14 July 2024
Formal Complaint BSA – McArthur v RNZ

3 March 2024
ChatGPT at Our Peril

In particular, it details an evaluation of ChatGPT, which is based on The Crown dialect of English, the dominant language of our contemporary Anglo culture. This dialect arose with the English Combustion Revolution and the associated belief that Earth’s atmosphere works like a greenhouse.
The conclusion is that ChatGPT, like all similar AI, puts us at grave peril.
10 Feb 2024
Reflections on Treasuring the Transcendent Power of Words

to conserving and using words and phrases that enable us to transcend paradox.
The Medium.com series of “What is…. ?! essays
This page links to What is….?!” essays stored on this website .
Each essay discusses the unique universe (s) that we can experience in a word or phrase. However the essays are all linked by a common psychology~physics and use of etymology. All discuss and employ the principles of energy as their prime means of evaluating how sustainable the meaning of the word or phrase has been over millennia i.e. what sort of universe the word or phrase use generates.
You are invited to read the essays at https://medium.com/@davemcarthur
- What is Physics?
Why our prevailing notion of physics is poison and how compassion is the remedy. - Medium series Part 12
- 5 August 2023
- What is Physics?
Medium part 1 Tongue-tied by the English Language
(On untying the bonds of the mother tongue)
Medium part 2 What’s in a Word?
Medium part 3 What is Energy?
Medium part 4 What is Power?
Medium part 5 What is Economy?
Medium part 6 What is Warming- Up?
Medium part 7 What is a Fossil Fuel?
Medium part 8 What is a Resource?
Medium part 9 What’s with The Ego~Compassion?
Medium part 10 What’s The Environment?
Medium part 11 What or Who is A Conservative
Medium part 12 What is Physics?
Medium part 13 What is Science?
16 October 2021
Blah Blah Blah v Civics COP26

28th September 2021. Greta Thunberg, a young citizen of Sweden, delivers a speech during the opening plenary session of the Youth4Climate summit in Milan, Italy. She describes commonly used English words and expressions of “Climate Care” as “blah, blah, blah” i.e. as deceitful, delusional and morally bankrupt.
Greta’s “blah, blah, blah” speech reverberates around planet Earth and resonates in profound ways in many people. Deep in our guts we knows the truth she speaks. In my instance, it supports my growing belief this past two decades that the prevalence of “Energy Gobbledy-gook” is a recipe for dystopia, an existential threat to Mankind’s existence.