The Medium.Com Essays

This page links to What is….?!” essays stored on this website .
Each essay discusses the unique universe(s) that we can experience in a word or phrase. However the essays are all linked by a common psychology~physics and use of etymology. All discuss and employ the principles of energy as their prime means of evaluating how sustainable the meaning of the word or phrase has been over millennia i.e. what sort of universe the word or phrase use generates.
You are invited to read the essays at

Medium series Part 12
5 August 2023
What is Physics?

Medium series Part 11
22 May 2023
What and Who is a Conservative?


Medium series Part 10
23 April 2023

What is The Environment?

Medium series Part 9
26 February 2023
What’s with The Ego~Compassion

Medium Series Part 8
31 January 2023
What is A Resource?

Medium Series Part 7
December 2022
What is a Fossil Fuel

Medium Series Part 6
November 2022
What is Warming-up?

Medium Series part 5
4 October 2022
What is Economy

“If you want the truth, ask a child

French proverb.

It is said this is a French proverb. Surely mankind has many variations on this truth. However, how many cultures around the planet actually embrace its essential message?

Medium Series part 4
8 September 2022
What is Power?

What is “power”?
Ask this question and some people raise a clenched fist.
Some embrace a long car bonnet. Others wave a fist full of money. Some pat their assault rifle or rocket launcher. Others hold up a cross or crescent.
Some gesture to the sun in the sky and speak of energy. Others motion to the heavens and speak of God…

Medium Series part 3
7 August 2022
What is Energy?

Hmmm, “energy” or “god”? Which of these is the most potent word in the English language nowadays?

Medium Series part 2
1 June 2022
What’s in a Word?

“If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things.
It is said that Confucius warned us thus 2.5 millennia ago.

Medium Series part 1
4 March 2022
Tongue-tied by the English Language
(On untying the bonds of the mother tongue

Awakening to a Revelation
The question arises: how would you respond if one morning you woke up with the realization, “Woh, my mother tongue, the language that most expresses my being, is actually my own worst enemy and it now threatens the existence of mankind!”