Energy forms and perspectives

Summary reminder about this guide.

Our world view is simultaneously shaped by and reflected in our use of symbols. The human ego can easily generate very subtle and sophisticated rationales for any use of a symbol. This guide employs deep psychoanalysis founded in the profound wisdom of the principles of physics. It enables us to use that wisdom  to transcend the ingenious deceits and trickery of the ego so that our use of symbols sustains yin yang

True hope resides in symbol use that embraces change/stewardship.
Delusive hope resides in symbol use that denies change/stewardship.


Symbol: Forms of Energy


antennae galaxies
wiki antennae galaxies
Webmd photo of 8 week fetus

True Hope: Energy can exist in countless forms, a few of which are manifest to us. Each form  is transient. It is the product of a unique momentary balance in the universal flow of energy.  We experience true hope when we embrace the physics of change and give each form a symbol reflecting its unique characteristics.  Thus we can transcend the trickery of the ego and paradox,  in particular this paradox: embracing the uniqueness of each form enables us to experience energy most fully.


Delusive Hope: “Energy forms are either potential or kinetic. Potential energy comes in forms that are stored including — chemical, gravitational, mechanical, and nuclear. Kinetic energy forms are doing work — like electrical, heat, light, motion, and sound.”
Quote US EIA (part of US Department of Energy)

US Energy Information Administration Definition of “Forms of Energy”

Comment This belief system is endemic in Anglo-American society. It forms a classic example of  the ego’s activities and its profound propensity to deny change. Reality is countless, transient forms. This belief of the ego denies reality by confusing and limiting our sentience of:
(1) the universal potential – kinetic energy is considered distinct to potential energy i.e. it is not considered an inherent element of potential energy.
(2) the continuous universal transformation – it is believed there are only a dozen or so forms of energy in existence instead of countless forms.
(3) the unique transient nature of all things – by confusing forms with perspectives the ego  suppresses awareness of the myriad properties of any and all things.


  Symbol: Perspectives of Energy

wiki helium atom. Any atom can be manifest in many ways, including from kinetic, thermal, gravitational, light, chemical, electrical and other perspectives

True Hope: Any form of energy can be observed from many perspectives, including its thermal, gravitational, electromagnetic, kinetic, chemical and other potentials. Each thing in existence has unique properties and its nature tends to be more easily manifest from some perspectives than others.
When we give each form a symbol according to its unique properties we are better able to reflect reality and enjoy greater harmony with all. This is because we can give greater care to conserving its potential and we are opened to the greater potential of the object.

 Delusive Hope: Forms of energy = Perspectives of Energy

US Energy Information Administration Definition of “Forms of Energy”

US_EIA_Energy_formsComment. See commentary explaining delusive uses of the “forms of energy” symbol. The ego’s confusion of forms and perspectives denies one of the fundamental principles of change, which is that anything can be manifest from a great variety of perspectives. This principle reminds us in the paradox that the more we know anything the more we become aware of what we do not know of it.
We can transcend this paradox by embracing our uncertainty and mortality with compassion.


  Symbol:  Energy is Potential

True Hope: The “potential” symbol arises from the Proto-Indo-European symbol “potis” meaning “powerful”, “to be able”.
Energy is the universal potential, which includes all that is and all that could be.
In any moment only a merest trace element of the universal potential is actualized or realized and the reality formed continuously transforms.

3D_Universe 3D infrared manifestation of our local universe –

It is humbling and awe-inspiring to realize that what is manifest is the merest trace element of that which is realized in any moment .
Neither the realized or the non-realized are the universal potential though both are of the potential. The experience of compassion – humility in particular – enables us to transcend this grand paradox of existence.

wiki balanced rock. The atoms of the rock are in ceaseless motion and the rock constantly moves through the cosmos. It is a continuing potent force in the mind of the viewer because it does have the gravitational potential to fall down.
wiki balanced rock. The atoms of the rock are in ceaseless motion and the rock continually moves through the cosmos.

It is liberating to realize that any and all things can be understood from many perspectives (e.g. kinetic, thermal, electrical, gravitational, chemical, nuclear etc) and each sentient being has its own unique perspective.
The rock is a continuing potent force in the mind of the viewer because they perceive it to have the gravitational potential to fall down on them. It actively dissuades people living under it.


Delusive Hope There are two forms of energy: potential energy and kinetic energy.  

Comment The thought process cannot comprehend paradox i.e.cope with contradictory elements in the same moment.  It registers them as either/ or rather than as complementary elements .
The ego tends to deny change/stewardship with its implicit reminder of mortality and the fallible trace nature of human beings .

wiki balanced rock. The atoms of the rock are in ceaseless motion and the rock constantly moves through the cosmos. It is a continuing potent force in the mind of the viewer because it does have the gravitational potential to fall down.
wiki balanced rock. It is common to teach that the rock has potential energy but no kinetic energy. If the rock falls down the potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy and it will have no potential energy left when it reaches the ground.

These two elements of the human psyche combine in profound ways to deny the universal, continuously transforming potential.
Observe how they deny most of the universal change by associating potential with the stationary (unmoving) state i.e kinetic energy is the realization universal potential rather than just one way of looking at things.
In the example of the rock, its nuclear  and cosmic movement are obscured, as is the manifestation of its forces in the evolving human brain.
Similarly we become oblivious to its realization of the universal potential from electrical, chemical, thermal and other perspectives.