Global Anglosphere Dialect of English IMPACT

Is English a Language of True Hope or Delusive Hope?

Behemoth, bully, thief: how the English language 
is taking over the planet
No language in history has dominated the world
quite like English does today.
Is there any point in resisting?
By Jacob Mikanowskit

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“English represents the oldest dream for a 
better world, the dream of a universal language
that allows people everywhere to commune and
work together ”-Scott Montgomery.
English adapts to the needs of people speaking
it more than it shapes those people’s ideas or ideals.
English is not “an infestation.”

Read Post By Brian Gallagher here

On Languages and Their Dialects

All the spoken languages of humankind, regardless of the number of dialects we divide them into, share profound properties in common:

  • they are born of and reflect the human condition, the ego and compassion in particular;
  • information is physical and all language is subject to the principles of energy;
  • no word can convey paradox and all existence involves paradox;
  • any use of a word simultaneously reflects and generates the state of being of the user;
  • a word use tends to sustain or imperil the user to the extent it embraces or denies the principles of physics.

Note re Guardian statement the expansive notion that different languages inculcate fundamentally different ways of thinking is not been proven.”
The thought process is incapable of “proving” paradox. However we are able to transcend paradox and experience to some degree the reality that light is dark, quantum is continuous, silence is sound, reflection is generation, self is non-self…

General statement of physics:
The Conservation of Energy Principle is in all probability our most truthful symbol of reality, our most wise and sustaining guide. It advises us thus:
Energy is the universal potential, all of which is active.
Power is our measure of the rate the universal potential is manifest P=E/T.

General statement of psychology:
Existence being paradox, the human psyche consists of complementary elements e.g.
The ego, the exclusive, divisive know-all element in each of us, abhors all reminders of our mortality and thus generates incredible, ingenious rationales denying the Conservation of Energy Principle even as compassion, the inclusive, inquiring element in us enables us to embrace its truths of the universal transformation.
We experience the ego as delusive hopes (psychopathic and psychotic behaviour) and compassion as true hopes (harmonious and sustaining behaviour


The above discussion begets a more precise re-framing of the prime question: could it be the Anglosphere dialect, an English dialect of unprecedented force, has become an infestation or plague?


The Anglosphere dialect of English, which originated in the city of London with the advent of the Combustion Revolution about 250 years ago, has now become the dominant language of global interactions and informs almost every aspect of our lives in extremely wasteful, disempowering and divisive ways.
(Compare the summary conclusion of the Nautilus article: “English represents the oldest dream for a better world, the dream of a universal language that allows people everywhere to commune and work together.” -Scott Montgomery.)

Fundamental Axioms of the Anglosphere Dialect

Every dialect is defined by its unique characteristics. A unique foundation belief of the Anglosphere Dialect is the conflation of prime symbols as in the following extremely potent equation:
Energy = Fossil Fuels = Power = Electricity = Bulk-generated Electrical Products.

The conflation of these prime symbols denies the reality of the Conservation of Energy Principle i.e. this equation reflects/generates complete non-science.
A plethora of subsidiary symbols of denial compounds this fatally flawed equation e.g. delusions such as “renewable energy”, “clean energy”, “sustainable energy” “energy and minerals/resources/” “new energy”, “energy sector”, “conserving energy”, “saving energy”, and other delusions.
Compare the reality of the Conservation of Energy Principle: energy is conserved, sustained, renewed and, in general, is the ultimate resource – energy continuously arises. Humans can only conserve forms of energy, this in a limited way.

Method, Preliminary Results and Conclusion

Method Perform Internet searches of nation states for the use and prevalence of “energy” and “power” in their Government framework.
Preliminary results: See table below
Summary draft conclusion: All nations surveyed have governance structures formulated in accord with the Anglosphere dialect of English i.e. in profound denial of the principles of energy. This supports the thesis that the dialect is a major threat to the civil existence of humankind.
Note 12 Sept 2019: I discovered The Wiki page “Ministry of Energy” subsequent to the general search. It supports the prevalence of the Anglosphere language of energy . See screenshot below

Example of how the Anglosphere dialect of English, the dominant global Business Language, informs the governance structures of all nations.
Anglosphere (Note: Larger samples of Anglosphere dialect provided for these five countries.
Britain (“UK”)
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK National Energy and Climate Plan, Clean Energy Package,
ex Ministry of Fuel and Power ( ex Secretary for Power, Secretary for Petroleum) ,
then in 1974 becomes Department of Energy with Secretary of State for Energy
New Zealand
Minister of Energy and Resources (ex Minister of Energy c1977 ex Minister of
Energy Resources c 1974 ex Minister of Electricity, Minister of Mines)
(“Description – Responsibilities include oversight of the management of the Crown mineral estate, allocation and management of petroleum and mineral permits, management of relevant geoscience data, ensuring well-functioning and competitive energy markets, promoting energy productivity and efficiency improvements, and supporting the transition to a lower emissions economy.”
Crown entities: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority,
Electricity Authority.
Other organisations: Gas Industry Company, Gas Rulings Panel, Electricity
Rulings Panel”
Legislation: …Crown Minerals Act 1991, Electricity Act 1992, Electricity Industry
Act 2010, Energy Companies Act 1992, Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Act 2000, Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Act 1989, Energy Resources
Levy Act 1976, Energy Resources Levy Act 1976, Gas Act 1992
International Energy Agreement Act 1976…
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Compare electricity and gas plans Energy Made Wonderful | New Zealand Power Company Compare NZ Power Companies Prices. Switch Energy Suppliers. NZ Power Company & Renewable Power Generator
Department of the environment and energy, Australian energy statistics. Australian energy resources, Australian energy market commission Australian energy regulator, Australian renewable energy agency, clean energy Finance Corp, energy consumers Australia, clean energy regulator,
Find an energy plan. We compare all the retailers to help select the right plan
(Electricity, Gas, Electricity and Gas)
Energy we sell it, ready for a green power company? 100% carbon neutral energy, we have great community energy programs..
” Energy is critically important to the Canadian economy as Canada is among the largest energy producers and the highest per-capita energy consumers in the world…”
Your electricity bill – energy tips, View energy prices, Ontario energy report, popular energy pages, international energy demonstration fund, energy and water use, energy savings.. Department of energy and mines.
The Ministry is responsible for the following Crown Corporations: BC Hydro, Columbia Power Corporation, BC Oil and Gas Commission and Columbia Basin Trust.
United States of America
Clean energy, energy economy, save energy, the new American energy era, veterans@energy,
“Our Mission
The Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) leads the Department’s efforts to develop and execute international energy policy to promote: energy security for the United States and its partners and allies; U.S. economic growth that benefits American business and people; and global political stability and prosperity through energy development.
Key Topics :
Transatlantic Energy Security
Energy Resource Governance
Asia EDGE (Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy)
Energy Sanctions
Energy Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean …” US Energy Information Administration
Energy kids, saving energy, energy calculators, renewable energy, nonrenewable energy,
US energy consumption by energy source (petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear Electric Power, renewable energy)
Southeast Asia
India (National Portal of India):
Ministry of Power, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,
Power and Energy, Conservation of Energy, Renewable Energy, POWERGRID,
Federal Ministry of Energy, Alternative Energy Development,
National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Central power Purchasing Agency,
Sri Lanka
Ministry of Power Energy and Business Development,
Sustainable Energy Authority, Sri Lanka Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh Energy Regulating Commission
Hong Kong (
Energy… Energy resources, Renewable Energy, energy consumption,
New and Renewable Energy, Power Generation, Energy Saving Tips, Energy Audit, Power Supply Companies
Singapore (Singapore International Energy Week
Organisers = Energy Market Authority, Energy Studies Institute, …”leading platforms for energy stakeholders to discuss energy matters”
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Energy Corner
Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Investment Opportunities, Energy Data Center of the Philippines, National Renewable Energy Program, Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP),
The Department of Energy …Presidential Decree No. 1206 which created the Ministry of Energy and attached the National Power Corporation and Philippine National Oil Company to this new agency. Also Republic Act No. 7638 aka Department of Energy Act of 1992…pertinent energy and power related legislations…1987 the Board of Energy was reconstituted into the Energy Regulatory Board (ERB)…the power to fix and regulate the power rates of private electric utilities was transferred to the ERB… Office of Energy Affairs (OEA)…functions exercised by the National Coal Authority relating to the coal industry…The Energy Development Board…
Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (Malaysia)
2018 – After the general election to 14 (PRU-14), the entire component of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Green Technology and Energy Components from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and related components of Climate Change and Environment from the Ministry of Natural resources and Environment (NRE) has been restructured and formed the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC).
Vision: Energy sustainability, wealth creation through science and technology and environmental sustainability
Mission: Manage energy resources strategically to optimize renewable energy and energy efficiency services as well as to ensure continuous supply of electricity that is affordable and sustainable …
Main Focuses: Green and Efficient Energy Sector…
Net Energy Metering Scheme (NEM), Energy Audit
Papua New Guineau
Department of Petroleum and Energy, Minister for Energy
METI Agency for Natural Resources and Energy = New Energy Foundation (NEF)External Site Link
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National CorporationExternal Site Link
Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ)External Site Link
Petroleum Energy Center (PEC)External Site Link
Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC)External Site Link
Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.External Site Link
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)External Site Link
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)External Site Link
Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC) (available only in Japanese)External Site Link
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF)External Site Link
Japan Gas Association (JGA)External Site Link
Energy Conservation Center
Korea (South) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)
MTI was merged with the Ministry of Energy and Resources, an agency launched in 1977 to ensure stable energy supply… Minister for Energy and Resources. RenewableEnergy
Office of Energy and Resources Director General for Energy Innovation Policy Energy Innovation Policy Division Energy Efficiency Division Electric Power Division Electricity Market Division Smart Grids, Transmission &Distribution and District Heating Division
Director General for Resources Industry Policy Resources Security Policy Division Petroleum Division Gas Division Coal and Mineral Resources Division Energy Safety Division
Director General for Nuclear Power Policy Nuclear Power Policy Division Nuclear Power Cooperation Division Nuclear Power Environment Division
New and Renewable Energy Policy Bureau New and Renewable Energy Policy Division Renewable Energy Division New Energy Division Energy Technology Division

Korea (North) No access to Government structure by search of “energy”.
Kim “While taking measures for generating electricity to the maximum at existing power stations, we should draw up correct prospective plans for radically easing the strain on electricity supply and exert ourselves to carry them out. It is important to produce more electricity with priority given to hydraulic resources, and by using wind, geothermal, solar and other kinds of natural energy…The electric power industry should maintain and reinforce the self-supporting power generation bases, and direct a great deal of efforts to developing new power sources Provinces should build power generation bases to suit their local features and put power generation at the existing medium and small-sized power station on normal footing to satisfy the needs of electric power for local industry by themselves…”
The Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority of Vietnam (EREA)
Vietnam Electricity Group: Subsidiaries: National Power Transmission Corporation Power Generation Corporation No. 1 Power Generation Corporation No. 2 Power Generation Corporation No. 3
Northern Power Corporation Central Power Corporation Southern Power Corporation Hanoi City Power Corporation Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation National Load Dispatch Center Electric Power Trading Company
PetroVietnam: Vietnam Oil and Gas Group … Petrovietnam is engaged in the energy sector, including oil and gas and renewable energy…
Ministry of Electricity and Energy:Department of electric power and planning. Oil and gas planning department. Department of power transmission and system control. Electric power generation enterprise. Electricity supply enterprise. Myanmar oil and gas enterprise. Myanmar petrochemical enterprise. Yangon electricity Supply Corporation. Mandalay electricity Supply Corporation.
Lao Ministry of Energy and Mines
Laos’ International Power & Electrical Engineering Exhibition. Lao Energy’20. Power Supply, power development, power generation, energy resources, power trade, energy tariff, clean energy, energy export, energy efficiency and conservation, smart energy, energy block chain, energy technology, (Plenary Remarks by H E Thongphath Inthavong Vice Minister for Energy and Mines, Lao PDR)  
Ministry of mines and energy: General Department of mineral resources. General Department of energy. General Department of petroleum. Electricity Authority Cambodia.
West Asia
Iran –
Ministry of Energy (ex Ministry of Energy: Energy Information Center, Ministry of Energy: Water & Wastewater Engineering (Persian)
Ministry of Petroleum) Renewable energy sector
General Policies Instructed by Supreme Leader for Energy Sector
Energy Minister… stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran would like to continue its activities in the region as the focal point and hub of energy activities… (oil gas electricity)
Ministry of Oil. Ministry of Electricity. (Minister of Electricity – Republic of Iraq. Previously the founding director of Iraq Energy Institute, Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy (Columbia University-SIPA) and a former Foreign Policy Fellow at Brookings Institution.)
Iraq Energy Forum, Iraq Energy Institute Energy industry, energy sector,
North Africa
Ministry of Electricity and Energy: energy generation, electric energy prices, electric energy production & consumption, Renewable Energy,
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources-investment …making decisions that are related to the future of the world’s energy.
Minister of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development = Mines and hydrocarbons. Energy. (Energy = electricity: Ensuring security of suppl Expand the access to energy at optimized prices, Mobilize domestic energy resources, primarily significant potential in renewable energy, Promote energy efficiency, Integrate Morocco in the regional energy system…
Apply upstream of environmental protection regimes in all energy activities.
( No information available - civic structures destroyed)
Ministry of Energy and Mining. =Oil Products Distribution. Mining. Electricity and Gas Distribution. Environment. New and Renewable Energies. Hydrocarbons.
Algeria Future Energy – meet Algeria’s Energy Decision Makers…meet leaders and decision makers from across the oil and gas value chain
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines: Exploration et production d’hydrocarbures. Production, transport et distribution d’électricité. Distribution et transport du gaz. Maîtrise de l’énergie et énergies renouvelables
Sudan (South)
Ministry of Energy and Dams, Ministry of Petroleum of South Sudan,
South Sudan Oil & Power conference in partnership and with the endorsement of the Ministry of Petroleum of South Sudan
State Minister of Energy Sector, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity
Electricity/Alternative Energy Technology …Coordinate all renewable energy technology …Increase access to affordable modern energy means,… energy technologies…Create awareness on energy related matters…
West Africa
Ministry of Petroleum Resources,
ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,,
Federal Ministry of Power, Energy Commission of Nigeria,
National Energy Databank.
National energy policy, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Power Africa, Rural Renewable Energy Agency
Energy Commissioner, Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
East Africa
Ministry of Energy, Kenya Power
TANESCO Reliable power, Conserve Energy, “economical, efficient”,
Ministry of Energy and Minerals – now Ministry of Energy (National Energy Policy,
Rural Energy Act, Oil and Gas Revenues Act Energy News Bulletin etc)
Southern Africa
South Africa
Department of Energy, Clean Energy, Energy Statistics, Promote Energy Saving,
Energy and Environment Partnership,
ESKOM -Powering Your World, Optimise Energy, Energy Advisory
Zimbabwe (
Ministry of Energy and Power Development, Energy Sector, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy, Energy Regulatory Bill,
Namibia Energy Institute, Ministry of Mines and Energy,
NamPower, Powerpride, Powering the Nation
Central Asia
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (Electric Energy Industry. Oil and gas industry. Atomic
industry. Ecology. Subsurface use.
Renewable energy auctions, «Green» economy
Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Also known as: National Energy Holding
Provides supervision, planning, regulations and management of energy,
water and petroleum sectors.
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan N/A
Energy sector: Tajik energy system, consisting mainly of hydro power plants, green power, The power supply, Coal mining, Alternative energy
Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan:
Development of Energy Industry of Turkmenistan, The development of
sustainable energy is the focus of the Energy Charter Conference,
Regional Energy Cooperation in Central and South Asia (RECA), the power
industry of Turkmenistan is transformed every year and its material
and technical base is strengthened thanks to the tireless care of
the distinguished President of Turkmenistan.
Uzbekistan 5 Feb 2019
The Ministry of Energy created in Uzbekistan – The new state body unites
the Agency for the Development of Nuclear Energy (UzAtom), State
Inspection for the Control of the Use of Petroleum Products and Gas, and
State Inspections for Supervision in the Power Industry.
Ministry of Energy and Water
Deputy of Energy. Institute of Energy. Energy Policy Department. Advisory Services Energy Engineering. Renewable Energy Department. Rural Energy Coordination Committee
“We are pursuing a regional binding policy, Afghanistan is becoming an energy corridor between Middle Asia and South Asia”
Latin America
Secretariat of Energy (Electric Power. Hydrocarbons. Energy Planning. Savings and Energy Efficiency.Dead Cow =fossilized oil/gas deposit.)
Energy Sector, Renewable Energy, Regional Energy Integration Commission, Energy Matrix
“We promote the development of oil and gas, pillars of our energy matrix.”
Built in Power, Energy Infrastructure.
Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy
Chamber of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Bolivia Gas and Energy Congress. 8th Energy Congress, Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Minister of Energy, “Energy heart of Latin America” – (President Morales)
Ministry of mines and energy (Electric Power. Mining and Metals. Oil and Gas. Energy Auction. Energy Generation)
renewable energy, national energy policy Council, Energy consumers, energy statistics, Secretariat of Energy Planning and Development, SIEBRAZIL (Energy Information System)
Ministerio de Energia, Renewable Energia, Energia Zero Carbon, Energia Renovables, Guestiona Energia, Abierta Energia, Buena Energia, Communa Energetic, Energia Descarrollo Integral
Ministry of Mines and Energy – coordinate mining and energy sectors, energy regulations, energy generation, nonrenewable natural resources, Mission: sustainable use of mining and energy resources.
Power generation, energy demand, International Power Network, energy production, Energy Market, power demand, National Energy Plan, Unit of Mining and Energy Planning
Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, National Centre for Energy Control ( =Electrico Sector), National Centre for Energy Control
Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru, Mining and Energy Executive Roundtable (mining, hydrocarbonand electricity investors), Energy Planning Office
Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy Administración Nacional de Electricidad (ANDE) = energia
Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
Dirección Nacional de Energía – National Energy Directorate (Electric Power. Mining and Metals. Oil and Gas) Energy Saving Goal
Minister of Energy and Petroleum PDVSA
La Secretaría de Energía, The Energy Sector Outlooks are planning tools which provide reliable information about the current situation of the domestic energy market, at regional and sectoral levels…SENER (Secretaría de Energía) requested that Power Auctions …The Public Policy on Minimum Stocks of Oil Products will strengthen Mexico’s energy security…
China Formation 2010
National Energy Administration (NEA)
NEA is responsible for formulating and implementing energy development plans and industrial policies; promoting institutional reform in the energy sector; administering energy sectors including coal, oil, natural gas, power (including nuclear power), new and renewable energy and etc.; taking charge of energy conservation, comprehensive utilization of resources in the energy sector; guiding scientific and technological advancement; organizing and carrying out the R&D of important equipment and guiding the assimilation and innovation of imported complete sets of major equipment; organizing and coordinating key energy-related demonstration projects and promoting the deployment of new products, new technologies and new equipments; approving, reviewing, or examining fixed asset investment projects of the energy sector within national plans and the scale of annual plans in accordance with the authority stipulated by the State Council; conducting energy forecasting and precaution and participating in energy operation coordination and emergency preparedness; formulating and implementing national oil reserve plans and polices; taking the lead in launching international energy cooperation; participating in the formulation of policies related to energy such as resources, finance and taxation, environment protection, and addressing climate change; making recommendations on energy price adjustment and imports and exports aggregate; and undertaking the daily work of the National Energy Commission.
Reuters March 8, 2018 China plans to create an energy ministry to oversee the country’s vast oil, natural gas, coal and power sectors …
EU (European Union)
Energy strategy and energy union, Clean energy, Renewable energy, Energy Union Strategy, European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators , Energy Security (= gas, oil, electricity) Energy consumer rights, EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy,
Trans-European Networks for Energy (= gas, oil, electricity)
energy transition, changing energy market,
…investing in a sustainable energy future for Europe…Summaries of EU legislation on energy…aims to create a sustainable energy sector …Renew able energy… Energy label and ecodesign…European energy union…sustainable energy system…energy projects…Energy funding opportunities…CEF investments fill the missing links in Europe’s energy, transport and digital backbone…
Priority… Energy union and climate… Making energy more secure, afford able and sustainable… Energy should flow freely across the EU … New energy market design (=EU Electricity Market)…empowering energy consumers…energy services…helping energy cross borders…
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Russian fuel and energy complex: oil, gas, coal, electricity production.
The Ministry of Energy (Minenergo) is a federal executive body responsible for drafting and implementing government policy and legal regulation in the oil and fuel sector, including issues related to the electric power industry, oil production, oil processing, gas, fuel, peat and shale industries, major oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas products, renewable energy sources, development of hydrocarbon fields on the basis of production-sharing agreements, and the petrochemical industry;
providing state services and managing state property in the production and use of oil and fuel resources.

Research is incomplete and this page under construction
10 Sept 2019
Note Included above countries are those listed by Scott Montgomery as proving that “At the spoken level the (English) language has become decidedly, inevitably plural.”