internet. Here Microsoft, creator and owner of Bing, references itself, arguably a severely psychopathic institution.
Where is the compassion in statements like “goals of AI research include… ensuring ethical and social implications of AI²³..”? What are the implications and for whom? The principle shareholders of Microsoft? The rulers of the Anglosphere Empire? Mankind?
The response provides no benchmark in physics for evaluating AI. Perhaps a clearer picture of ChatGPT will emerge as we explore its definitions of some of our most fundamental ideas of physics?
How can we know if so-called “Artificial Intelligence” (“AI”) in the form of ChatGPT is sustainable? Who is the best authority on such vital matters?
Governments, especially Anglosphere Governments, are beholden to and permit global, psychopathic Internet corporations such as Microsoft, Google, Apple et al to have almost complete monopoly over our lives. Government officials and corporation spokespeople alike all assure us that their versions of AI are ingenious, “cutting-edge”, “state of the art”, magical ways of supercharging our ideas, enhancing our communication and transporting us into a brilliant future.
Some executives of these corporations do express great fears that their systems are inherently malignant forces and yet persist with them, arguing it is up to Governments to regulate them and save them from themselves.
Their clones in corporate media and academia also may express a few concerns. However in general our journalists and academic “Information Technology experts” rarely articulate this inconvenient truth: these global, private profit-driven conglomerates are fundamentally dystopian nature with the rights but not the responsibilities of citizens. Effectively they are laws unto themselves.
Surely these factors are strong indicators of severe psychopathy and psychosis? However, in general these “IT experts” blithely conclude their commentary by endorsing AI with some wishy-washy statement such as “Anyway AI is out of the box now. Change is change. I like to believe AI will/must benefit us all in the long run. I hope I am right”.
These hopes tend to be delusional because they are artifacts of the ego rather than true hope born of physics. What does this mean?
All information being physical, it is subject to the principles of physics, especially the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Hence we are our language and live this paradox of information: our use of a symbol simultaneously reflects and generates our state of being.
Any use of a symbol (including a word) tends to sustain or destroy the user according to how in harmony or in denial the symbol use is with the principles of physics.
In terms of our psychology: the relative degree of harmony~denial of our use of a word reflects the relative balance in our psyche of the inclusive, connective force (compassion) and the exclusive divisive force (the ego). These complementary forces simultaneously arise in any moment of self-awareness.
Compassion enables us to embrace the continuous, universal change whereas the ego has us live in existential fear and denial of our moral (ethical), mortal nature.
Being an exclusive, divisive force, the ego thrives in the domain of thoughts and words. Without compassion it can dominate our psyche. This is because the ego exists at the interface of our vast subconscious and self-awareness. Hence it has an incredible capacity to entrap us in paradox and to have us generate ingenious denials and delusions about the universal reality of change. However with compassion we can embrace the wisdom of the principles of physics and conserve transcendent words i.e. words and phrases that enable us to both transcend our human condition and enable the universal potential to be manifest in sustainable ways.
Note: re use of tilde symbol ~~
For want of a symbol expressing the inextricably entangled, complementary nature of two words or ideas, I employ the tilde symbol ~
..……………….End Chapter One…………………..
Chapter Two
The Human Condition

All things exist as fleeting balances of complementary forces amidst the continual universal transformation – warming~cooling, pushing~pulling, expanding~contracting, informing~informed, positive~negative charges etc.
Our human psyche can be understood to be a dynamic balance of two such complementary forces which simultaneously arise in any moment of self-awareness: an exclusive, divisive force (the ego) and an inclusive, connective force (compassion).
Existence is a paradox for us, which the ego can easily entrap us in if we lack a sufficient balance of compassion. We become subsumed by the ego, alienated from reality and easily made our own worst enemy.
Our survival is only possible if we enjoy a health balance of compassion, for then we are able to transcend our human condition.
What is the ego?
ChatGPT Response:
The ego can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible definitions of the ego:
The ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance1.
The ego is the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity1. This is the psychoanalytic definition of the ego, based on the theory of Sigmund Freud2.
The ego is a conscious thinking subject1. This is the philosophical definition of the ego, based on the idea of René Descartes3.
Which definition are you interested in?Learn more:
- bing.com
- merriam-webster.com
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- dictionary.com
+1 more
These are very dualistic definitions and are typical constructs of the ego. They exclude any mention of the vital role of compassion, which plays a critical role in accessing reality and forming our sense of personal identity. Both the ego and compassion mediate between our trace consciousness and our vast unconscious.
It is helpful to understand that while the ego thrives in the realm of thoughts and words, these are unable to transcend paradox. It is the existence of compassion that enables our psyche to do that.
Q. What is compassion?
ChatGPT Response
Compassion is a feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or misfortune of others and a wish to help them1. Compassion is a form of kindness and empathy that shows you care about other people’s well-being2. Compassion can also motivate you to take action to reduce the pain or distress of others3. Compassion is considered a virtue in many religions and ethical systems4.
Learn more:
- bing.com
- merriam-webster.com
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- dictionary.com
+1 more
These definitions all contain elements of truth but they are incoherent about the vital role of compassion in the human psyche and how it forms the complement of the ego.
Compassion is characterized by inclusiveness; collegiality, openness and sharing; inquiry, wonder and forgiveness, honesty and trust; generosity of time and reflection – all of which are requisites for each of us to enjoy the state of science and the Civics.
Compassion involves active awareness of the suffering of all sentient beings and a motivation to minimize it.
This is far more than sympathy, kindness and empathy. These are easily subverted by the ego for its exclusive psychopathic ends.
ChatGPT’s incoherence reflects a wider syndrome, which is that the culture of The Crown is primarily ego-driven and lacking compassion. This psychopathic ethos is manifest in The Crown dialect of English, which tends to express derision and contempt for compassion in a multitude of ways.
Without the inclusive force of compassion, we become alienated from our greater selves with our behaviour becoming psychopathic and our language becoming in denial of the principles of physics.
What is physics?
ChatGPT Response:
Physics is the science of matter, motion, and energy1. It deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the observable universe1. Its laws are typically expressed with economy and precision in the language of mathematics1.
Learn more:
- 1. britannica.com
- 2. bing.com
- 3. merriam-webster.com
What are some examples of physics laws?
Who are some famous physicists?
Why is physics important?
This response is extremely exclusive because it obscures the essential role of human beings amidst the universal flux. This is a characteristic of the ego.
The notion that “physics” is a specialist body of knowledge is a relatively recent phenomenon. It arose, in conjunction with the Crown English notion of “science”, in the 18thC simultaneously with the English Combustion Revolution. Both words were stripped of their associations with philosophy (the loving of wisdom) and compassion. Both “physics” and “science” became mere ways of deductive thinking rather than moral ways of being.
ChatGPT speaks of the “laws” of physics. This too is a deceit of the ego.
It is more compassionate to speak of “physics” being “the ways of the universe”, all of which operate according to principles. Humans can never know the ways of the universe with certainty to know anything is a universal “law” and yet our survival depends on our living in relative harmony with the universal ways.
The word “principles” tends to remind us of our fallibility.
What is nature?
ChatGPT Response
Nature is a word that can have different meanings depending on the context. Generally, nature refers to the physical world and everything in it that is not made or influenced by humans. This includes plants, animals, rocks, mountains, oceans, rivers, weather, and natural phenomena. Nature is often contrasted with human civilization or culture, which are the products of human creativity and activity123
However, nature can also mean the inherent qualities or characteristics of something or someone. For example, the nature of a problem is its type or main feature. The nature of a person is their personality or temperament. The nature of an animal is its instincts or behavior12
Some people use nature as a synonym for God or a divine force that created and controls the universe. Others use nature as a way of describing the natural laws or principles that govern how things work. For example, gravity is a law of nature that makes objects fall to the ground23
Nature is a complex and fascinating concept that has inspired many philosophers, scientists, artists, and writers throughout history. Some people admire nature for its beauty, diversity, and mystery. Others seek to understand nature through observation, experimentation, and theory. Some people try to protect nature from human destruction and pollution. Others try to use nature for human benefit and development.
What do you think about nature? Do you enjoy spending time in nature or learning more about it?
Learn more:
- bing.com
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- merriam-webster.com
- dictionary.com
- oxforddictionaries.com
What are some benefits of spending time in nature?
How do humans impact nature?
Can you give me an example of a natural phenomenon?
24 June 2023 and the short period of Microsoft’s “free” offer is soon to expire. Its engineers and financiers are keen to get me committed to ChatGPT. Observe how their algorithms introduce themselves as “me” and ask what I think.
The word “nature” arises from the PIE word “gene” ( “give birth, beget”}, which gave rise to the Latin “natura” (“the course of things” and then Old French “nature”.( “principle of life, character, essence”). This reminds us that human beings are integral to the begetting of all things and subject to “the course of things” .
The ChatGPT response illustrates clearly that our English culture now propagates the delusion that (some) human beings are not “physical” and all that is not human somehow exists in isolation from us.
ChatGPT’s framing of the answers is an exquisite example of the ingenious self-deceits of the ego.
The reality is we are nature and our actions impact all things, including ourselves. Accordingly we are subject to the principles of life, to the principles of physics regardless of what the ego would have us believe.
What is matter?
ChatGPT Response
Matter is a term that describes any physical substance that has mass and takes up space1 Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms, which are composed of even smaller subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons2 Matter can exist in different states, such as solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, depending on its temperature and other conditions3
Matter is the basis of everything we see and touch in the universe. Matter can also change from one state to another, such as when ice melts into water or water evaporates into steam. Matter can also combine with other matter to form new substances, such as when hydrogen and oxygen react to form water. Matter can also be converted into energy, such as when nuclear fission or fusion releases enormous amounts of energy from a small amount of matter2
Matter is a fascinating topic that scientists have been studying for centuries. If you want to learn more about matter, you can check out some of the links below or ask me more questions. I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to matter
Learn more:
- en.wikipedia.org
- britannica.com
- nationalgeographic.org
What is the difference between mass and weight?
How do scientists study matter?
Can you give me an example of plasma in nature?
We all live this paradox of the human condition: we are all vitally intimate with energy while no one knows what it is.
Thoughts (words) fail to transcend this experiential paradox.
Perhaps the most inclusive (compassionate) statement of the nature of energy is that it is the universal potential, all of which is active. It is the continuous universal transformation. It can be manifest in countless forms and we human beings can only transform them.
See the Conservation of Energy Principle. It advises us that energy is so bounteous it can usefully be called a constant – we can neither create nor destroy it.
In other words, matter is an aggregate or concentrated form of energy. Even an atom has enormous potential for change. Hence we can transform a material form of energy such that its energy is manifest in potent ways, such as in nuclear bombs. It is more helpful to say we transform the material (one form of energy) into other forms of energy.
We cannot actually convert matter into energy.
It is a grand deceit of the ego to believe a human being can alter the fundamental nature of energy. Like all other things we are transient material beings and so are also subject to the principles of energy.
What is a physicist?
ChatGPT Response:
A physicist is someone who studies or works in the field of physics, which is the science of matter, energy, space, time, and how they interact. Physicists use experiments, observations, theories, and mathematics to explore and explain the natural phenomena of the physical world12
Some examples of famous physicists are Isaac Newton, who discovered the laws of motion and gravity; Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity and contributed to quantum theory; Marie Curie, who discovered radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes; and Stephen Hawking, who studied black holes and cosmology2
Physicists can specialize in different branches of physics, such as mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics, biophysics, and more. Physicists can also apply their knowledge and skills to various fields and problems, such as engineering, medicine, education, energy, environment, technology, and more12
Physics is a fascinating and challenging subject that helps us understand the universe and ourselves better. Do you like physics or have any questions about it?
Learn more:
- bing.com
- en.wikipedia.org
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- definitions.net
- oxforddictionaries.com
+2 moreWhat is the difference between physics and chemistry?
How do physicists use math in their work?
Let’s write a story together
Physics and Psychology are inextricable. Crown English has no word to express our fundamental experience of physics~psychology. It is a paradoxical state of being in which we inform the universe even as its ways inform us.
In this context, physics and psychology are perhaps best defined thus: “physics” is the study of the ways of the universe, all of which involves paradox and “psychology” is the study and development of ways of transcending paradox.
(“Philosophy” is the loving of the wisdom of physics~psychology.)
The ego would have us believe “physics ” is “a subject”, “an academic discipline” and the exclusive realm of an elite of human beings called “Physicists”.
The ego would have us deem “Physics” to simply be an amoral way of thinking.
The ego thus disempowers all people -self-styled “physicists” and “non-physicists” alike
Compassion reminds us physics~psychology is a common way of being that is experienced by all human beings. Every human being is born a physicist to some degree. We all live physics.
What is a psychologist?
ChatGPT Response:
Psychology is a fascinating field that studies the mind and behavior of humans and other animals. Psychology can help us understand ourselves and others better, as well as improve our mental health and well-being. Psychology can also help us solve various problems in different domains of life, such as education, work, health, and society1Psychology has many branches and subfields, such as cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, and more. Each branch focuses on a different aspect or level of analysis of the mind and behavior. For example, cognitive psychology studies mental processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, and language. Social psychology studies how people interact with each other and their social environment. Developmental psychology studies how people grow and change across the lifespan. Clinical psychology studies mental disorders and their diagnosis and treatment2
Psychologists are the professionals who practice or research psychology. They use various methods and tools to collect and analyze data, such as experiments, surveys, interviews, observations, tests, and brain imaging. Psychologists can work in various settings, such as universities, hospitals, schools, businesses, or private practice. Some psychologists also provide psychotherapy or counseling to help people cope with their emotional or behavioral issues3
If you are interested in learning more about psychology, you can check out some of the links below or ask me more questions. I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to psychology
Learn more:
- bing.com
- merriam-webster.com
- en.wikipedia.org
- oxforddictionaries.com
- en.wikipedia.org
— see less
You’ve reached the conversation limit for today. Sign in to continue your chat.What are some common mental disorders?
How can I improve my memory?
Can you recommend a good book on psychology?
See the above reflection re that nature of physics and our fundamental experience of physics~psychology.
ChatGPT’s response to the question “What is psychology?” reflects~generates a dualistic, elitist culture similar to its response to the question “What is physics?”
To some degree, we are all psychologists, just as we are all physicists. And both states of being are inextricably entangled, making it an absurd self-conceit to proclaim one is a “physicist” or a “psychologist”.
We experience the universe as paradox. To be a human being is to be a paradoxical being.
We live paradox of information.
For instance, we are simultaneously informing all and being informed in the continuous universal transformation. All things exist as finite dynamic balances of electrical polarity amidst the universal electrical potential.
Human beings are no exception. Our every interaction involves changes in the balances of universal chemical-electrical flux.
Every thought we have subtly alters the chemistry of the molecules constituting and informing each of us.
Every thought we have subtly impacts the electrical dance of the dynamic polarities of our atoms and perhaps even the electrical potential of their mysterious electrons.
Every thought transforms our electrical potential for better or worse depending how in accord the change is with the ways of the universal electrical potential.
ChatGPT’s response is typical of the ego, which provides endless detail while obscuring the reality that all information is physical and thus subject to the principles of energy.
No mention is made of the vital role of compassion and physics.
What is science?
Science is the intellectual and practical activity that encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment12. Science is also a system of knowledge that is obtained and tested through the scientific method23, which involves making hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions4. Science can be divided into different branches or disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, etc123.
Learn more:
- bing.com
- merriam-webster.com
- dictionary.cambridge.org
- en.wikipedia.org
+1 moreWhat is the scientific method?
Who are some famous scientists?
ChatGPT’s response evidences all the characteristics of the ego with “science” being defined as an amoral deductive way of thinking (intellectualizing) the world, an exclusive body of knowledge divided into silos, the domain of an exclusive elite of human beings who call themselves “scientists”, thereby relegating 99% of human beings as non-scientists.
This exclusive notion of science is only a recent invention, coinciding with the advent of the English Combustion Revolution. The English Romantic Poets were appalled by its excesses. They reacted against the unprecedented destruction, waste, inhumanity and pollution, thereby perpetuating it.
For instance, their attempts to rectify The Crown dialect of English were counterproductive and actually propagated its psychopathy – including our ego-derived notions of “science”, “physics” and “philosophy”.
Similarly their descendants, members of the modern Global Green Movement, have reacted to and thus perpetuated this psychopathy too.
These matters are best understood with compassion and it may be helpful to ask this inclusive question, “What are the requisites for “science” to exist?”. A list of requisites includes:
Collegiality, openness and sharing
Inquiry, wonder and forgiveness
Honesty and trust
Generosity of Time and Reflection
It so happens these are all qualities of compassion, which suggests science is a way or state of being i.e. far more than merely a way of thinking.
This can be summarized in this statement: science is a state of being arising from our experience of the qualities of compassion that enables us to develop all the arts (skills) of Civics.
Is everyone a scientist?
ChatGPT Response:
That is an interesting question. There is no definitive answer to it, as different people may have different criteria for what constitutes a scientist. In this context, a human might say that it depends on how broadly or narrowly one defines science and scientific activity. Some might argue that everyone is a scientist in the sense that everyone uses observation, reasoning, and experimentation to learn about the world and solve problems in their daily lives. Others might contend that being a scientist requires more formal training, education, and expertise in a specific field of science, as well as following certain ethical and professional standards. What do you think?
If we understand science is fundamentally a moral way of being arising from our experience of compassion, then all human beings are born into a significant state of science. This is manifest in the vibrant spirit of inquiry and experimentation of young children, which is why in adults in many cultures treasure children as innate repositories of wisdom.
In brief, everyone is a scientist and non-scientist to the degree. A person is a c their lives are in accord with principles of physics and conserve the universal flows and balances that sustain Mankind long term.
..……………….End Chapter Two…………………..
Chapter Three
The Nature of Energy

What is energy?
ChatGPT Response
Energy is a property that can be transferred to a body or a system, and that can do work, produce heat, light, or motion, or change form1. Energy can be stored in potential form or expressed in kinetic form1. Energy is measured in joules or ergs1. Energy is conserved and cannot be created or destroyed12. Energy can be derived from various sources, some of which do not use up natural resources or harm the environment13. Energy can be affected by catalysts, electric charges, or the separation of particles from atoms or molecules13.
Learn more:
- en.wikipedia.org
- britannica.com
- merriam-webster.com
ChatGPT’s response is characteristic of an ego-derived information system, which is very dangerous because the entire commercial system and the dominant culture of the Anglosphere is founded in this fatally flawed notion of “energy”.
Yes, energy is by its very nature conserved but ChatGPT omits mention of this vital piece of information of the Conservation of Energy Principle : energy continuously transforms all.
Humans can only transform some of the myriad possible forms of energy into other forms.
The truth is that while every human is intimately sentient of energy in every atom of their being, no human being can know what energy is.
The ChatGPT response expresses extraordinary arrogance and deceit in this context. The reality is energy is the universal potential, all of which is active i.e. it is continuous universal change, all this being an anathema to the ego.
Humans can only impact the flows and balances of this universal flux. Energy is any and all possible systems. The dualistic statement of “potential energy” v “kinetic energy” is divisive nonsense in this context.
Similarly we human beings cannot “derive” energy anymore than we can create or destroy it. We can only act to conserve vital forms of energy and it is compassion that enables us to act as wise stewards.
Note:The notion of compassion is conspicuously missing in all these ChatGPT responses, which perhaps explains why the Anglosphere is constantly fighting wars to maintain its “energy” hegemony and protect its “energy security”.
What is renewable energy?
ChatGPT Response
Renewable energy is energy from sources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale1. Renewable energy sources include sunlight, wind, water, geothermal heat, and biomass2. Renewable energy can be used for electricity generation, heating and cooling, and transportation3. Renewable energy is cleaner and cheaper than fossil fuels, and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change4. Renewable energy is also more accessible and reliable than fossil fuels, especially in remote and rural areas.
Learn more:
- bing.com
- un.org
- en.wikipedia.org
- britannica.com
The Conservation of Energy Principle is very clear: energy, by its very nature is conserved and it continuously transforms all forms. This principle has been subject to the most ingenious, intense scrutiny Mankind has been capable of and has never been faulted. It remains our best description of reality.
The ego, the source of our psychosis, abhors the reality of this principle of physics with its potent reminders of our mortality and morality. Without compassion, the ego would have us live in denial of this principle and can easily do by having us embrace it incredible, ingenious delusions. The delusion of “renewable energy” is a classic example of this, being in complete denial of the Conservation Principle of Energy.
The ChatGPT response illustrates how a fundamentally flawed notion of energy such as this reflects~generates its own branch of unsustainable language, literature, industries and religions. These, in turn, generate delusional behaviour with ChatGPT amplifying the process.
In reality, there is no “alternative energy”, “sustainable energy” or other energy. We humans can only make alternative uses or sustainable uses of energy forms and that involves compassion and active stewardship.
How is energy different to renewable energy?
ChatGPT Response
Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. It can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Renewable energy is a type of energy that comes from natural sources that can be replenished or regenerated in a short period of time. Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, and tidal energy. Non-renewable energy is a type of energy that comes from finite sources that will eventually run out or become too expensive or difficult to extract. Non-renewable energy sources include fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and nuclear energy.
The main difference between renewable and non-renewable energy is their environmental impact. Renewable energy sources have little or no greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming and climate change. Non-renewable energy sources produce large amounts of greenhouse gases, as well as other pollutants that harm human health and ecosystems. Renewable energy sources are also more sustainable and reliable in the long term, as they do not depend on the availability and price of finite resources. Non-renewable energy sources are subject to fluctuations in supply and demand, as well as geopolitical conflicts and instability.
According to the data from search_web, renewable energy accounted for about 11% of global primary energy consumption in 20191. However, this share varies widely across countries and regions. Some countries have made significant progress in increasing their renewable energy generation, while others still rely heavily on non-renewable energy sources. You can explore the data on renewable energy by country and by technology using the interactive charts on Our World in Data. You can also learn more about the types and advantages of renewable energy from BBC Bitesize. I hope this helps you understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy
Learn more:
- ourworldindata.org
- ourworldindata.org
- bbc.co.uk
- energycentral.com
- timesunion.com
- energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com
- gettyimages.com
— see less- What are some examples of renewable energy?
- How can I reduce my carbon footprint?
- Why is it important to switch to renewable energy?
The greater reality is that energy is the universal potential, all of which is active.
ChatGPT provides us the standard Crown English delusional notion of “energy” and then amplifies this psychosis so it disrupts and fractures the human experience of reality in profound ways
It is interesting to observe that this disrupted or deranged or abnormal or diseased state of being is commonly described as “psychosis”, a word arising from Greek “psykhosis” , which once meant “a giving of life; animation; principle of life.”
See https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=psychosis
1847, “mental affection or derangement,” Modern Latin, from Greek psykhē “mind, life, soul” (see psyche) + -osis “abnormal condition.” Greek psykhosis meant “a giving of life; animation; principle of life.”
ChatGPT alludes to the reality that energy is a constant in that it is neither created nor destroyed. In other words, a primary characteristic of energy is that it is the ultimate resource in that its renewal is inherently a constant.
So it is nonsense to say energy can be converted from one form to another because this denies the active nature of the continuous universal transformation i.e. the reality that energy is the universal transformation. Humans can only transform energy i.e. convert one form of energy into another form of energy.
ChatGPT’s initial psychotic response thus generates and propagates even more severe psychosis, as it manifest in phrases such as:
“Renewable/Non-renewable energy is a type of energy”;.
“Renewable/Non-renewable energy sources”;
“renewable energy generation v non-renewable energy sources”
“ primary energy consumption”
“ greenhouse gas emissions… contribute to global warming and climate change”
The principles of life, the principles of physics are very clear: there is no such stuff as “primary” energy, or for that matter, “secondary” energy or any other grade of energy. We can only grade and use forms of energy in different ways.
Similarly we can only transform and “consume” forms of energy, not energy itself.
Similarly we can only use renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
All this confusion, conflation and general denial of the principles of life is characteristic of an excess of the deranging forces of the ego in our psyche and our English culture. This response illustrates how our initial deceit of the nature of energy soon entangles us in a hopeless mishmash of further deceits.
What is power?
ChatGPT Response
That’s a very broad question. Power can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible definitions of power:
- Power is the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way¹.
- Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events¹.
- Power is the possession of control, authority, or influence over others².
- Power is the physical might or force exerted by something or someone¹.
- Power is the energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and used to operate a device¹.
- Power is the rate at which work is done upon an object .
Which definition are you interested in?
Source: Conversation with Bing, 30/05/2023
(1) . https://bing.com/search?q=power+definition.
(2) Power Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/power.
(3) https://byjus.com/physics/power/#:~:text=Power%20is%20defined%20as%20the%20rate%20at%20which,done.%20The%20formula%20for%20power%20is%20mentioned%20below.. https://byjus.com/physics/power/.
(4) POWER | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/power.
This is a very exclusive list of definition of “power” – exclusivity being the defining characteristic of the force of the ego.
A more compassionate (inclusive) definition of “power” arises from the notion that energy is the universal potential, all of which is active. In this context “power” can be defined as the measure of the rate that the universal potential is manifest to us.
This fundamental relationship between energy and power can be summed in the equation
Power = Energy/Time (P =E/T)
Time is a human perception and forms a potent variable in the equation, impacting how the universal potential is manifest. Hence it is vital that we enjoy a healthy balance of the ego and compassion so our sense of time sustains us.
All the definitions provided by ChatGPT are trite, secondary variations of this fundamental equation of psychology~physics. The psychopathy inherent in the design of ChatGPT means it fractures and obfuscates the vital relationship between power and energy i.e. it is ego-driven.
What is electricity?
ChatGPT Response
Electricity is a form of energy that is related to the presence and motion of charged particles, such as electrons and protons1. Electricity can be produced by various sources, such as batteries, generators, solar panels, or wind turbines2. Electricity can be used to power devices, such as lights, appliances, computers, or phones3. Electricity can also cause phenomena such as lightning, static electricity, or electric shocks4. Electricity is measured in units of volts, amps, watts, or ohms2.
Learn more:
- en.wikipedia.org
- thoughtco.com
- bing.com
- britannica.com
- merriam-webster.com
+1 more
Suggested question
How does electricity flow?
What are the benefits of electricity?
What are the dangers of electricity”?
As with energy, we are all vitally sentient of electrical potential in every atom of our body yet no one knows what it is. There is no such thing as “electricity” and it cannot be defined in that it comes in myriad forms, each with its own unique properties, The properties of some forms are contrary to the properties of other forms.
Perhaps it is better to say the universe exists as an electrical flux, a dynamic electrical potential of ever-changing balances of positive~negative polarity. This universal potential can be manifest as multiple different phenomena, each having its own characteristics and name e.g. electrical current, static electricity, tribo-electric effect etc see a list
As with energy, the universal electrical potential is neither good nor bad. Our existence depends maintaining the electrical flows and balances that sustain us i.e. using it with compassion. This includes giving care to naming electrical phenomena so the electrical potential can be manifest in the most beneficial way for mankind.
Note: the Anglo Empire is founded in the fatally flawed equation:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity,
which is a recipe for self-annihilation. Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT exponentially compounds this risk.
Batteries etc do not “produce electricity” They transform electrical forms.
“Electricity does not cause lightning, static electricity etc”. They are electrical forms.
It is unhelpful to say “Electricity can be used to power devices.” We can only transform the electrical potential so it activates our devices in useful/sustaining ways.
..……………….End Chapter Three……….
Chapter Four
The Crown Language of Commerce

What is a resource?
ChatGPT Response
A resource is a useful or valuable possession or quality that a person or organization has, such as money, time, skills, natural substances, or personal attributes¹. Resources can be used to help you function effectively, support yourself, or cope with difficulties¹. Resources can also be sources of information or expertise².Resources can be classified into renewable and non-renewable resources based on their availability . Renewable resources are those that can be replenished naturally or by human intervention, such as water, wind, solar energy, or crops . Non-renewable resources are those that exist in a fixed amount and cannot be replaced once they are used up, such as fossil fuels, minerals, or metals .
Source: Conversation with Bing, 29/05/2023
(1) . https://bing.com/search?q=resource+definition.
(2) RESOURCE | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/resource.
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource#:~:text=Resource%20refers%20to%20all%20the%20materials%20available%20in,they%20are%20classified%20into%20renewable%20and%20non-renewable%20resources.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource.
(4) Resource Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/resource.
This ChatGPT response is extremely dangerous in that it expresses complete denial of the principles of physics, which remind us energy is a constant and continually transforms all. Energy is the ultimate resource. Historically a “resource” (from “resurgere”) described a form that arises again and again.
About the 1800s The Crown merchant bankers (City of London Corp) redefined a “resource” as any activity that profits The Crown. This included burning mineral biomass (coal, etc), which they redefined as “fossil fuel”about 1833.
The Crown even created Ministries of Energy and Resources in countries like New Zealand.
This language reflected~generated the English Combustion Revolution now imperiling Mankind.
ChatGPT’s discussion of “renewable resources” and “Non-renewable resources” is insane in the context of energy being the ultimate resource. It is stating that something that arises again and again is not renewing. This confusion and nonsense reflects psychotic behaviour.
What is a natural resource?
ChatGPT Response:
A natural resource is a source of supply, support, or aid that is afforded by nature without human intervention12. Natural resources can be biological, mineral, or aesthetic1 and can have material (economic) or immaterial benefits1. Examples of natural resources include forests, water, soil, minerals, oil, gas, wind, sunlight and so on234.
Learn more:
- britannica.com
- merriam-webster.com
- en.wikipedia.org
- byjus.com
What are some ways to conserve natural resources?
How are natural resources classified?
It is helpful to read this reflection with my reflection on the ChatGPT response to the question “What is a resource?”
Whereas compassion is the connective, inclusive force in our psyche, the ego is the divisive, exclusive force and we can see in the etymology of both “resource” and “nature” how the English language has become far more dualistic, alienating and ego-derived since the 14th C.
For instance, the meaning of the adjective “natural” radically changes in the early 14C and comes to mean: “of the world of nature (especially as opposed to man).”
Worse, by the early 20th C this divisive use of the word had generated inhumane dichotomies such as “human resources” v “natural resources” . Now merchant bankers of The Crown deemed human being to be mere commodities, existing as a means of generating profit for them. “Slavery” was no longer socially acceptable.
This dichotomy effectively defines human beings as unnatural and non-natural.
Also observe how Chat GPT describes forests, water, soil, minerals, oil, gas as natural resources and fails to mention The Crown dialect of English also includes their combustion and pollution as a “natural resource”.
What is an economy?
ChatGPT Response
An economy is a system of interrelated production, consumption, and exchange activities that ultimately determines how resources are allocated among all the participants1. The production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services combine to fulfill the needs of those living and operating within the economy2. An economy may represent a nation, a region, a single industry, or even a family2.
There are different types of economies, such as market-based economies, command-based economies, or mixed economies2. Market-based economies are self-regulated, allowing goods to be produced and distributed in response to demand from consumers2. Command-based economies are regulated by a government body that determines the goods which are produced, their quantities, and the price paid for them2. Mixed economies have elements of both market-based and command-based systems2.
Learn more:
- bing.com
- merriam-webster.com
- investopedia.com
This ChatGPT response is a master class in how an information system that completely lacks compassion enables the ego to make us our own worst enemy. The response expresses the ingenious, incredible ways the ego can operate to have us act in totally self-deceitful and delusional ways.
When we enjoy a healthy balance of compassion, we remain mindful that we are exist as an inherent element amidst the universal flux. We give care to conserve the flows and balances of energy that sustain mankind. Our actions tend to be in accord with the principles of energy. We embrace our roles as stewards in this reality. Our actions are economical. Our social systems and institutions reflect and generate this state of economy, this state of frugality and care. We understand a true economy is a life and society operating in accord with the principles of physics.
The ChatGPT response illustrates how the ego can easily have us live in complete denial of this universal reality. Observe how ChatGPT makes no mention of compassion and human beings or individual rights and responsibilities. A defining characteristic of the ego is that it is self-alienating and this state of being is so self-disempowering it can destroy us.
This state of alienation is manifest on scale in ChatGPT’s definition of an “economy” as a social system that exists completely separately from us. Indeed it is common for our Anglosphere corporate media to speak in an extremely exclusive way of “The Economy” and to ascribe to it far greater wisdom and powers than citizens have. Its journalists even ascribe both emotions and feelings to “The Economy” aka “The Market”. They would have us believe this industrial construct has “concerns, worries, doubts, fears” and a multitude of other sensations of a human being.
The ChatGPT response compounds this psychopathy by postulating a wide range of amoral sub “economies”, all of which are abstract, academic definitions with no reference to the principles of physics. The language is devoid of compassion, which reminds us that our every action is a moral decision.
Thus the ego has us abdicate our roles as stewards and act in delusional ways. We don’t even care to notice that what our English corporate media describe as “The Economy” is actually a vast, amoral, legislated, destructive, polluting system of planned obsolescence in which any activity that makes profits for merchant bankers of “The Crown” is said to make “The Economy” grow.
The ChatGPT response reveals a stark truth: The Crown dialect of English is bankrupt of any notion of what a dis-economy is.
What is the Relationship between Energy and Power?
ChatGPT Response
The relationship between energy and power is that power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed. Energy is the ability to do work or cause change, such as moving an object or heating a substance. Power is measured in watts, which are joules per second, while energy is measured in joules, ergs, or calories. For example, a light bulb that consumes 60 watts of power uses 60 joules of energy every second. The more power an appliance or device has, the more energy it can use or produce in a given time.
You can find more information about the difference between energy and power from these sources:
Energy vs power – Energy Education1
What is the relationship between power and energy? – Physics Stack Exchange2
9.6: Electrical Energy and Power – Physics LibreTexts3
Difference and Comparison Between Energy And Power – BYJU’S4
Learn more:
- energyeducation.ca
- physics.stackexchange.com
- phys.libretexts.org
- byjus.com
What is the difference between energy and power?
How do I calculate power from energy?
The reader may be puzzling why this question is in chapter “The Crown Language of Commerce” The reason is the invention of the steam engine, which was central to the “English Combustion Revolution” aka the “English Industrial Revolution”.
From the inception of steam engines, the merchant bankers of The Crown realized its potential to enable steam-driven mines, factories, trains, cars, cargo ships, warships and other apparatus required to build the “Mighty English Empire on which the sun never sets”, which is now better known as the Anglosphere Empire.
They and the inventors saw in these devices a model of how the universe operates. Such was their greed and obsession with improving the efficiency of steam engines in order to maximize their profits that they developed delusions that energy was something they could “generate” and “transfer”.
Their psychosis was so extreme they even defined energy as “the ability to do work” with both “work” and “resource” being defined as any activity that adds wealth to The Crown – an accounting deceit that prevails to this day.
By the end of the 19th C their psychosis was having a monumental impact on the planet with the invention of reticulated electrical products and the development of the military~media~industrial complex. The merchant bankers marketed these products as “power” and the massive combustion devices producing them as “power plants”, “power stations”, “power generators” etc. Now they also market these products as “energy” .
By mid 20th C The Crown had created a vast global empire based on the fatally flawed equation:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = their (bulk-generated) electrical products.
This delusional equation conveniently omits the atmosphere from the combustion equation. It also deems fossilized biomass to be as bounteous as energy and, being a “fossil fuel”, it can be burned at their will without restraint.
The insane logic of the psychosis was such they even established Crown Ministries of “Energy and Resources” – all this being in complete denial of the Conservation of Energy Principle.
ChatGPT omits any reference to this extreme psychopathy.
The truth is energy is the universal potential, all of which is active, and power is the measure of the rate this potential is manifest i.e. Power=Energy/Time
Why is it so vital we are careful to not conflate power with energy or electricity, as The Crown does?
In brief: Such conflation makes complete nonsense of the equation of power with energy and time and this confusion is manifest as unsustainable behaviour.
We are our language and the universal potential is manifest according to our measure. Thus our sense of time and our mortality is the essence, determining whether or not we survive as a species.
What if The Crown is not the Royal Family and is really the merchant bankers of the City of London Corporation ?
ChatGPT Response:
That’s an interesting question. The Crown is a term that refers to the British royal family and their authority1. The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile, the historic and financial center of London23. They are two different entities with different roles and functions.However, some people may think that the City of London Corporation has more power and influence than the royal family, because it has a unique status and privileges that date back to medieval times. For example, it has its own police force, tax system, courts and mayor3. It also has a special representative in Parliament, called the Remembrancer, who can observe and influence legislation3.
Some conspiracy theorists may also claim that the City of London Corporation is controlled by a secret group of merchant bankers who have ties to the Illuminati, the Freemasons or other occult organizations. They may believe that these bankers manipulate the global economy and politics for their own benefit, and that they have more wealth and power than the royal family3.
However, there is no conclusive evidence to support these claims, and they are often based on speculation, misinformation or prejudice. The City of London Corporation is a public body that is accountable to its residents, businesses and stakeholders. It also works closely with the royal family, the government and other authorities to promote the interests of London and the UK24.
Received message.
Learn more:
- today.com
- cityoflondon.gov.uk
- en.wikipedia.org
- cityoflondon.gov.uk
- usmagazine.com
- tatler.com
Have you ever wondered exactly what and who “The Crown” is and how and why a square mile on the banks of the river Thames has been the biggest and most influential financial hub on the planet for centuries and still is in 2024?
Here in Crown NZ our English school teachers and other Crown media inculcated in us the legend that The Crown is the English Royal Family. However, as other indigenous peoples around the planet learned from bitter experience, Maori people here in New Zealand believed this and signed treaties in good faith with Queen Victoria believing she was “The Crown”. They soon discovered the terrible reality – they were actually dealing with The City of London Corporation i.e. perhaps the most psychopathic institution on the planet.
The merchant bankers and traders of the “Square Mile” by the Thames river were and are a global law unto themselves. They have formed a brutal supranational state without parallel for over a millennium, especially since the English Combustion Revolution.
Observe how the main sources of ChatGPT’s information are Crown-controlled “gossip” magazines and, as might be expected, they gloss over the true nature and role of the corporation in global affairs.
Wikipedia also proves to be is very evasive about this reality and avoids explanations of the inextricably entangled relationship between “The City of London Corporation” and “The Crown”.
There is little debate that The Square Mile has been an “international” trading centre for 2 millennia since it became established as part of the Roman Empire. Over the first millennium it attracted some of most shrewd, psychopathic merchant traders, mercenaries and pirates in the European region who soon became a law unto themselves. By the second millennium the definition of the “Square Mile” as an independent state was well established. It had then and still has its own management, policing, monetary and tax systems, exempting it to this day from all local, national and international tax regimes. It is now home to perhaps 500 merchant banks and other “equity traders” It also has a lattice work of “tax havens” around the planet, including far distant New Zealand.
In summary: the ego-derived nature of The Crown is manifest in the global financial system of the Anglosphere Empire with its associated global military-media-industrial complex and Petrodollar hegemony over world trade.
It is an unprecedented human phenomenon in Mankind’s existence. This psychopathy is reflected in The Crown dialect of English, the dominant language of global commerce, which in turn generates the potent Anglosphere AI systems, such as ChatGPT.
The physics of their algorithms means they detect, reflect and amplify the dominant psychotic ethos of our culture, thus generating dystopic dis-economy on such a scale it predicates self-destruction.
End Chapter Four
Chapter Five
The Nature of Earth’s Atmosphere

Painting by Philip James de Loutherbourg in 1801.
Symbolic birth place of English Combustion Revolution (aka English Industrial Revolution).
Their reactionary response to such “Satanic” scenes caused the Romantic Poets to create and propagated English language enabling the revolution.

The reactionary response of the Romantics prevails today in the form of the global “Green Movement” with its global Greenhouse Earth religion.
What is Global Warming?
ChatGPT Response:
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature . It is primarily caused by the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels³. The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years³.
Global warming is different from natural climate change that has occurred throughout Earth’s history, because it is happening much more rapidly and it is influenced by human activities². Global warming has many impacts on the environment, such as melting ice caps and glaciers, changing rainfall patterns, rising sea levels, and altering the ranges of some plants and animals²³.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 29/05/2023
(1) Global Warming – National Geographic Society. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/global-warming/.
(2) Global Warming – NASA Earth Observatory. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GlobalWarming.
(3) Global warming | Definition, Causes, Effects, Solutions, & Facts. https://www.britannica.com/science/global-warming.
(4) . https://bing.com/search?q=global+warming+definition.
The ChatGPT response is nonsense, albeit tragically confusing nonsense, beginning with its statement “Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature.”
What on Earth does it mean by “long-term warming”? And since when did humans assume the primary role of the Sun in our solar system?
The physics, the universal thermodynamics is this: all forms of energy, immense and minuscule, exist as fleeting balances of the continuous, universal warming~cooling process. Warming and cooling form a dynamic, complementary process. Hence, for instance, our body exists at an average 37C and Earth’s surface stays at a sustaining average temperature of about 15C.
We learn early in our life that when sufficient thermal imbalance occurs in a liquid, then either it gets hotter and its temperature rises, a change of state occurs and the liquid transforms into a gas or it gets colder and its temperature falls, a change of state occurs and it transforms into a solid.
On a terrestrial scale, you and I exist because the average temperature of Earth surface has stayed relatively constant for billions of years enabling life forms to develop and thrive. Our local sun has in general been warming the planet at the same rate as it has been cooling all this time. This is the “global warming” that balances the constant cooling of the planet since life began.
This is the thermodynamic way of the continuously changing universe.
Every cell in our body senses this truth of our existence, values our place in the solar system and welcomes the constant global warming process.
The ChatGPT response is a most extraordinary social phenomenon because it reflects and generates a culture with severe autoimmune disease i.e. a society with a culture that is actively hostile to the life-support systems that sustain it.
ChatGPT is quoting our Anglosphere culture’s most esteemed authorities on atmospheric processes when it states that human activity, not our sun, “primarily causes global warming” and it perversely associates this life-enabling global process with malignancy.
In order to understand this insane behaviour it is helpful to understand our human condition with compassion. A key to this is to appreciate how the ego would have us deny our mortal, moral state amidst the universal flux. The ego would have us both deny we are mortal beings and to have us abdicate our roles as stewards.
Without sufficient compassion, it can easily have us us act in ways contrary to the principles of physics and then offset responsibility for our actions by blaming the universe for the problems we generate for ourselves.
The reality is we all exist on a planet where the “outer space” near it can get to 260C in the sun whereas in the shade it can be as low as minus 100C.
Earth’s atmosphere is fantastic at moderating these extreme temperatures but terrestrial events can disrupt its means of doing so.
Compassion reminds us the existence of Mankind depends on our actions conserving Earth’s exquisite thermal balance whereas the ego has us obfuscate this fundamental physics. The ego can even have us conflate “warming” with “warming-up” and “cooling” with “cooling-down”, thereby having us deny a change of temperature predicates a significant change of state and form. This profound self-deceit of the ego would have us believe that our actions do not have consequences and any global change caused by our actions is “normal”.
This gross denial of fundamental thermodynamic indicates the Anglosphere culture is founded in fatally flawed psychology~physics.
What is climate change?
ChatGPT Response:
Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place or in Earth’s climate as a whole . This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year, or a change in a place’s usual temperature for a month or season . Climate change can also refer to long-term shifts in global or regional climate patterns, especially a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels¹.
Climate change is different from natural variations in climate that occur over time scales of decades, centuries, or millennia. These natural variations are caused by factors such as changes in the Sun’s energy output, Earth’s orbital cycles, volcanic eruptions, or interactions between the atmosphere and oceans². Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture, and land use changes, have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat and warm the planet²³. This human-induced climate change is also called anthropogenic climate change or global warming².
Source: Conversation with Bing, 29/05/2023
(1) What Is Climate Change? | NASA. https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/what-is-climate-change-k4.html.
(2) . https://bing.com/search?q=climate+change+definition.
(3) What Is Climate Change? | United Nations – الأمم المتحدة. https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/what-is-climate-change.
(4) Climate Change – National Geographic Society. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/climate-change/.
This ChatGPT response defining “Climate Change” compounds the fatal nonsense of its response to the question “What is global warming?” It also conflates dangerous human-induced climate change with long-term climate change that has enabled human existence.
Again the contradiction, confusion, obfuscation and conflation is the manifestation of a culture in an ego-driven death spiral.
Again we see profound evidence of the Anglosphere culture being dysfunctional, if not dystopian, even terminal.
This has vast implications for all of Mankind because The Crown dialect of English informs global accounting systems, including:
– the UN International Panel on Climate Change;
– pollution “offsetting” or trading mechanisms, (ETS or Emissions Trading Schemes, of which Crown New Zealand is the global pioneer):
– authoritative education institutions such as NASA, WMO, NIWA and The Royal Society (of London).
There is not space here to deconstruct the dense, dangerous, reactionary nonsense of ChatGPT’s response. It is clearly the product of the ego, which ever would have us live in complete denial of the physics of universal change.
Compassion, in contrast, reminds us that the Conservation of Energy Principle holds: energy is the universal potential, all of which is active i.e. it is continuous transformation, continuous change. This includes Earth’s climate, which changes with fluctuations of Earth’s tilt, solar activity, tectonic activity, biological evolution and all other manner of change. All these changes act in accord with the fundamental principles of thermodynamics. Continuous warming~cooling being the way of the universe, so it is for Earth.
The psychology~physics of this experience is that compassion, the inclusive force of our psyche, sensitizes us to the reality that we each exist amidst the universal flux and climate change is our natural order. In other words climate change is neither good nor bad and we exist to the extent our actions are in harmony with the flows and balances that sustain Mankind.
The principles of information also hold: we are our language and thus AI based on the ego-derived Crown dialect of English must destroy us.
What is Greenhouse Gas?
ChatGPT Response:
A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy at thermal infrared wavelengths, causing the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the process by which the Earth’s atmosphere traps some of the heat that results when sunlight heats the Earth’s surface. This makes the Earth warmer than it would be without greenhouse gases. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), and ozone (O 3)¹².
Human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, have increased the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, which contributes to global warming. Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, causing about 3/4ths of global warming¹. Methane causes most of the remaining warming and lasts in the atmosphere for an average of 12 years¹.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/06/2023
(1) Greenhouse gas – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas.
(2) Greenhouse gas | Definition, Emissions, & Greenhouse Effect. https://www.britannica.com/science/greenhouse-gas.
(3) Greenhouse Gases | MIT Climate Portal. https://climate.mit.edu/explainers/greenhouse-gases.
Let us be very clear about two things:
(1) Earth’s atmosphere is very good at transforming heat around the planet by convection (wind, breezes, zephers, hurricanes etc) and relatively poor at transferring heat by conduction (atoms touching each other).
(2) Some atoms and molecules exist as very tiny portions of a system and yet they can play a critical role sustaining it. Some exist as a few hundred, even a few score, even a few dozen parts per million of the system. They are sometimes called “trace” elements or gases because we can only detect and measure their existence in the atmosphere using very sensitive devices.
However it is vital to understand how even extremely small changes in their quantities relative to the system they are in can transform it in massive ways. Indeed those small changes can destroy the system.
So why on Earth do nearly all of our English teachers, climatologists and self-styled “energy experts” evoke images and sensations in us of such an incredibly dynamic system as Earth’s atmosphere as being a “greenhouse” and persist in speaking of “greenhouse gases”? We are our language and perhaps their denial of fundamental thermodynamics reflects their unsustainable lifestyles?
For 150 years they have argued in circles with each other about the “scientific” details of “the greenhouse effect” while meticulously avoiding the psychology~physics of the role of greenhouses played in European culture.
The inconvenient truth for them is the greenhouse symbol was central to the English Combustion Revolution and the associated expansion of the Anglosphere Empire.
In brief, by the 17th C the presence of a large glasshouse (greenhouse) adjacent to their manors had become a symbol of the high status and prestige and power of overlords of feudal Europe, demonstrating their power over seasons and place.
This craze reached its zenith in 1850. This was a time of 48 revolutions across Europe mainland and the merchant bankers of City of London Corporation (The Crown) reacted by constructing The Crystal Palace as a symbol (a) asserting The Crown’s military~industrial might, (b) demonstrating its scientific genius and (c) proclaiming its dominance over the lands, oceans and peoples of Earth.
This potent psychopathy – especially the delusion that science is an amoral, deductive way of thinking – morphed into the Greenhouse World religion, which is fundamentally the belief some humans can geo-engineer Earth’s atmosphere at their will.
ChatGPT propagates and supercharges this delusion, making very likely that any child in the world asking an adult “What is a greenhouse gas?” will be presented with a plethora of images of planet Earth in a bottle, a car, a glasshouse or even under a giant plate of glass in the sky.
The reality is “greenhouse gases” are the artificial mixture of gases comprising air trapped in a greenhouses. That’s all.
What is warmer trace gas?
ChatGPT Response
A warmer trace gas is a trace gas that has the property of absorbing and emitting infrared radiation, causing the greenhouse effect. A trace gas is a gas that is present in small amounts within an environment such as a planet’s atmosphere. Trace gases in Earth’s atmosphere are gases other than nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9%), and argon (0.934%) which, in combination, make up 99.934% of its atmosphere (not including water vapor)¹.
The most important warmer trace gases found in Earth’s atmosphere are the so-called greenhouse gases. These warmer trace gases are called greenhouse gases because they help to keep Earth warm by absorbing light from the sun. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), nitrous oxide (N 2 O), and ozone (O 3)². Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, causing about 3/4ths of global warming².
Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/06/2023
(1) Trace gas – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trace_gas.
(2) Energy Gobbledegook. http://www.bonusjoules.co.nz/Energy%20Gobbledegook/Energy%20Gobbledegook%20.htm.
(3) Trace Gas | Encyclopedia.com. https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/energy-government-and-defense-magazines/trace-gas.
(4) Carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_in_Earth%27s_atmosphere.
(5) Steamy Relationships: How Atmospheric Water Vapor Amplifies Earth’s …. https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/ask-nasa-climate/3143/steamy-relationships-how-atmospheric-water-vapor-amplifies-earths-greenhouse-effect/.
“Warmer trace gases” are gases that both act as the principal warmers of Earth’s atmosphere and are significantly warmer than 99.9% atmospheric gases i.e. they are vital potent warmers though each gas is a mere trace, existing as a few tens or hundreds parts per million of the atmosphere.
The primary warmer trace gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.
Earth’s surface would be on average 33C cooler without them and each of them plays a critical role in sustaining life on Earth as we know it.
We mess with any of them at our grave peril because very small changes in their concentration and distribution can have major impacts on the flows and balances of Earth’s atmosphere that sustain Mankind.
However observe how ChatGPT demeans, diminishes and denies the thermodynamics of Earth’s atmosphere by equating “warmer trace gases” with “greenhouse gases” and the “Greenhouse World” religion.
These are subtle matters of the ego that are best understood with compassion.
In brief, ChatGPT propagates throughout our Anglo business and education systems the dangerous delusion of humans live in an artificial (man-made) greenhouse world . It inculcates and evokes in educators at every level – renowned professors and teachers of 5-year old children alike – the comfortable, subliminal thoughts and sensations of Earth’s atmosphere being the calm, moderated stillness we commonly experience in greenhouses.
The ego can easily capitalize on this deceit and desensitize us to the reality that Earth’s atmosphere is an exquisitely balanced, dynamic environment in which the proverbial flap of a butterflies wings can generate a hurricane on the other side of the planet according to Chaos Theory.
Equating Earth’s atmosphere with the atmosphere is a greenhouse also makes nonsense of the thermodynamics of insulation, which principally an exercise in limiting convection.
What is the greenhouse effect
Chat GPT Response
The greenhouse effect is a warming of Earth’s surface and troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) caused by the presence of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and certain other gases in the air. Of those gases, known as greenhouse gases, water vapour has the largest effect12.
The greenhouse effect happens when certain gases—known as greenhouse gases—collect in Earth’s atmosphere. These gases, which occur naturally in the atmosphere, include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases sometimes known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Greenhouse gases let the sun’s light shine onto Earth’s surface, but they trap the heat that reflects back up into the atmosphere. In this way, they act like the insulating glass walls of a greenhouse3.
The greenhouse effect keeps Earth’s climate comfortable. Without it, Earth’s surface would be about 33°C (59°F) cooler than it is now4. However, human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which enhances the greenhouse effect and causes global warming.
Learn more:
- climate.nasa.gov
- britannica.com
- nationalgeographic.org
- bing.com
- esrl.noaa.gov
- ugc.berkeley.edu
- ces.fau.edu
- nca2014.globalchange.gov
- britannica.com
- byjus.com
- niwa.co.nz
ChatGPT’s response encapsulates the essence of the Greenhouse World religion, which arose concurrently with the English Combustion Revolution and now in some ways transcends other great religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.
The huge question arises: what exactly is a religion? A brief answer is a system of faith characterized by a shared language, rituals and worldview of the universal reality, all these being manifest in the adherent’s behaviour and cultural performance.
Often adherents of one religion have more in common with those of another religion than with fellow adherents of their customary religion than they realize. and this will be manifest in their shared behaviour and language
Many people believe they embrace no religion and they are “not religious” yet they fervently embrace the Greenhouse Earth symbol and make it central to their worldview.
In brief, these reflections on ChatGPT’s responses form a catalogue illustrating how the Greenhouse World ethos generates a unique worldview with its own language. This belief system has all the characteristics of being a religion And any religion only sustains its adherents to the extent its central beliefs are founded in compassion and the principles of physics.
The above study of ChatGPT was not a planned event. It was a spontaneous action simply spurred by Microsoft’s offer one morning of 5 “free” questions per day for a week or so and my realization this might just provide a unique opportunity to test the sustainability of this form of AI.
Also I, like many billions of common folk around the planet, am acutely aware that our global Anglosphere Empire is now so extremely unsustainable that it imperils Mankind. especially as its Petrodollar hegemony implodes.
It is imperative we all gain any insight we can to avoid the catastrophic collapse of our society. I only know the English language and it seems to me all our Anglo national Authorities and academic treatises are failing us. Greater wisdom resides in ancient scriptures.
I have been endeavouring to establish a science in the communication of the nature of energy and climate processes for many years now. The Conservation of Energy Principle is my benchmark for evaluating the sustainability of word use. The 36 questions are designed to inform this endeavour and thus do not form a random sample of English words.
This said, the same method of psychoanalysis of a wide range of words and phrases in the Crown dialect of English indicates a similar lack of compassion and the comparative dominance of the ego, this being part of a syndrome involving a radical loss of balance this past three centuries coinciding with the English Combustion Revolution.
Information being physical, our use of language is subject to the principles of physics. Accordingly, ChatGPT reflects, propagates and amplifies the truth of our lifestyle and language. The above responses all tend to be exclusive on balance, indicating the dominance of the ego and an unhealthy lack of compassion.
This exclusivity is reflected, for instance, in the extremely narrow range of the 36 sources primarily used by ChatGPT:
Wikipedia = 17 uses
Bing (Microsoft) =16 uses
Merriam-Webster = 14 uses
Britannica.com = 12 uses
Cambridge Uni = 8 uses
Oxford Uni = 3 uses
Dictionary.com = 3 uses
Byvius = 3 uses
NASA = 3 uses
National Geographic=3 uses
ChatGPT used these 10 sources over 80 times in total while it used 3 sources twice (City of London, Our World in Data and the UN) .
23 sources were used once out of the total of about 110 sources used.
This exclusive use of sources supports my theses about the human condition and the physics of information in general. It is consistent with and supports the conclusion that any AI based on the Crown dialect of English must inherently be fatally flawed.
Surprising and profound evidence for my theses was ChatGPT’s use of my antiquated website bonus joules.co.nz where I first postulated the notion of “warmer trace gases” in 2002.
The observant reader may have noticed this term generated an entirely different ChatGPT response compared to the response to the notion of “greenhouse gases”. For instance, it provided the extraordinary statistics of trace atmospheric gases, whereas “greenhouse gases” fails to do this.
This has profound implications for our education systems and the value of teaching Chaos Theory from an early age i.e communicating the notion that small changes to trace elements can generate extremely potent changes.
In other words, “greenhouse gases” and “warmer trace gases” generate entirely different universes.
My conclusions are The Conservation of Energy Principle provides us with invaluable tools for evaluating and predicting our sustainability and we ChatGPT at our peril.
First Draft uploaded 25 April 2024
More discussion about using language founded in true hope of physics at