Work in progress 5 Dec 1014
Early 13th C | Art | Look up art at early 13c., "skill as a result of learning or practice | Assoc: skill |
Old English | Beon, beom, bion (be) | " exist, come to be, become, happen," | Assoc: exist, becoming |
Latin | Latin carbonem, carbo (Carbon) | "a coal, glowing coal; charcoal," | Assoc: combustion |
c.1200 | chaunge (change) | c.1200, "act or fact of changing," | Assoc: action |
Mid 13C | Col (coal) | "mineral consisting of fossilized carbon" | Assoc: mineral |
Old English | colian (cool) | "to lose warmth | Assoc: loss of heat, outflow of thermal energy |
Latin > Old French 9C | conservare > conserver (conserve) | "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain" | Assoc: caring |
Late Old English | (down) | shortened form of Old English ofdune "downwards," from dune "from the hil | Assoc: change of status, lowering, decreasing |
Latin | oeconomia (economy) | "household management, thrift," | Assoc: personal stewardship, care |
Latin | electrum > electricus (electric) | "resembling amber" -when rubbed the substance attracts other substances. | Assoc: invisible force, movement |
Latin | energia (energy) | "activity, action, operation," | Assoc: activity |
Late 14c. | environ (environment) | (implied in environing), "to surround, encircle, encompass," | Assoc: containment, enclosure, exclusion |
Early 13C Old French | forme (form) | "physical form, appearance, pleasing looks; shape, image," | Assoc: shape or appearance of something |
Latin | generare (generate) | "to beget, produce" | Assoc: creation |
Latin | potentia >potentialis (potential) | "power, might, force; | Assoc: great power, force |
Old French | povoir> pouair, (power) | "to be able," > c.1300, "ability; ability to act or do; strength, vigor, might," | Assoc: capacity to act > personal ability |
Latin > Old French | resurgere >resourdre > resource | "rise again" >"to rally, raise again," > "a source, spring," | Assoc: repeatable action /change > a source |
Old Latin > Old French Mid 14C | sciens >scientia > science | "to separate one thing from another" > "knowledge, a knowing; an expertness" (pre 12C) > "corpus of human knowledge" | Assoc: the act of division > systematized body of knowledge |
Old French 12C > 14C | trace | "mark, imprint, tracks" > "track made by passage of a person or thing," "vestiges" | indication something has been or is present |
Latin > Old French 14C >mid 14C | transformare > transformer (14c.) .transform (mid-14c.) | "change in shape, metamorphose," "change the form of" | Assoc: change of form, transformation |
Proto-Germanic > Old English | warmaz > wyrman and wearmian | "make warm" and "become warm;" | Assoc: to maintain the heat of something |
Proto-Germanic > Old English | "upp- up" > "up, uppe, | "up from below" | Assoc: rising |