Sustaining principle of energy:
True hope resides in symbol use that embraces universal change and personal stewardship.
Delusive hope (misery) resides in symbol use that denies change/stewardship
Website info
Contact: davemcarthur1 (at) gmail.com
All comments welcome . I look forward to reading and reflecting on them. However my current busy schedule plus my diplopia means writing is a slow, tiring process. I am unlikely to reciprocate your kindness, as I would like.
State: Draft distillation of 10,000s hours of research and reflection this century. The plan is to revise the whole website in 2017.
Objective: Promotion of science of communication of the nature of energy in general and climate care in particular.
Credits: While the insights are radical in our Anglosphere, sages through the ages have articulated them in the language of their culture.
Funding: Income from employment as a school cleaner.
Disclaimer: This analysis is based on universal principles of physics. No person, school or similar institution should construe it as a personal attack.
Sharing: This is a non-profit endeavour and you are free to share content without restriction.
Please retain all attributions provided with the illustrations.